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1、黄帝内经的养生之道 Regimen in Yellow Emperors Canon of Medicine,“余闻上古之人,春秋皆度百岁,而动作不衰;今时之人,年半百而动作皆衰者,时世异耶?人将失之耶?” One day, the Yellow Emperor askes Qi Bo, his Imperial Master,“I was told that people in ancient times all could live for one hundred years without any signs of senility. But people nowadays begin

2、to become old at the age of fifty. Is it due to the changes of environment or the violation of the way to preserve health?“,歧伯对曰:“上古之人,其知道者,法于阴阳,和于术数,食饮有节,起居有常,不妄作劳,故能形与神俱,而尽终其天年,度百岁乃去。” Qibo answered, “The sages in ancient times who knew the Dao(the tenets for cultivating health) followed the rules

3、 of Yin and Yang and adjusted Shushu(the ways to cultivate health).They were moderate in eating and drinking, regular in working and resting, avoiding any overstrain. That is why they could maintain a desirable harmony between the Shen(the spirit) and the body, enjoying good health and a long life.“

4、,“今时之人不然也,以酒为浆,以妄为常,醉以入房,以欲竭其精,以耗散其真,不知持满,不时御神,务快其心,逆于生乐,起居无节,故半百而衰也”。 “People nowadays, on the contrary, just behave oppositely. They drink wine as thin rice gruel, regard wrong as right, and seek sexual pleasure after drinking. As a result, their Jingqi(Essence-Qi) is exhausted and Zhenqi(Genuine-

5、Qi)is wasted. They seldom take measures to keep an exuberance of Jingqi and do not know how to regulate the Shen(the Spirit), often giving themselves to sensual pleasure. Being irregular in daily life, they begin to become old even at the age of fifty.”,“夫上古圣人之教下也,皆谓之虚邪贼风,避之有时,恬淡虚无,真气从之,精神内守,病安从来。”

6、“In remote ages, the Sages taught their people the way to keep good health, they emphasized the importance of avoiding Xuxie(Deficiency-Evil) and Zeifeng(Thief-Wind) in good time and keep the mind away from avarice. In this way, Zhenqi in the body will be in harmony, Jingshen(Essence-Spirit) will re

7、main inside, and diseases will have no way to occur.”,“是以志闲而少欲,心安而不惧,形劳而不倦,气从以顺,各从其欲,皆得所愿。故美其食,任其服,乐其俗,高下不相慕,其民故曰朴”。 “Therefore, people in ancient times all lived in peace and contentment, without any fear. They worked, but never overstrained themselves, making it smooth for Qi to flow. They all fel

8、t satisfied with their life and enjoyed their tasty food, natural clothes and naive customs. They did not desire for high positions and live simply and naturally.”,“是以嗜欲不能劳其目,淫邪不能惑其心,愚智贤不肖,不惧于物,故合于道。” “That is why improper addiction and avarice could not distract their eyes and ears, obscenity and f

9、allacy could not tempt their mind. Neithe the ignorant nor the intelligent and neither the virtuous nor the unworthy feared anything. Such a behavior quite accorded with the Dao(the tenets for cultivating health). “所以能年皆度百岁而动作不衰者,以其德全不危也。” Having followed the tenets of preserving health, they could

10、enjoy a long life free from disease and live over one hundred years without any signs of senility.”,帝曰:“人年老而无子者,材力尽邪?将天数然也?” Yellow Emperor asked,“Old people cannot give birth to any children. Is it due to the exhaustion of Caili(Essence-Qi) or the natural development of the body?“,歧伯曰:“女子七岁,肾气盛,齿更发

11、长。二七而天癸至,任脉通,太冲脉盛,月事以时下,故有子”。 Qibo answered,“For a woman, her Shenqi(Kidney-Qi) becomes prosperous and her teeth begin to change at the age of seven. At the age of fourteen, Tiangui(refers to the substance for the promotion of genital function) begins to appear, Renmai(Conception Vessel) and Chongma

12、i(Thoroughfare Vessel) are vigorous in function. Then she begins to have menstruation and is able to conceive a baby. “,“三七,肾气平均,故真牙生而长极。四七,筋骨坚,发长极,身体盛壮” “At the age of twenty-one, as Shenqi(Kidney-Qi) is in vigor, the wisdom teeth begin to grow and her body has fully developed. At the age of twenty

13、-eight, her musculature and bone become strong, her hair grows long enough. Her body has reached the summit of development.”,“五七,阳明脉衰,面始焦,发始堕。” “At the age of thirty-five, Yangming Channel starts to decline, her face begins to wither and her hair starts to lose.” “六七,三阳脉衰于上,面皆焦,发始白。” “At the age of

14、forty-two, as the three Yang Channels are deficient (in both blood and Qi), her countenance becomes wane and her hair begins to turn white.”,“七七,任脉虚,太冲脉衰少,天癸竭,地道不通,故形坏而无子也。” At the age of forty-nine, as both the Renmai(Conception Vessel) and Chongmai(Thoroughfare Vessel) become deficient and menstru

15、ation stops, she becomes physcially feeble and is no longer able to conceie a baby.,“丈夫八岁,肾气实,发长齿更。” “For a man, at the age of eight, his Shenqi(Kidney-Qi) becomes prosperous and his teeth begin to change. ” “二八,肾气盛,天癸至,精气溢泻,阴阳和,故能有子。” “At the age of sixteen, as Shenqi(Kidney-Qi) is abundant and Tia

16、ngui occurs, he begins to experience spermatic emission. If he has copulated with a woman at this period, he can have a baby.”,“三八,肾气平均,筋骨劲强,故真牙生而长极。” “At the age of twenty-four, his Shenqi(Kidney-Qi) is full, his musculature and bone become strong, the wisdom teeth appear and the whole body is fully developed.” “四八,筋骨隆盛,肌肉满壮。” “At the age of thirty-two, his musculature and bones have well developed and are very strong. ” “五八,肾气衰,发堕齿槁。” “At the age of forty, as Shenqi (Kidney-Qi) declines, his hair begins to drop and his teeth start to wither.”,


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