四川省2015高考英语人教版一轮讲义:必修4 unit 1(1)

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1、四川省四川省 2015 高考英语人教版一轮讲义:必修高考英语人教版一轮讲义:必修 4 Unit 1(1)Unit 1 Women of achievement 1campaign(n.) 运动;战役(vi.) 作战;参加运动2shade(n.) 荫;阴凉处(vt.) 遮住光线3worthwhile(adj.) 值得的;值得做的4crowd(n.) 人群;观众(vt.) 挤满;使拥挤5inspire(vt.) 鼓舞;激发;启示6support(n.& vt.) 支持;拥护7intend(vt.) 打算;计划8emergency(n.) 突发事件;紧急情况9generation(n.) 一代;一辈

2、10deliver(vt.) 递送;生(小孩儿);接生;发表(演说等)11modest(adj.) 谦虚的;谦让的;适度的12behave(vt.& vi.)举动;(举止或行为)表现behavior(n.)行为;举止;习性13observe(vt.)观察;观测;遵守observation(n.)观察;观测14respect(vt.& n)尊敬;尊重;敬意respectable(adj.)体面的;值得尊敬的respectful(adj.)尊敬的15argue(vt.& vi.)讨论;辩论;争论argument(n.)争论;争辩;争吵16entertainment(n.)款待;娱乐;娱乐表演ent

3、ertain(vt.)款待;使快乐17refer(vi.)谈到;查阅;参考;reference(n.)参考;参照;涉及18considerate(adj.)考虑周到的consideration(n.)考虑;体谅1devote_to 献身于;专心于2move_off 离开;起程;出发3lead_alife 过着的生活4crowd_in (想法、问题等)涌上心头;涌入脑海5look_down_upon/on 蔑视;瞧不起6refer_to 查阅;参考;谈到7by_chance 碰巧;凑巧8come_across (偶然)遇见;碰见9be_intended_for 专为而设计;专供而用10carry

4、_on 继续;坚持1Once I stop,it all comes crowding in and I remember the chimps in laboratories.我一旦停下来,所有的一切都会涌上心头,我就会想起实验室里的黑猩猩。名师指津:once 引导条件状语从句,意为“一旦” 。例句仿写:一旦暴光于公众,事件立刻吸引许多人的关注。Once_(it_was)_exposed_to the public,the incident attracted many peoples attention immediately.2Only after her mother came to

5、help her for the first few months was she allowed to begin her project.她母亲头几个月来帮她的忙,这才使她得以开始自己的计划。名师指津:“only状语”位于句首,后面主句用部分倒装。例句仿写:只有当我几天前重读这些古诗时,我才开始欣赏他们的美。Only when I reread these ancient poems the other day did_I_begin to appreciate their beauty.3Suddenly it hit me how difficult it was for a woma

6、n to get medical training at that time.我突然想起在那个年代,一个女子去学医是多么难。名师指津:“It hits/hit sb.从句”表示“某人突然想起” 。例句仿写:我突然想起,我把她的生日忘了。It_hit_me_all_of_a_sudden_that I had forgotten her birthday.4Why not study at medical college like Lin Qiaozhi and carry on her good work?为什么不像林巧稚一样在医学院学习并继续她的美好事业呢?名师指津:why not do s

7、th.为什么不做某事呢,提建议的交际用法。例句仿写:为什么不养成锻炼身体的习惯来保持身体健康呢?Why_not_form_the_habit_of exercising to keep fit?5 I did not know the answer until one evening when I sat down at the computer to do some research on great women of China.直到一天晚上当我坐在电脑旁搜索中国伟大女性的时候我才知道答案。名师指津:not.until.直到才。例句仿写:直到在桂林游玩后我才发现它果然名不虚传。It was

8、 not_until_I_visited_Guilin_that I found it worthy of the reputation.behave vt.& vi.举动;(举止或行为)表现(2012安徽任务型读写)We live in a global village,but this doesnt mean that we all behave in the same way.我们住在地球村中,但这并不意味着我们要按同一种方式做事。(1)behave oneself 举止规矩些behave well/badly 举止良好/糟糕(2)wellbehaved 表现好的badlybehaved

9、 表现差的(3)behavior U 举止,行为She made a suggestion to us that we should behave well and mind your words in a big occasion like this.她向我们建议,像这样一个隆重的场合,我们应该表现得当及注意用词。I want you to behave_yourself while I am away.我不在家时你要守规矩些。(2012福建卷书面表达)I think all of us should mind_our_behaviour in public places.我认为我们大家都应

10、该注意在公共场所的行为举止。observe vt.观察;观测;遵守;庆祝(2013陕西卷信息匹配)Fishkeeping is a widespread hobby and the keeper can observe their behaviour in the glass tank and study its entire life cycle.养鱼是一个很普遍的爱好,养鱼人可以透过玻璃器皿观察它们的行为,研究其整个生命周期。(1)observeError!Error!(2)be observed to do sth.被观察到做某事(3)observe the speed limit 遵守

11、车速限制observe Christmas (National Day)庆祝圣诞节(国庆节)The police observed the man entering the bank.警方监视到那个人正走进银行。The police observed that the driver did not observe_the_traffic_rules.警察注意到那位司机没有遵守交通规则。Though having lived abroad for years,many Chinese still observe the traditional customs.许多中国人尽管在国外居住了多年,但仍

12、遵从传统的习俗。argue vi.& vt.讨论,争论,争辩,说服,用辩论证明教材原句 P2:She has argued that wild animals should be left in the wild and not used for entertainment or advertisements.她主张应该让野生动物留在野外生活,而不能用于娱乐或广告。(1)Error!Error!(2)argue sb.into/out of doing sth.persuade/talk sb.into/out of doing sth.说服某人做(不做)某事(3)argument n争论,争

13、辩;论点Its beyond argument that 无可争辩的是He argued against smoking,and insisted that it was beyond argument that smoking was harmful to health.他反对吸烟并且坚持认为吸烟有害于健康是无可争辩的。Its_no_use_arguing_about the question with him for he wont change his opinion.关于这个问题和他争论是没有用的,他不会改变自己的观点的。We tried many ways to argue_him_

14、into accepting our advice,but in vain.我们想尽各种办法劝说他接受我们的建议,但都是徒然。Some experts argue that more strict measures should be taken to make the road safer.一些专家认为要采取更严格的措施来确保道路更安全。intend vt.计划;打算教材原句 P6:I looked carefully at the text and realized that it was intended for women in the countryside.我仔细地看了这篇文章,了

15、解到那是为农村妇女写的。(1)intend doing/to do sth.打算做某事intend sb.to do sth.打算让某人做某事(2)be intended to do sth./for sth.专门为;专门给(3)intend that.(should) do sth.打算;主张(4)with the intention of 目的是I will make an apology to you if I hurt you.To be honest,I didnt intend to hurt anyone.如果我伤害了你,我向你道歉;但说实话,我没想伤害任何人。I had_int

16、ended_to_catch the early train,but I didnt get up in time.我本来打算赶早班的火车,但没及时起床。This program was set up with an intention of providing help to homeless people.设立这个项目是为了帮助无家可归者。inspire vt.鼓舞;感动;激发;启示(2013安徽卷)Founded in the early 20th century,the school keeps on inspiring childrens love of art.这所学校建立于 20 世纪早期,并一直激励着孩子们热爱艺术。(1)Error!Error!(2)Error!Error!The teacher


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