2015届高考英语总复习复习语言基础知识unit22 environmental protection

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1、必考话题 22 热点话题()写 作 必 备基础词汇1waste vt.& n废弃物;浪费2plastic n& adj. 塑料(的)3polluted adj. 受污染的4threaten vt. 威胁5energy n. 能源6existence n. 生存7environment n. 环境8environmental adj. 环境的9be ashamed of 对感到羞耻10result v. 导致11do harm to 对造成伤害12leave.behind 把抛于脑后提分句型1Our earth is being endangered by the more and more s

2、erious pollution.污染越来越严重,我们的地球处境危险。2There will be a rainstorm accompanied by thunder and lightning.将有一场雷电交加的暴风雨。3In the past hundred years,there have been frequent natural disasters such as floods,droughts,and earthquakes.在过去的几百年里,经常发生诸如水灾、干旱和地震这样的自然灾害。美 文 赏 析素材示例 (2013江苏卷)请根据你对下面两幅图的理解,以“Actions Sp

3、eak Louder than Words”为题,用英语写一篇作文。你的作文应包括以下内容:(1)简要描述两幅图的内容;(2)概述你对两幅图中不同做法的理解;(3)举例说明两幅图对你的启示。注意:(1)可参照图片适当发挥;(2)作文词数 150 左右;(3)作文中不得提及有关考生个人身份的任何信息,如校名、人名等。参考词汇:banner 横幅;stump 树桩Actions Speak Louder than Words_佳作播报Actions Speak Louder than WordsEarth Day is a day when we show our concern about ou

4、r planet,which is now suffering much damage.However,different people may celebrate it in different ways,just like what the pictures show us.The man in Picture 1 is only trying to put up a banner on a lonely tree around which are many stumps. On the contrary,in Picture 2 the couple are planting trees

5、 happily.What the pictures tell us is that actions speak louder than words.If we want to protect our earth, instead of going on cutting down trees and just talking in vain,its our actions that make a big difference.Things are the same in our daily life.Some people often complain about others bad beh

6、aviours on the road,while they themselves refuse to obey traffic rules.Some may care about their own interests,and even do harm to others even if they constantly advocate doing voluntary work to help the poor.Therefore,just remembering actions speak louder than words is not enough.We should take pra

7、ctical steps if we want to achieve a certain goal.1.around which are many stumps.此句是介词which 引导的定语从句。模拟 Tell me the time at_which_the_train_leaves.告诉我火车离开的时间。2while 此处强调对比,意为“即,然而”。模拟 The son was having a good meal at home,while the parents were working in the field.儿子在家吃好饭而父母却在田里辛勤劳作。3even if 即使,相当于

8、 even though 用于引导让步状语从句。模拟 Well stand by you even_if_you_dont_succeed.即使你不成功,我们也将会支持你。 .核心单词1_(vt.)使困住2_(prep.)超出3_(vt.)主张,提倡_(n.)拥护,提倡4_(n.)代替品,代用品5_(n.)方法_(pl.)6_(adj.)相关的_(n.)相关(性)7_(n.)巧合_(adj.)同时发生的8_(n.)资金_(adj.)财政的,金融的9_(n.)保护区 vt.保留;预订_(adj.)预定的,保留的_(n.)预订;保留10_(n.)农业_(adj.)农业的11_(vt.)威胁_(n.

9、)威胁12_(n.)分离,分开_(vt.)分离;分开 adj.不同的;各自的13_(vt.)建造_(n.)建造14_(vt.)采用,收养_(n.)收养;采用15_(vt.)分配,配给_(n.)分配;配给16_(n.)政治(活动)_(adj.)政治的_(n.)政治家17_(vt.& vi.)削尖_(adj.)尖的;锐利的18_(adj.)想得周到的,体贴的_(v.)考虑_(n.)考虑;体贴答案 1.trap 2.beyond 3.advocate;advocacy 4.substitute 5.means;means 6.relevant;relevance 7.coincidence;coin

10、cident 8.finance;financial 9.reserve;reserved;reservation 10.agriculture;agricultural 11threaten;threat 12.separation;separate 13.construct;construction 14.adopt;adoption 15.allocate;allocation 16.politics;political;politician 17.sharpen;sharp 18.considerate;consider;consideration词不离句,句不离段The expert

11、s and consultants adopt the suggestion that the construction of irrigation works be built in the mountainous area after careful consideration.By coincidence,severe droughts threaten some forest reserves.Sacrifice of ecology is against our principle and advocacy.重点短语1超出的控制 _2展望未来 _3指,意即 _4依次 _5引起,导致

12、_6采取行动 _7(对已产生的不良后果)负责任 _8call for an end to sth _9wrap up _10on somebodys behalf _11for good _12carry off _13all in all _14result in _15earn ones living _答案 1.beyond ones control 2.look ahead 3.refer to 4in turn 5.lead to 6.take action 7.answer for 8要求结束 9.结束 10.代表 11.永远 12.掠去,夺走 13.总的来说 14.导致 15.谋

13、生小试身手,聚焦短语All_in_all,_her condition is greatly improved after the operation.If you drive after drinking, youll have to answer_for the consequences.Dont refer_to your note when you answer the question.We must look_ahead before we make a decision.Its high time that we took_action to prevent the river

14、from being polluted.经典句式1Without these naturally occurring gases, the suns rays would bounce back into space leaving the Earth cold and impossible to live on.如果没有这些自然产生的气体,太阳的能量将会被反射回太空去,地球将处于寒冷之中,而不适合生命的存在。解读leave宾语宾语补足语模拟He left the room,_(没有锁门)2Given this data, it seems that the link between human activities and rising glo


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