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1、抗氧化劑:讓你延年益壽Antioxidants: add life to your years,NuSkin presentation Taiwan November 3, 2007,雷派克 博士 Prof. Lester Packer,百歲人瑞Centenarian,0,20,40,60,80,100,0,20,40,60,80,100,120,長壽人口增加後之存活率% Survival if % reduction in mortality at all ages occurs again,1985存活率1985 Survival,1900存活率1900 Survival,存活率 % OF

2、 POPULATION SURVIVING,年齡分布 Chronological Age,健康長壽的趨勢Toward Healthy Aging,T.B.L. Kirkwood in Longevity: To the limits and Beyond. Ed. By J.M. Robine et.al. Published by Springer: Heidelberg, 1997.,0,20,40,60,80,100,Colon,Cancer,Stroke,Coronary,Disease,Diabetes Type 2,改變生活型態以預防疾病的發生 Diseases Avoidable

3、 by a Change in Lifestyle,Walter Willett Science 296, 695-698: 2002,-,減少百分比 Percent avoidable,結腸癌,中風,冠狀動脈疾病,第二型 糖尿病,US,China,亞洲國家 Asian Countries,西方國家 Western Countries,Int.J. Cancer (2000) 85:60-7,Courtesy Emily Ho,氧化壓力 Oxidative Stress,自由基造成氧化壓力 Free radicals cause oxidative stress 導致組織壞死、老化及 疾病的發

4、生 Leads to tissue damage, aging and disease,維生素C及E Vitamins C and E 多酚類(類黃酮) Polyphenols (Flavonoids) 硫氫基Thiols:麩胱甘肽 Glutathione, 硫辛酸Lipoic Acid 輔酵素Q10 Co-enzyme Q,抗氧化劑 Antioxidants,類胡蘿蔔素 Carotenoids,氧化還原循環 Redox cycling,清除自由基 Radical scavenging,皮膚構造,角質層,表皮層,真皮層,紅斑 一種典型的曬傷後發炎反應,MED是紅斑的衡量單位。它是指少量的UVB

5、照射24小時候後,在皮膚產生些微的紅斑現象的評估。,人體角質層中的維生素E濃度,-生育醇,-生育醇,濃度 (pmol),濃度 (pmol),抗氧化網絡運作模式 The Antioxidant Network in Membranes,維生素C 循環 Vit. C Cycle,脂質自由基 Lipid Free RadicalsLOO LO,代謝 Metabolism,脂溶性環境 Fat Soluble,水溶性環境Water Soluble,水溶性環境Water Soluble,氧化代謝Oxygen Metabolism,蔬果中的類胡蘿蔔素 Carotenoids in fruits & vege

6、tables,-隱黃質-cryptoxanthin (13-20%),葉黃素Lutein (10-20%),-胡蘿蔔素 a-carotene (5-10%),-胡蘿蔔素 b carotene (15-30%),玉米黃質 Zeaxanthin (1-5%),菠菜,豌豆,青豆,白豆,綠花菜, 球芽甘藍,包心菜,無頭甘藍菜, 奇異果,萵苣 Spinach, Green peas, Green Beans , Lima Beans Broccoli, Brussel sprouts, Cabbage, kale, Kiwi, Lettuce 胡蘿蔔,南瓜,地瓜,杏子,洋香瓜, 西瓜Carrots, P

7、umpkin, Sweet Potatoes, Apricots, Cantaloupe, Watermelon蕃茄,紅葡萄柚 Tomatoes, Pink Grapefruit,人類細胞中的類胡蘿蔔素 Carotenoids in Human Plasma,蕃茄紅素Lycopene (20-40%),拉曼光譜研究利用測量眼睛類胡蘿蔔素含量,來診斷老化引起的視網膜黃斑退化現象 Raman scattering studies are used to measure carotenoids in the Eye and to diagnose age-related macular degene

8、ration,斑點 Macula,葉黃素&玉米黃質 Lutein & Zeoxanthin,Gellermann W, Ermakov IV, McClane RW, Bernstein PS. Raman imaging of human macular pigments. Optics Letters. 2002;27:833,人類視網膜,視網膜,視神經,C. Smidt and D.S. Burke, Nutritional Significance and Measurement of Carotenoids, Current Topics in Nutraceutical Resea

9、rch 2004, 2, 79-91,0,20000,40000,60000,0,0.5,1,1.5,2,2.5,3,3.5,4,血清中類胡蘿蔔素總量 Total Serum Carotenoids (g/ml),Skin Raman Intensity (n = 372),r = 0.84 (p0.0001),p0.01,p0.01,p0.01,Std. Error 44,Std. Error 38,Std. Error 61,Std. Error 106,24793,26639,29704,31507,10000,15000,20000,25000,30000,35000,1 or les

10、s,2 to 3,4 to 5,6 or more,Courtesy Stephen Poole, Pharmanex,Skin Raman Intensity (2005 US data of 209,628 Non-Supplement Users),每日食用水果及蔬菜份數 Daily servings of fruits and vegetables,良好的生活型態增進皮膚抗氧化類胡蘿蔔素 與掃描儀之研究 Lifestyle can improve carotenoid antioxidants in skin- Scanner studies,209,628位受試者 從未使用過營養補充

11、品 結論:每日吃6份以上蔬果者,皮膚類胡蘿蔔素指數明顯增加,身體防禦指數,身體防禦指數,4毫克葉黃素 4 mg Lutein, 杯烹煮過 的菠菜 cup of cooked spinach,1又1/3根中型胡蘿蔔 或 杯南瓜 1 & 1/3 medium carrots or cup pumpkin,4毫克 b-胡蘿蔔素 4 mg b-Carotene,4毫克蕃茄紅素4 mg Lycopene,1顆中型番茄 或 茶匙番茄醬 1 medium tomato or Tsp tomato paste,營養補充品中的類胡蘿蔔素含量與天然食物的相對份量 Carotenoids in human supp

12、lements equivalent to amounts in food (courtesy KJ Yuem),食用營養補充品後,血漿中總類胡蘿蔔素濃度增加 Plasma Total Carotenoid Concentration Is increased after Supplementation,時間,日 Time, Day,D1,D15,D29,D43,D57,Plasma Total Carotenoid (mg/dL),0,20,40,60,80,100,120,140,160,180,Placebo 對照組,Mixed Car 綜合類胡蘿蔔素,Lutein 葉黃素,b-Caro

13、tene b-胡蘿蔔素,Lycopene 蕃茄紅素,Significantly different from baseline 顯著差異 * p0.05,Courtesy KJ Yuem, et al.,血漿中總類胡蘿蔔素濃度(mg/dL),食用含類胡蘿蔔素的營養補充品在慧星分析法証實,可以保護人類淋巴球中的DNA免受破壞 Carotenoid Supplementation protects against DNA Damage in human lymphocytes The comet assay,第57天 Day 57,Courtesy KJ Yuem, et al.,維生素A在健康百

14、歲人瑞體內含量顯著比年輕人高 Vitamin A levels are increased in healthy centenarians compared to younger subjects,Vitamin A (M),100歲 Centenarians, 60 歲,60-79歲,80-99 歲,153位義大利百歲人瑞 153 Italian centenarians, * p 0.0001,*,*,*,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,Christina Polidori, Eur J Clin Nutr 2007,(M),維生素A,酵素 & 蛋白質的誘導物保護抗氧化劑Inducers of enzymes & proteinsneeded for antioxidant defense,人體中類胡蘿蔔素 Carotenoids in Humans are,維生素A的前驅物環狀碳氫化合物的類胡蘿蔔素 Vitamin A precursors cyclic hydrocarbon carotenoids,


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