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1、Selective Reading in English Print News Media 2013,王丽娟,英语报刊选读,自己放个背景透明图片,Economic News,Still Strong, Economy in China Cools SlightlyBy MICHAEL WINESFrom New York Times,Economic News,中国经济稍显冷却,但依然势头强劲纽约时报,Text 1,1 BEIJING Chinas economy pulled back a bit from its pell-mell pace in the third quarter, t

2、he government said Tuesday, as measures to rein in inflation and head off speculation put a brake on growth. 2 The measured slowdown raised hopes among economists that the steps taken so far would bring the economy to a so-called soft landing, with moderate growth and lowered inflation, instead of a

3、 steep decline.,Text 2,3 Some analysts remained worried, however, that the European Unions debt crisis could lead to a sharp drop in Chinese exports, placing Chinas economy at greater risk.4 The National Bureau of Statistics said gross domestic product had grown 9.1 percent in the quarter, compared

4、with growth in the same period last year, and down from 9.5 percent in the previous three months. That was slightly below consensus forecasts and made the quarter the fourth in a row in which G.D.P. growth had declined.,Text 3,5 Year-to-date growth averaged 9.4 percent, basically unchanged from the

5、first half of 2011. Despite the economys slower pace, industrial production continued to rise. It was up 13.8 percent in September over the previous year, compared with 13.5 percent in August. Retail sales jumped 17.7 percent over September a year ago. 6 Measured over the quarter, however, industria

6、l production was basically flat, another sign of cooling growth.,Text 4,7 The statistics bureau said in a statement that the economy had “generally carried good development weight and kept moving towards the expected direction of macroeconomic control.” Some analysts were less sanguine.8 “While rela

7、tively robust headline growth may provide some comfort to Chinese policy makers, some leading indicators show continued downside pressure,” Alastair Thornton of ISB Global Insight in Beijing wrote in a note on the data.,Text 5,9 Most notably, he said, surveys of purchasing managers pointed to “sharp

8、ly deteriorating demand” for Chinese exports, which remain the foundation of the economy.10 In an interview, Mr. Thornton said growing problems in Europe, Chinas largest trading partner, could shock the Chinese economy, no matter what the government does. But the greater threats, he said, are medium

9、-term problems, including over-investment in some types of real estate, mounting local government debt and an essentially unregulated shadow banking system.,Text 6,11 “Domestically speaking, I think Chinas pretty safe for the next year or so,” he said. Chinas economic planners have been trying for m

10、onths to cool down an economy that many experts said was at risk of becoming dangerously overheated. In the past year, the government has raised interest rates five times, restricted the number of homes a purchaser can buy and curbed bank lending in an effort to brake growth.,Text 7,12 Inflation has

11、 remained stubbornly high, despite those and other measures, and consumers have been hit especially hard by skyrocketing food prices. But most analysts say they believe price increases will moderate with slowing economic growth and an increase in food supplies from the autumn harvest.,Text 8,13 Chin

12、as stock markets fell on the news and on fresh worries about the European debt crisis. The Shanghai composite index closed 2.3 percent lower, and in Hong Kong, the Hang Sheng index had slumped more than 4 percent by late afternoon.,News Analysis,1 BEIJING Chinas economy pulled back a bit from its pe

13、ll-mell pace in the third quarter, the government said Tuesday, as measures to rein in inflation and head off speculation put a brake on growth. 北京- - -星期二,中国政府表示由于采取措施遏制通货膨胀并摆脱了对限制增长的猜测,中国经济较之第三季度的混乱局面有所好转。,News Analysis,Economy cools in 3rd quarter,News Analysis,pell-mell n. 混乱;杂乱;乱七八糟 adj. 混乱的;杂乱

14、的 adv. 混乱地;乱七八糟地 inflation n. 膨胀;通货膨胀;夸张;自命不凡 speculation n. 投机;推测;思索;投机买卖 n. speculation about关于猜测,News Analysis,2 The measured slowdown raised hopes among economists that the steps taken so far would bring the economy to a so-called soft landing, with moderate growth and lowered inflation, instead

15、 of a steep decline. 调控下的经济增长放缓为经济学家们增强了促使中国经济走向所谓软着陆的希望,即,经济伴有适度增长而通货膨胀降低,而不呈现出经济的大幅下滑。 so-called adj. 所谓的;号称的,News Analysis,3 Some analysts remained worried, however, that the European Unions debt crisis could lead to a sharp drop in Chinese exports, placing Chinas economy at greater risk. 然而,一些分析

16、者仍担心欧盟的债务危机可能导致中国出口急剧下降,从而使中国经济面临更大的风险。,News Analysis,4 The National Bureau of Statistics said gross domestic product had grown 9.1 percent in the quarter, compared with growth in the same period last year, and down from 9.5 percent in the previous three months. That was slightly below consensus forecasts and made the quarter the fourth in a row in which G.D.P. growth had declined. 国家统计局称,本季度国内生产总值与去年同期相比,涨幅为9.1%,较之前三个月的9.5%有小福下滑,略低于普遍预测,致使第四季度的GDP增长已经下滑。 domestic adj. 国内的;家庭的;驯养的;一心只管家务的 n. 国货;佣人,



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