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1、Unit 4 Earthquakes Period 2 Important Language Points从容说课从容说课 This is the second teaching period of this unit. We first check the students homework and offer chances for the students to review what they learned during the first period. The emphasis in this period will be placed on the important new

2、words, expressions and sentence patterns in the parts Warming up, Pre-reading, Reading and Comprehending. In order to make the students understand these important points thoroughly, we can first get the students to understand their meanings in the context, then give some explanations about them, and

3、 later offer some practices to make the students master their usages. Some words and expressions, such as shake, injure, destroy, shock, rescue, right away, a great number of, give out are very useful and important. So are the sentence patterns “It seemed that the world was at an end” and “All hope

4、was not lost”. We ought to pay more attention to them and design special exercises. At the end of the class, the teacher can make the students do more exercises for consolidation. In doing so, they can learn, grasp and use these important language points well. 教学重点教学重点 1. Enable the students to gras

5、p the usages of such important new words and expressions as shake, injure, destroy, shock, rescue, right away, a great number of, give out, etc. 2. Get the students to master the usages of the patterns:“It seemed that the world was at an end” and “All hope was not lost”. 教学难点教学难点 1. Let the students

6、 learn the usage of the word “shake”. 2. Enable the students to master the usage of the pattern “All. . . is not. . . ” and understand some difficult and long sentences. 教学方法教学方法 1. Discussing, summarizing and practicing 2. Cooperative learning 教具准备教具准备 The multimedia and other normal teaching tools

7、 三维目标三维目标 Knowledge aims: 1. Get the students to learn and grasp the important new words and expressions:shakewell (n. ) rise crack smelly burst canal ruin injure destroy useless shockquake rescue electricity disaster army organize bury coal mine shelter freshright away at an end lie in ruins be tra

8、pped under sth. a (great)number of 2. Get the students to learn the following useful sentence patterns: 1)But the one million people of the city, who thought little of theses events, went to bed as usual that night. 2)It seemed that the world was at an end! 3)Bricks covered the ground like red autum

9、n leaves. 4)The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead. 5)Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed. 6)Never before in history has a city been so completely destroyed. Ability aims:1. Enable the students to use some useful words and expr

10、essions correctly. 2. Enable the students to make sentences after the useful sentence patterns. Emotional aim: 1. Stimulate the students interest in learning English. 2. Develop the students spirit of cooperation and teamwork. 教学过程教学过程 设计方案(一)设计方案(一) Step 1 Revision 1. Check the homework exercises.

11、2. Ask some students to retell the reading passage A Night the Earth Didnt Sleep. Step 2 Reading and finding Get the students to read the reading passage again to underline all the new words and useful expressions or collocations in the passage. Collocations:a smelly gas, come out of, in the farmyar

12、ds, too nervous to eat, run out of, look for places to hide, jump put of, water pipes, think little of, as usual, It seemed that. . . , at an end, one hundred kilometers away, one- third, eight kilometers long, thirty meters wide, cut across, in ruins, be injured, thousands of, the number of, reach

13、more than 400 000, everywhere, . . . everything was destroyed, be gone, blow away, be not safe for, tens of thousands of, give milk, half a million, millions of, instead of, be shocked, later that afternoon, be trapped under the ruins, fall down, All. . . is/was not. . . , hundreds of thousands of,

14、dig out, the dead, to the north of, coal mines, built shelters, fresh water Read them aloud and copy them down in the exercise book after class. Step 3 Discovering useful words and expressions Do the exercises in Discovering useful words and expressions on Page 28. Explain the problems the students

15、meet while checking the answers. Step 4 Language Points 1. shake vt. quiver(指人)发抖,打战 They laughed until their sides shook when they heard the joke. 这个笑话笑得他们浑身直颤。 The little boy was shaking with cold. 那个小男孩冻得发抖。 3)disturb the calmness of sb. ; trouble or shock sb. 使某人心绪不宁;烦扰或惊吓某人 This surprising deve

16、lopment quite shook me. 这一惊人的新情况把我吓坏了。 4)make(sth. )less certain; weaken belief, etc. 动摇某人的想法;减弱 Her new theory has been shaken by this new evidence. 这一新证据动摇了她的新理论。 5)(of sb. s voice)become weak or faltering; tremble(指某人的嗓音)变弱,发颤,颤抖 His voice shook(with emotion)as he announced the news. 他宣布这一消息时,声音(因激动)有些颤抖。shake go up(指日月星 辰等的)升起;上升 The sun rises at seven oclock. 太阳七点钟升起。 Prices have risen steadily during the past ten years. 过去十年间物价一直在稳定地上涨。 He rose from his ch


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