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1、河北省新乐市河北省新乐市2015 高考英语一轮阅读理解训练(高考英语一轮阅读理解训练(7)及答案)及答案阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C 和 D 项中,选出最佳选项。【深圳市深圳市 2014 高考英语高考英语综合能力测试题(综合能力测试题(6) 】AAlthough both American and British people can generally .understand what each other is saying, sometimes it is necessary to explain some things. Some words or phrases could

2、 be taken in a wrong way.One of the most noticeable differences is in the spelling of some words. For example, the word “color“ in American English becomes “colour“ in British English. Another example is the American word “theater“ - in British English it becomes “theatre“. Other words also have var

3、ious spelling differences.Although some words are spelled the same in the two forms of English, they may have different pronunciations. The accent is .put on a different syllable in a word. British People pronounce their numbers differently from American people, especially the big numbers. They tend

4、 to add the word “and“ between the numbers. American English-speaking people usually say 107 “one hundred seven “, while British English-speaking people say “one hundred and seven“.Sometimes when using the past tense of a verb, “ed“ may be used in American English, while “t“ is common in British Eng

5、lish. An example is “dreamed“ and “dreamt“.Vocabulary, of course, is a major difference at times. Because of the widespread use of American English, many British people are starting to use some American nouns to replace their British ones. So “ lorry“ becomes “truck“. There are many other words that

6、 are being replaced as well. As is often the case, the same words have completely different meanings in the two forms of English. In British English “biscuit“ is similar to “cookie“, but in American English it is more like a dinner roll.There are also many other minor differences between the two for

7、ms of English. It is interesting to note that many British English-speaking people adore American accents. Likewise, many American English-speaking people love British accents.26. How many differences between American and British English are mentioned in this passage?A. Four. B. Five. C. Six. D. Sev

8、en.27. How do American English-speaking people pronounce the number “309“?A. Three hundred and nine.B. Three hundred and ninth.C. Three hundred nine.D. Thirty and nine.28. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?A. American and British people dont like each others accents.

9、B. “Biscuit“ refers to the same food in the two forms of English.C. “Lorry“ in American English becomes “truck“ in British English.D. The difference of spelling in the two forms of English is noticeable.29. According to the passage, the past tense of the verb “spill“ in American English could be _A

10、spilled B. spiled C. spillt D. spilt 30. What is the best title of this passage?A. The Differences Between Spoken and Written EnglishB. The Differences Between American and British EnglishC. Spelling Is a Noticeable DifferenceD. Vocabulary Is a Major Difference【参考答案参考答案】26-30 ACDAB 美国英语在拼写、发音和语法等方面与

11、英国英语都有一些小的差异,通常是美国英语把英国英语中的不规则的拼写法规则化了。26. A。细节理解题。从第二段至第五段中关键词 spelling,pronunciations,past tense of a verb 及 vocabulary 可知。27. C。推理判断题。从第三段后三句可推出答案。28. D。细节理解题。根据第二段第一句可知答案。29. A。推理判断题。从第四段可推出答案。30. B。主旨大意题。通读全文可知本文从多个方面说明美国英语和英国英语的区别。阅读理解阅读理解(2013福建,福建,D)Pride and Prejudice for the Modern WomanLe

12、t us imagine how Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austens most famous work, might be updated, 200 years on.Austens popularity is rooted in her intelligence. But today she would certainly have had a very different life, as would her characters. Heres my own suggestion.It is a truth finally and universally a

13、cknowledged that a single woman with brains deserves to have equal opportunities to men, however disadvantaged she may feel by sexism.“My dear husband, ” said his hopeful wife one day, “have you heard that the local store, standing empty for so long, is taken over by a bright young businesswoman?”He

14、r dull and indifferent (漠不关心的漠不关心的) husband replied that he had not.“But it is, it is, ” she replied excitedly.Mr DullHusband made no reply.“Dont you want to know her plans?” she cried with some impatience.“Well, clearly you think it matters to your silly little head. so Id better listen.”“Well, my

15、dear, the rumour (传言传言) is that she has already set up a string of successful businesses in northern England, though_how_a_woman_can_know_anything_about_that_is_beyond_me. She will move in herself next month.”“What is her name?”“Bingley.”“Is she married or single?”“What a question! And none of your

16、business. But her coming will be a fine thing for our five boys.”“How so? How can it possibly affect them?”“My dear love; those lazy boys need something to wake them up. There are bound to be jobs going.”“Is that her point in settling here? Surely as a woman she has simply taken a fancy to the place.”“Nonsense, my love, how little youve noticed the world has changed. Shes got a firstrate degree and some sort of business qualificati


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