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1、Word-formation,Unit 5 Grammar,Word-formation 构词法,Derivation派生法,Compound 合成法,Conversion 转化法,简略词,合成词,缩略词,构 词 法 知 识,掌握基本的构词法知识,对 于正确地识记单词,扩大词 汇量,提高记忆速度和记忆 效果,培养自学能力,具有 非常重要的意义。,派生法 Derivation,派生法,前缀,后缀,否定前缀,其他前缀,名词后缀,形容词后缀,副词后缀,动词后缀,1. 常见的否定前缀,中学英语课本中有许多单词带有否定前缀,如果能理解这些否定前缀的含义,使用和记忆单词是很有帮助的。否定前缀加在一个词的前

2、面就完全改变或否定了这个词的原来意义。,1) a- 表示“在之上”,“向”aboard, aside 2) by- 表示“附近,邻近,边侧”bypath, bypass (弯路) 3) circum-, circu- 表示“周围,环绕,回转” circumstance, circuit 4) de- 表示“在下,向下”descend, degrade,2. 表示空间位置,方向关系的前缀,5) en- 表示“在内,进入” encage 6) ex-, ec-, es- 表示“外部,外”exit, eclipse, expand, export 7) extra- 表示“额外” extractio

3、n (提取) 8) fore- 表示“在前面”forehead, foreground 9) in-, il-, im-, ir- 表示“向内,在内,背于” inland, invade, inside, import,10) inter-, intel- 表示“在间,相互” international, interaction 11) intro- 表示“向内,在内,内侧”introduce, introduce 12) medi-, med-, mid- 表示“中,中间”Mediterranean, midposition 13) out- 表示“在上面,在外部,在外”outline, o

4、utside, outward 14) over- 表示“在上面,在外部,向上” overlook, overhead,15) post- 表示“向后,在后边,次”postscript (附言) 16) pre- 表示“在前,在前面”prefix, preface, preposition 17) pro- 表示“在前,向前”progress, proceed 18) sub-, suc-, suf-, sug-, sum-, sup-, sur-, sus- 表示 “在下面,下”subway, submarine, suffix, suppress,supplement,19) super-

5、, sur- 表示“在之上”superficial, surface 20) trans-表示“移上,转上,在那一边” translate, transform 21) under- 表示“在下面,下的”underline, underground 22) up- 表示“向上,向上面,在上”upward, uphold, uphill (上坡),3. 表示人和物的名词后缀,后缀-er构词能力,后缀-er 构词能力,抽象名词和集合名词的后缀,抽象名词和集合名词的后缀,抽象名词和集合名词的后缀,后缀为-ion的名词,形容词后缀,副词后缀,动 词 后 缀,Compound 合成法,把两个或两个以上的

6、词合 成一个新词,这种构词的 方法叫做合成法。,合成法,1. 直接写在一起。 2. 用连字符(-)连接。 3. 由两个分开的词构成。,方法,概念,方式,1. 复合形容词的构成。 2. 复合名词的构成。 3. 其他复合词的构成。,复合形容词的构成,复合形容词的构成,复合名词的构成,其他复合词的构成,其他复合词的构成,转化法 Conversion,转 化 法,概念,方式,英语中有些单词, 词形不变, 词性 却可以由一种转化成另一种。 一个单词由某一种词类转用为另 一种词类, 这就是转化。 单词转换后的意义往往与未转换 前的意义有密切的联系。,1. 名词和动词之间的转化 2. 形容词转化为动词 3.

7、 名词转化为形容词(副词) 4. 形容词转化为名词,转化法例释,转化法例释,简略词,合成词,缩略词,指缩写词,examexamination plane aeroplane ad.advertisement maths mathematics,把两个词某部 分联合起来合 成为一个新词,smoke+fog = smog motor+hotel=motel,指首字母 缩略词,TVtelevision TOEFLTest of English As A Foreign Language,Make compound words after the models.A: part, long, passe

8、r, film, short, well, cold, baby, get, low, worldB: by, known, time, maker, wave, famous, sitter, term, together, lying, blooded Model: part + time = part-time,Practice,Fill in the blanks with the words above.1. Its a good idea to start a _ job to make extra money.2. Its necessary to use a _ radio t

9、o pick up the program. 3. Walt Disney, the great _, was born in Chicago in 1901.,part-time,short-wave,film-maker,4. The Dead Sea is very _, at around 395 meters below sea level. 5. Were having a little _ to celebrate his birthday. 6. They often perform in the streets for the _. 7. Im sure you will b

10、e _ soon.,low-lying,get-together,passers-by,well-known,Make compound words after the models. Model: bed + clothes = bedclothes A: book, boy, sea, fire, over, under, friend, sun, how, court, day, wide B: mark, side, burnt, friend, light, yard, fighter, fighter, ground, coat, ship, spread,The fire las

11、ted about 4 hours before the _ could control it. 2. At school she formed a close _ with several other girls. 3. They decide to spend their holiday at the _. 4. He put on a hat and _ before he went out.,firefighters,friendship,Fill in the blanks with the words above.,seaside,overcoat,5. Lucy enjoys travelling by _. Thats how she goes towork every day. 6. The children are playing happily in the _.,underground,courtyard,Thank you.,


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