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1、心脏检查,Physical Examination of Heart,学习内容,心脏检查(9-18,9-25,共6学时) 血管检查(10-9,1学时) 循环系统疾病主要症状与体征(10-9,2学时),前言Preword,1)Significance(意义) :very important 2)Environment(环境):Quiet (安静);Lightening(光线):Good; 3)Equipment(器材):Stethoscope(听诊器); 4)Method (方法) :视诊(望诊)、触诊、叩诊、听诊; 5)Requirement(要求) :认真(carefully),全面(tho

2、roughly),准确(true),检查注意事项,For patient (an examinee); 1)Position(体位):Supine (卧位)or seated(坐位);standing to the right side 2)Exposure(暴露):Strip to waist(腰部); For doctor(an examiner) Knowledge of anatomy(解剖知识): left side; Considerate and gentle。,Midsternal line(胸骨中线) or Anterior midline (前正中线)Midclavicul

3、ar lines(锁骨中线), Anterior, middle,and posterior axillary lines (腋前、中、后线)Sternal angle (胸骨角),Intercostal space (肋间隙),心脏检查的解剖标志,Inspection (望诊),Palpation (触诊),Percussion (叩诊),Auscultation (听诊),心脏检查,视 诊(望诊) Inspection,检查注意:充分暴露,光线良好,坐位或卧位,胸廓同高(双眼)与切线方向(视线)。外形:正常左右对称 Precordial prominence(心前区隆起):成人少见;Rig

4、ht ventricular hypertrophy at puberty(儿童发育完成前右心室肥大) Congenital heart disease (先天性心脏病) Rheumatic heart disease (风湿性心脏病)心前区饱满:Massive pericardial effusion in the adult (成人大量心包积液)。,视 诊(望诊) Inspection, 心前区凹陷:更少见;可见于马方综合征及部分二尖瓣脱垂,视 诊:心尖搏动,搏动:心尖搏动和异常搏动 心尖搏动: Heart contracts(心脏收缩) impacts corresponding sit

5、e of front chest(心尖向前冲击前胸壁相应位置) apical impulse (心尖搏动)。 Normal apical impulse(正常心尖搏动): Location-The 5th intercostal space(第五肋间), 0.5 1.0 cm medial to left midclavicular line(左锁骨中线内侧 0.5 1.0 cm ); Diameter- 2.0 2.5 cm。 肥胖或女性正常时也常看不到。,视 诊:心尖搏动,影响位置的生理性因素(Physiological factors): 体型 年龄 体位 呼吸 妊娠,影响位置的病理性因

6、素(Pathological factors ): 心脏本身:Enlargement of left ventricle(左心室增大)extend to left and downwards(左下移位);右心增大-左,不下;右位心 胸部疾病 腹部疾病,视 诊:心尖搏动,心尖搏动的强度及范围的变化 Physiological factors(生理性因素): Thick chest wall(胸壁肥厚)- weak and narrow(减弱、缩小); Thin chest wall(胸壁薄)-strong and wide(增强、较大); 运动,激动后心搏增强。,视 诊:心尖搏动,心尖搏动的强度

7、及范围的变化 Pathological factors(病理性因素):1)心脏疾病: 心室肥厚(Ventricular Hypertrophy): Increase in intensity of apical impulse(心尖搏动增强) 左心室肥厚:抬举性心尖搏动; Decrease in intensity of apical impulse(心尖搏动减弱)-dilated cardiomyopathy(扩张型心肌病) ,acute myocardial infarction(急性心肌梗死),pericardial effusion(心包积液)。心室扩张(Ventricular dil

8、atation) :心尖搏动弱而扩大(心博弥散),视 诊:心尖搏动,心尖搏动的强度及范围的变化 Pathological factors(病理性因素):2)肺部及其它疾病: Increase in intensity of apical impulse(心尖搏动增强)- fever(发热),anemia (贫血), hyperthyroidism(甲状腺机能亢进); Decrease in intensity of apical impulse(心尖搏动减弱或消失) -左侧大量积气或积液时或肺气肿。,视 诊:心前区异常搏动,Impulse at 3th 4th left intercostal

9、 space just lateral to sternum (胸骨左缘3 4肋 间) :right ventricular hypertrophy(右室肥大); Impulse at xiphoid process(剑突下搏动): right ventricular hypertrophy; beating of abdominal aorta(腹主动脉搏动).,视 诊:心前区异常搏动, Impulse at 2nd left intercostal space just lateral to sternum (胸骨左缘2肋间):dilation of pulmonary artery;pu

10、lmonary hypertension. Impulse at 2nd right intercostal space just lateral to sternum (胸骨右缘2肋间):dilation of ascending aorta(升主动脉扩张)。,Inspection (望诊),Palpation (触诊),Percussion (叩诊),Auscultation (听诊),心脏检查,Palpation (触诊),To confirm the observations made during inspection (进一步证实望诊所见); To detect invisible

11、 pulsatile movements (发现望诊看不见的搏动); To reveal thrill and pericardial friction rubs(发现震颤和心包摩擦感)。,Palpation (触诊),Right palm first (先用右手手掌)- detecting thrills(检查震颤); Fingertips then(后用指尖)- detectingpulsations(检查搏动)。 心尖博动及心前区博动临床意义同视诊,Palpation (触诊),Heaving Apex Impulse抬举性心尖搏动 Definition(定义):Slow and for

12、ceful beat in apex(心尖区徐缓、有力的搏动),lift finger tip (可使手指尖端抬起)。 Significance(意义):Sign of left ventricular hypertrophy(左室肥大的体征)。,Palpation (触诊),Trill(震颤) Definition(定义): Tiny vibrations felt by palm(手掌感觉到的一种细小震动感),somewhat similar to the sensations on the throat of a purring cat,therefore also called pur

13、ring (与在猫喉部摸到的呼吸震颤类似,故亦称猫喘)。 Mechanism:The same as cardiac murmurs(同杂音)。,Palpation (触诊),Trill(震颤) Significance(意义):为心血管器质性病变的体征。一般情况下触诊有震颤者,多数也可以听到杂音。临床上凡触及震颤均可认为心脏有器质性病变。常见于某些先心病及狭窄性瓣膜病变。而瓣膜关闭不全时较少有震颤,仅在房室瓣重度关闭不全时可扪及震颤。,Palpation (触诊),Trill(震颤) 和杂音的区别 Signs of organic heart diseases(器质性心脏病的体征);alwa

14、ys Thrill - cardiac murmur,not alwaysCardiac murmur -thrill;,Location(部位) Phase(时相) Disease(疾病) 2nd right intercostal systole(收缩期) aortic stenosis space just lateral to (主动脉瓣狭窄) sternum (胸骨右缘2肋间) 2nd left intercostal systole(收缩期) pulmonary stenosis space just lateral to (肺动脉瓣狭窄) sternum (胸骨左缘2肋间) 3t

15、h-4th left intercostal systole(收缩期) ventricular septal defect space just lateral to (室间隔缺损) sternum (胸骨左缘3-4肋间) 2nd left intercostal continuous(连续性) patent ductusarteriosus space just lateral to (动脉导管未闭)sternum (胸骨左缘2肋间) Apex(心尖区) diastole(舒张期) mitral stenosis(二尖瓣狭窄) Apex(心尖区) systole(收缩期) mitral regurgitation(二尖瓣关闭不全),



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