15-16学年八年级英语上册(人教版)习题检测:Unit 5

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《15-16学年八年级英语上册(人教版)习题检测:Unit 5》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《15-16学年八年级英语上册(人教版)习题检测:Unit 5(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、一、单项选择。 1How do you like Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf? I cant_it.It has some bad plots(情节) for kids. Astand Bmind Cread Dwatch 2You dont need to_to go to the pub(酒吧)just jeans and a Tshirt are OK. Adress up Bget up Clook up Dput up 3The singer often_on TV.We know her very well. Ahappens Bbecomes C

2、appears Dtakes,A,A,C,B,4We must_who broke the mirror yesterday. Acome out Bfind out Cgo out Dput out 5Where are you going for vacation,John? I plan_to Dalian. Ago Bgoing Cwent Dto go 6_that pair of_a little cheaper? AIs;shoe BAre;shoe CIs;shoes DAre;shoes 7Who likes watching news? Greg does.He hopes

3、about everything new. Aknow Bknowing Cto know Dknew,D,C,C,8Do you like Phoenix Legend(凤凰传奇)? Yes,I think it is one of_musical groups in China now. Amost popular Bmore popular Cpopular Dthe most popular 9What will you do after you finish your schoolwork? My parents expect me_a writer. Ato become Bbec

4、oming Cbecomes Dbecame,D,A,10_? I dont mind them. AWhats your favorite movie BWhy do you like soap operas CWhats wrong with you DWhat do you think of sitcoms,D,二、完形填空。 Stars in Danger is a sports show.It is a diving(跳水) competition.All the players are singers or actors.They_11_dive before they joine

5、d the show.So they all_12_one month training_13_the help of diving champions(冠军)In the competition,all the players have to_14_the diving rules and there are judges(裁判)It is exciting and_15_The first season of the competition was over.All the players_16_a good job in it.Fu Xinbo is my favorite_17_He

6、did the_18_in the competition and got first place.I like Han Geng too,_19_it was a pity(遗憾) that he dropped out of(中途退出) the competition.,If you missed the first season on TV,dont feel sorry.You can find it on the_20_Im sure you will love it.,11A.wouldnt Bshouldnt Ccouldnt Dmustnt 12A.paid Bused Cga

7、ve Dspent 13A.on Bwith Cat Dfor 14A.expect Bmade Cplan Dfollow 15A.enjoyable BmeaninglessCcareful Doutgoing,C,D,B,D,A,16A.got Bdid Cwanted Dhappened 17A.show Bjudge Cplayer Dsport 18A.best Bworst Cmost Dfarthest 19A.and Bbecause Cbut Dso 20A.Internet Bradio Cbook Dmagazine,B,C,A,C,A,三、阅读理解。A,根据短文内容,

8、选择正确答案。 21What time does the show Chinese Mother begin? A10:00. B9:20. C13:30. D22:00. 22What type is the show Tokyo Love Story? ASitcom. BSports show. CSoap Opera. DMusic. 23Which two shows begin at the same time? AFace To Face and Romantic Dream. BHappy Family and China Music. CChinese Mother and

9、Football Magazine. DChinese Mother and Happy Family.,B,C,D,24Which program is fashion show? ARomantic Dream. BNews. CFace To Face. DChina Sports. 25Which channel has the show Good Friend Contest? AATV. BBTV. CCTV. DCCTV.,A,A,B,根据表格内容,选择最佳选项。 26Childrens World on CCTV1 lasts(持续) about_minutes. A15 B3

10、0 C45 D50 27At 19:10,_is on show on CCTV9. ANews Broadcast BWorld Wide Watch CPopular Song DChina News 28There is a_match between America and Italy. Afootball Bbasketball Ckids Dvolleyball,B,B,D,29On THTV,the program at 18:40 is for_. Ayoung people Bparents Ckids Dold people 30Which of the following

11、 is TRUE? AWeather Forecast is about the weather all over China. BAround China is on show at 20:00 on CCTV9. CSusan Boyle is a reporter. DAt 19:30,YTTV and THTV have the same program.,C,A,四、词语运用。 阅读短文,从方框中选择适当的词并用其正确形式填空,使短文通顺、意思完整。请将答案写在下面题号后的横线上。每空限填一词,每词限用一次。方框中有两个词是多余的。 school, stand, still, nev

12、er, eye, hate, first, buy, surprise, pass, sell, home I thought Dad didnt love me,because he 31._kissed me.And of course,he never said “I love you” to me,either.,never,When I was in the high school,Dad set up a food stand(摊位) on the street near my 32._.Every day when I finished school,my classmates

13、and I would 33._his food stand.But I really 34._talking to Dad in front of his food stand.,school,pass,hated,One night,I couldnt 35._it any more and shouted,“Dad,could you stop 36._your stupid noodles?I dont need a father who sells noodles on the street!” At that moment,Dad was 37._.But he said noth

14、ing and in his 38._there were some tears and sadness.Then I saw Dad weep(哭泣) for the 39._time.My mom later told me Dad sold noodles to save money for my college education.Until now I 40._feel guilty(内疚的) about my words that night.,stand,selling,surprised,eyes,first,still,五、补全对话。(53分15分) 根据下面的对话情景,在每个空白处填上一个适当的句子,使对话的意思连贯、完整。 A:41._? B:I want to watch a talk show. A:42._? B:Talk shows are interesting.I love watching them.43._?What do you think of them? A:Theyre OK.44._. B:45._? A:Sports shows are my favorite.,


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