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1、Psychological Disorders,A constellation of symptoms that create significant distress or impairment in work, school, family, relationships, and/or daily living,Psychological Disorders,Diagnosis/categorization of mental illnesses can be very subjective Homosexuality until 1973 Body Dysmorphic Disorder

2、 While in the DSM-IV, is not recognized by HMOs Koro Southeast Asia Men can develop a fear that ones penis will withdraw into ones abdomen, causing death Winigo Algonquin Indian hunters Intense fear of being turned into a cannibal by supernatural monster,Psychological Disorders,Diagnosis/categorizat

3、ion of mental illnesses can be very subjective Rosenhan (1973) study Mentally healthy confederates were admitted with schizophrenia into psychiatric hospitals They then behaved normally in the hospitals, but their normal behavior was interpreted as pathological based on previous diagnosis,DSM - IV,O

4、fficial categorization of psych disorders in U.S. 5-Axis model adopted in 1980 Axis 1 Clinical disorders (e.g., mood & anxiety disorders) Axis 2 Personality disorders (e.g., narcissism, antisocial) & mental retardation Axis 3 Medical (physical) conditions influencing Axis 1 & 2 disorders Axis 4 Psyc

5、hosocial & environmental stress influencing Axis 1 & 2 disorders Axis 5 Global Assessment of Functioning score: highest level of functioning patient has achieved in work, relationships, and activities,Anxiety Disorders: Panic Disorders,Axis 1 Panic Disorder Sudden, unexpected attacks overwhelming an

6、xiety Heart palpitations, difficulty breathing, chest pain, nausea, sweating, dizziness, etc. Fear of dying or losing ones mind Can lead to agoraphobia: fear of places which may cause a panic attack Hypothesized causes Hypersensitivity of locus coeruleus (in brainstem; “alarm system” for fight or fl

7、ight response) Personal belief that physiological arousal is harmful; high number of stressful childhood/adolescent events,Anxiety Disorders: Phobias,Axis 1 Simple Intense, irrational fear of a specific object or situation Geer (1965) Most intense fears Untimely/early death Illness, injury or death

8、of a loved one Speaking before a group Snakes Not being a success, making mistakes, failing a test Suffocating,Anxiety Disorders: Phobias,Social Fear public scrutiny and embarrassment Most common phobia Hypothesized causes Hyperactivity of amygdala in certain situations involving the feared entity E

9、xtreme shyness in childhood perpetuates social phobia into adulthood Classical and operant conditioning (Little Albert) Social modeling of others who have phobias,Anxiety Disorders:Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD),Axis 1 Typically occur after a traumatic event (especially crimes, war) Symptoms i

10、nclude re-experiencing trauma (dreams, flashbacks), avoidance of anything associated with trauma, and constant state of hypervigilance Sense of having no control over the traumatic event “the world is a dangerous place” Drug abuse is high w/ PTSD Negative reinforcement (avoidance of symptoms with us

11、e),Anxiety Disorders: Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD),Hypothesized causes Hypersensitivity of locus coeruleus (“alarm system”) and limbic system Those with lower IQs, fewer cognitive/intellectual resources Belief that world is a dangerous place Lack of family/friend/social support after trauma,

12、Anxiety Disorders: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD),Axis 1 Obsessions Recurrent, intrusive thoughts Compulsions Recurrent urges to perform ritualistic actions Washing: thoughts of contamination Checking: Did I lock the car? Counting: Count to 100 so that the obsessive thought of disaster will not

13、 happen,Anxiety Disorders: Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD),Hypothesized causes Malfunction of caudate nucleus of the basal ganglia Not turning off recurrent thoughts Serotonin-based medications reduce symptoms (although “why” is not known) Operant conditioning: compulsions relieve anxiety create

14、d by obsessions Rejecting families lead to higher stress, which manifests into OCD for rejected person,Class Activity,For each of the following words, write a sentence that describes an experience you had that is associated with that respective word Train Ice House Meeting Machine Road Rain Tunnel,C

15、lass Activity,For each experience you wrote down, rate whether the experience was pleasant or unpleasant After you have rated all experiences, tally the total number of pleasant and unpleasant experiences,Class Activity,How have you felt today? Happy? Sad? Somewhat depressed? The number of pleasant

16、vs. unpleasant experiences you recalled should be related to your mood today. When we are depressed, we remember more unpleasant than pleasant events.,Mood Disorders,Emotional disturbances that interfere with normal life functioning Axis 1 Major Depressive Disorder At least 2 weeks of depressed mood/loss of interest along with several other symptoms, including Significant weight loss (but not through a diet) Insomnia or hypersomnia Restlessness or sluggishness Indecisiveness, lack of concentration Thoughts of death or suicide,



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