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《leisure activities》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《leisure activities(38页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.,只工作不玩耍,聪明杰克也变傻。,People who cannot find time for recreation are obliged sooner or later to find time for illness.,找不出时间娱乐的人迟早会被迫找出时间生病。,Rest is sauce to labor.,休息是劳动的调味品。, Sayings,Leisure ActivitiesNew College English Unit 2 Book 4,淮北师范大学大学外语教育学院,TasksWarmi

2、ng-up Reading and Exploring Assignment,Warming-up The variety of leisure activities,Leisure activities can help to relax.Can you name some leisure activities you usually do for fun in your leisure time?,doing some sports playing musical instruments /cards /computer games/billiards 桌球 dancing going t

3、o karaoke bars going to the pub going to a concert/theatres/movies/the cinema and museums,Go boating/fishing/swimming /surfing/shopping/hiking/skiing/skating watching TV (sports match/soap opera/love story) travelling racing/cycling/bowling collecting stamps/coins, candy wrappers/ chopstick wrappers

4、, etc. keeping a pet,Cock fighting Cricket蟋蟀/cicada知了,wrestling,Drinking tea,Playing chess,Old peoples activities,drinking tea in the tea house Playing Mahjong Playing (Chinese) chess,bird-raising,growing plants and flowers,Spring Festival,Spring Eve Family reunion/get-together CCTVs Spring Festival

5、 Evening Party,Cross talk,Acrobatics,A hasty or undetailed drawing or painting often made as a preliminary study. A brief, light, or informal literary composition, such as an essay or a short story. A short, often satirical scene or play in a variety show; a skit. 1. A short, usually comic dramatic

6、performance or work; a theatrical sketch. 2. A short humorous or satirical piece of writing.,Sketch & skit(滑稽短剧),Magic show,A trick with a coin, a handkerchief and a friend Put the on your palm. the coin with the handkerchief. Ask several people to put their hands the handkerchief and the coin, to t

7、hat it is still there. Then take the of the handkerchief and pull it rapidly off your hand. The coin has ! How? You must make sure the friend knows the trick! Your last friend the coin when he or she seems to be just it. And nobody knows where it has gone!,Learn to be a magician,coin,Cover,beneath,f

8、eel,make sure,corner,gone,last,removes,feeling,Reading and ExploringEntertaining Humor-Whats Funny?,Humor,Cross talk,Why is cross talk so popular in China?,Words and Phrases for Reference:humorous languagequick witsfunny gesturespresentation skillsresonate(共鸣)with the audience, The stand-up comic,Si

9、milar to our Chinese Crosstalk, Americans also have the stand-up comic or comedian, who stands alone in front of the audience and tells jokes to make audience burst into laughter. He does all kinds of accents, he can do jokes, he could be a stand-up comic.,Humor,A man wanted to buy an ass. He went t

10、o the market and saw a nice one. But he wanted to test him first. He took the ass home and put him into the stable with the other asses. The new ass looked around and chose a place next to the laziest one. When the man saw this, he put a halter on the ass and returned it to its owner. The owner was

11、surprised and asked “why are you back so soon? Have you tested him already?”. “I dont need to test him anymore”, replied the man, “From the companion he chose for himself, I know what kind of animal it is.”,给人娱乐的幽默-是什么令人开怀?,Entertaining Humor Whats Funny?,Skimming and Scanning Text Structure New Wor

12、ds Language Focus Useful Expressions,Skimming and Scanning How did the students respond when the author told a joke in a class?What is the anatomy of typical jokes or humorous stories?What are the common types of humor mentioned in the text?,Humor is_, but peoples sense of Humor . (Para. 1-3),Even h

13、ave a sense of humor. The authors is a good example. (Para. 4),universal,Text Structure,varies,animals,dog,The typical three parts of a joke (5),setup body punch line,Different forms of humor (6-12),slap-stick : its language is simple, direct and often makes fun of another person or group. 2) Chines

14、e cross-talk : two Chinese comedians humorously discuss topics such as bureaucrats, family problems, or other personal topics. 3) a play on words: its funny because of misused or misunderstood language. 4) puns : they use the technique of similar sounding words or alternative meanings of the same wo

15、rd. 5)double entendres: they are special variations of puns in which words or phrases have double meanings.,Humor will even though some professional humorists think todays humor is not very or . (13),persist,intelligent,sophisticated,New words,1.The joy of laughing at a funny story is universal, pro

16、bably as old as language itself.Karaoke provides universal entertainment.a universal instrument 2. It is reasonable to say that the truly humorous individual is not only well liked, but is often the focus of attention in any gathering.(vt & vi.) concentrate 集中;使集中于焦点 You should focus your mind on work.,


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