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1、1,六级完型填空&写作,袁 华,2,英语六级完形填空解题步骤及技巧,四六级考试中的完形填空不仅测试应试者在词汇和句子水平上运用语言的能力 还测试应试者在语篇上综合运用语言结构的能力。 完形填空中所填的词是与文章的上下文紧密联系的。因此,要做好完形填空,必须要在通读全文、把握结构与大意的前提下,根据所提供的选项及句子的结构、语法、语篇等信息,通过逻辑推理、对比等手段最后确定答案。 根据如上特点,结合样题来说明一下解答完型填空的步骤与技巧。,3,1、通读原文,了解大意,这项考试首先是测试考生对篇章的理解能力。虽然所给出的文章被抽去了20个词,但是整篇文章的内容仍是可以理解的。文章的主题句说明了本文

2、所叙述的内容。我们在通读文章时,对于文章的第一句一定要加以注意,因为完型填空的第一句一般是不命题的,其目的就是要我们比较容易地掌握文章的主旨。,4,2、细读文章、初选答案,完型填空综合了词汇、结构以及阅读理解部分的测试内容,一般包括动词、介词搭配,词汇辨析(包括形近词和意近词 、固定搭配以及语法结构等等)。,5,(1)词汇辨析 选项与选项之间构成形近词、意近词的关系。有时出题者也借助选项,考察考生对某些单词词义的精确理解。这类题在完型填空题中居多,基本都是四大类实义词(名词、动词、形容词和副词)的辨析。例如题 save, preserve, raise 以及 retain 的辨析,结合后面提示

3、我们的词“money”,不难选择出正确答案 save。而 preserve 有保留、保存、保护的意思,raise 也是及物动词,常与不及物动词 rise 混淆。retain 含有词根 re,retain 有保留的意思。 (2)介词辨析 介词的用法中多考察介词与名词、介词与形容词及及介词与动词的搭配和用法。例如固定搭配add to 意为“增加”。 (3)固定搭配 (4)) 语法结构 主要是指主语从句、宾语从句,定语从句以及一些其他语法现象等等。,6,3、回头补缺、核实答案,在做题时,如果有的难题一时做不出来,应立刻跳过此题,继续往下做。不要在某一题上花费大量的时间,随着空格变得越来越少,对文章的

4、理解会越来越轻松,有时就能从下文的线索和暗示中找到答案,这样再回过头来填上答案,也未为晚也。 题目填完后(除个别难度较大的题目外),考生应利用一到两分钟将答案带入原文通读 通读的目的是通过“语感”来核实答案。这样读下来,不仅可以改正填错的词,而且还可以在这一过程中得到启发 把做不上来的题目填出来。,7,Sample practice,2012年12月六级多题多卷真题-完形填空汇总 见附件,8,2012.12.23 CET6 作文一,Part Writing (30minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to

5、write an essay entitled Man and Computer by commenting on the saying, “The real danger is not that the computer will begin to think like man, but that man will begin to think like the computer.” You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Man and Computer,9,本次六级作文的题目是人与电脑,对“真正的危险

6、不是电脑开始像人一样思考,而是人开始像电脑一样思考。”这句话发表自己的观点。题目不算新,一般考生对此都比较熟悉,所以对考生来说难度不大。写好这篇作文,需要抓住两点,一是紧跟题目要求,即对这句引言做出评论,二是在评论的基础上要亮出自己的观点。,10,范文1,Ever since the birth of it, the computer has largely changed human beings life and there has been a hot debate about its effects on humans. Undeniably, computers have taken

7、 the place of humans in many areas and it seems that computers begin to think like man, but this does not necessarily lead to the danger that man will think like computers. The reasons, in my opinion, are as follows. Firstly, when computers release human from repetitive tasks, humans themselves can

8、spend more time on creative works, such as scientific research, which require imagination and cannot be completed by computers.,11,Meanwhile, thanks to computers, humans get more spare time with their friends and family, which enhances their happiness. Moreover, even though computers can work automa

9、tically, the premise is that the program, which is written by humans, has been installed in it. In conclusion, humans, unlike computers, have creative ability, emotional desires and social bounds. Thus, I dont think that there will be the danger that man will begin to think like the computer.,12,范文2

10、,It is believed that the computer is bringing the world into a brand new era. At the time the computer was invented, scientists, marveling at its calculating speed, felt that they had created a miracle. Nowadays, the function of the computer is no longer confined to calculation; it permeates peoples

11、 daily lives and has become an inseparable part of human society. 范文第一段首先 陈述电脑自发明以来对人们生活的深刻的影响, 从而为第二段内容的陈述奠定基础。,13,People become so heavily dependent on computers that it is hard to imagine the life without computers. Therefore, some people are worried that “The real danger is not that the computer

12、 will think like man, but man will think like the computer.” Their concern does make sense. Indeed, some people spend such a long time working on computers that they have few interactions with people in real life. According to a research, too many hours in front of a computer may lead to a poker fac

13、e and interpersonal isolation. This fact should arouse our attention, because unlike computers, human beings are social creatures that need emotional connections with others. 第二段第一句话先自然地过渡,引出题干中的引言。对引言作出评价:这样的担忧确实不是空穴来风。然后用例子证明现代生活中电脑已经对人们的思维和习惯带来的负面影响。呼吁大家引起重视,因为人毕竟不同于电脑,是有情感需求的。,14,Yet, it is also

14、 unnecessary for us to be overwhelmed by the negative impacts of computers. After all, we humans are intelligent and will be able to figure out better ways to make improvements. 最后一段是一个转折, 提出对于电脑对人的影响也不用太悲观,因为人毕竟是有智慧、有主观能动性的, 一定会想出改善不足的方法。这样的转折使作者的观点更全面、有说服力。,15,2012.12.23 CET6 作文二,Part Writing (30

15、minutes) Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic On Maintaining Trust. You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. On Maintaining Trust,16,范文1,Trust is the most frequently used word when we are talking about interpersonal relations

16、hips. However, it is hard to build trust but easy to destroy it. Therefore, how to build and maintain trust is very important for us. In my opinion, some factors play a primary role in it.,17,First comes honesty. Theres an old saying in Chinese: once bitten, twice shy. Thus, never lie to your partne

17、rs. If they find out youre lying or cheating, the existing trust will be broken. Once broken, its always hard to rebuild it. Promise-keeping is the second one. If you always break your promise, you will not be trusted by others any more. Another important aspect is attitude. People with good attitude are always welcome. They show their good manners, patience, modesty, willingness to communicate and, most important of all, sincerity to others, which contributes greatly to eliminating apathy and coldness.,


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