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1、THE CONCEPT OF STRATEGY,HENDERSONS CENTRAL IDEAS,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,Real Unit Cost,Cumulative Experience,(85% slope),.,.,.,.,.,Profit,Market Share,The Experience Curve,The Value of Market Share,The Corporate Portfolio,Relative Market Share,Market Growth,PORTERS CENTRAL IDEAS,Entry Barriers Economie

2、s of scale Proprietary product differences Brand identity Switching costs Capital requirements Access to distribution Absolute cost differences:Proprietary learning curveAccess to inputsProduct design Government policy Expected retaliation,Supplier Power Input differentiation Seller switching costs

3、Presence of substitutes Supplier concentration Importance of volume Cost relative to total purchases Threat of forward integration,Industry Rivalry Industry growth Fixed cost / value added Intermittent overcapacity Product differences Brand identity Switching costs Concentration & balance Informatio

4、n complexity Diversity Corporate stakes Exit barriers,Buyer Power Bargaining leverage Buyer concentration Buyer volume Buyer switching costs Buyer information Ability to backward integrate Substitute products Pull-through Price sensitivity,Substitution Threat Relative price/ performance of substitut

5、es Switching costs,Strategic Advantage,Strategic Target,Broad,Narrow,Low Cost,Differentiation,Broad Cost,Focus Cost,Broad Differentiation,Focus Differentiation,The Value Chain,Successive stages of value-added,Jockeying for position among current competitors,The industry,Threat of new entrants,Threat

6、 of substitute products,Bargaining power of customers,Bargaining power of suppliers,Sources: Porters Writings,Structure versus Behavior WHY STRUCTURAL SEGMENTS MATTER The Premises of Traditional Competitive Theory,Structural segments can be identified objectivelyThey can be measuredThey are stableTh

7、ey differentiate among competitorsDifferences in structural segments explain differences in profitsThe value of dominating structural segments can be specifiedThe method for dominating structural segments can be specified,DIFFERENCES BETWEEN BCGS AND PORTERS CONCEPTS OF STRATEGY,BCG: The MissionaryP

8、rescriptiveRefutableSpecificChallengingGeneralizing from the isolated experiment,Porter: The SchoolmanDescriptiveTautologicalGeneralResonatingSynthesizing from multiple instances,The Structural Paradigm of Strategy Content SEGMENT POSITIONING,WE,Products,White Space,(Pre-empt),(Identify),Disputed Sp

9、ace,Enclosed Space,(Consolidate),THEY,THEY,THEY,Products,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,Cumulative Experience,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.,.

10、,.,Experience Curve,Multidimensional Scaling,Supply Curve,A,B,C,The Structural Paradigm of Management ADDITIVITY,The performance of a system can best be understood analytically, as the sum of the performances of sub-units. Through disaggregation of profitability and of the value-chain Relying largel

11、y on accounting measures of performanceOrganizations should be designed using:Markets where information exchange is of low value or low cost Hierarchies where information exchange is of high value and high costHence the philosophy of decentralized profit centers and corporate control Including the a

12、nalysis of shareholder value by business and the apparent nullity of corporate strategyHence, also, the emphasis on accountability and individual motivation,The Structural Paradigm of Change DESIGN,Strategy formulation is a process of controlled and conscious thoughtStrategy is formulated by the CEO

13、 (or by a small group)Strategy is simpleStrategy should be uniqueStrategy emerges from this thought process fully-formedStrategy should be explicit and articulatedImplementation occurs only after formulation is complete,Challenges to the Structural Paradigms COUNTER-EXAMPLES,Honda, Motorola, NEC, Wa

14、l-Mart, and dozens of others: Scored spectacular reverses against corporations practicing/exemplifying the three standard paradigms Rarely have explicit strategies, except at the crudest level Attacked competitors head-on instead of segmenting away from them Deliberately mismatch goals against curre

15、nt strengths & weaknesses Formulate strategy incrementally among middle management, rather than through an elite and deliberative process Evolve continuously in response to success or failureP&G, GM Saturn, and dozens of others: Attempted big attacks, and failed,Challenges to the Structural Paradigm

16、s SEVEN TRENDS,Exhaustion of the incremental advantage from structural playsVariety Demanded at any point in time smaller segments Offered through time briefer segmentsFaster technology changeGlobalization Redefines market shareInformation technologies Permit finer understanding and greater flexibilityImplementation gap BCGs own practiceRejection of the machine bureaucracy,



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