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1、Task 1- Process Digram,presented by Alice,Process diagram - overview,一副或多幅描述某个事物发展或运作过程的图片遵循某种顺序图片内会标注各个流程环节的细节信息最终要达到某种目的或结果,Process diagram - overview,单向流程图循环流程图,Process diagram - overview,某种事物的生产工艺或加工流程(化肥、巧克力)动植物的生命循环( 三文鱼、蚕、树木)自然界某种现象的发展流程(水循环),one-way / manufacturing,circular-flow / life cycle

2、,Train of Thought,1.起点+箭头2.步骤+分段3.逻辑+衔接 (按时间或步骤顺序),Train of Thought,4. 生词带入 (名词)5. 现在时的主动/被动语态(动词)6. 合理的想象,适当的延展,Before Writing,读题目,划题眼圈信息,寻步骤定框架,写文章,读题目,划题眼,The diagram below shows the process of recycling bottles.,圈信息,寻步骤,圈信息,寻步骤,Stage1 : 收集-放置- 运输Stage2 : 清洗-分类运到.放进.为了.混合倒入为了.Stage3 : 销售,Stage1 :

3、 收集-放置- 运输,In the initial stage, these used bottles are collected in the collection point where they are deposited(放置) by customers and they are then transported(运输) to cleaning plant by trucks.,Stage2 : 清洗-分类,The second stage shows that these bottles are cleaned by high pressured water and they are

4、 afterwards classified by colours into brown, green and clear.,运到-放进-为了,and then taken to recycling plant where they are put into furnace in order to (为了)melt in preparation for moulding.,混合-倒入,Next, recycled liquid glass is mixed(混合) with a certain amount of new liquid glass before being poured(倒入)

5、 into mould for the manufacture of new bottles,Stage 3:销售,In the final stage, the fresh bottles are ready for use, and they are taken to be filled at .(supermarket). and return to (customers).,Structure,首段: 介绍流程图是做什么的主体段:详细介绍每一步的原料、变化、过程结尾段:简单总结,Structure,首段句型: This diagram/flow chart shows/ describ

6、es/illustrates the process of , which can be divided into stages/steps.consists of four main stages.,Structure,主体段句型:The initial/primary/ first phase is to .The second stage takes place in (地点) The next procedure is to.,Structure,主体段句型:In the last/final stage,.,结尾句型: It is clear to see how the proce

7、ssion(development)of . is carried out(开展). Overall, the flow chart tells us.,Lexcial Resource,流程图:process diagram, flowchart 过程/程序:course, procedure .步骤:stage, step.,Lexcial Resource表顺序的衔接词:firstly., secondly., thirdly/finally,.the first step is to. the next step is to. the last step is to,.to begin

8、 with. then. later.,Lexcial Resource,同时/前后: and; and then at the same time while./meanwhile,. before.,/ after./when./until.,Lexcial Resource,结果/目的:consequently,.in order to ., so as to.,限定/补充: that/which/where .,Your turn,当瓶子清洗完毕,他们被运送到回收车间(recycling plant),在这里切成碎片,然后倒入熔炉(furnace)当中。When the cleanin

9、g is done, the bottles are transported to the recycling plant where they are cut into glass pieces, which are then poured into a furnace.,Practice:,Focus on writing P28-P29,Task 1 - Map,presented by Alice,Map - Overview,one or more pictures report the main featuresmake comparisons,Map - Overview,城镇变

10、化类选址类,Map - Overview,描述出地图中主要有什么,大体都在什么方位;描述地图与地图之间的变化或方案与方案之间的差异,城镇变化类,Language of changes,1. A has increased.2. A has been removed/ completely disappeared. 3. A has been transformed/converted/changed into B. 4.A has been replaced / substitued by B.,Language of changes,5. A is built/established/set

11、 up/constructed/ completed. 6. A has been added to .,Structure,城镇变化类第一段:介绍地图 第二段:描写第一幅图的主要情况 第三段:针对第二幅图与第一副图的区别进行对比,空间顺序,由一个方向到另一个方向(如由南至北)顺时针或逆时针 选取参照物 (道路,河流),方位,1. A 在B 的东方/西方/南方/北方 (内部、接壤 、分开 )A is/ lies/ is located/ is situated in/on / to the east/west/south/north of B。 2. A 在B 的东部(内部)A is in t

12、he eastern/ southern/ western/ northern part of B. 3. A在B 西北部的120 千米处 A lies 120 km to the northwest of B.,方位,4. A 在B的东南角。A is at/in the south-eastern corner of B ( at 表示A 在B 外部, in表A 在B 内部) 5. 在河流或道路的南边/两边/另一边 On the south/southern side of the river On both sides of the road 6. 在道路或河流的最南端 at the so

13、uthern end of the river7. 临近马路的地区 the area adjacent to/ near /next to/ just off the road,8. A 在B 的对面 A is on the opposite side of B A is opposite B 9. A 在B 东部的边界上(A 在B外部)A is on the eastern border of B 10. A 在B 东部边缘上 (A 在B 内部) A is on/ along the eastern edge of B,路的走向和连接,1. A句,running from the north

14、 to the south2. A 句,leading to the south 3. A句 , connecting the house to the railway station 4. A 句,joining the house to the railway station5. A 句, having / with road access to the railway station,(第二段,空间顺序),In the first picture, the village was divided into three parts by two crossing roads. .,(第三段

15、,对比),In the second picture, the village has changed a lot. The fishing port has gone and the fish market is replaced by a block of apartments. Serveral restaurants also take up the place of the shops on the road side.Moreover, a car park is newly built on the east of the hotel. In addition, the hous

16、ing area becomes large and a branch is built from the rectangular road to the west. Finally, a sports field for tennis and golf occupied the place of previous farmland and the forest park.,Tense,城镇变化类:一般过去时一般现在时(current,now.)现在完成时(描述现在相对过去的变化)一般将来时(future,plan,X years later .),Tense,一般将来时的一般现在表达形式:be planned to do.be expected to do.be predicted to do.,Tense,未来计划在城市的东南角建一条步行街。A walking street will be built in the south east corner of the city./ It is planned to build a walking street in the south east corner of the city.,


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