江苏省洪泽外国语学校高一英语导学案:unit 3 looking good, feeling good(九)(牛津译林版必修1)

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江苏省洪泽外国语学校高一英语导学案:unit 3 looking good, feeling good(九)(牛津译林版必修1)_第1页
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江苏省洪泽外国语学校高一英语导学案:unit 3 looking good, feeling good(九)(牛津译林版必修1)_第2页
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《江苏省洪泽外国语学校高一英语导学案:unit 3 looking good, feeling good(九)(牛津译林版必修1)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《江苏省洪泽外国语学校高一英语导学案:unit 3 looking good, feeling good(九)(牛津译林版必修1)(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 Content:M1 Unit 3 Grammar and usage(3) Aims of this class: At the end of class, the students can: use questions tags correctlylearn what a question tag is when to use it Importance:how to write questions tags Difficulty:how to write questions tags Step one:check homework Step two:Discussion 1.What

2、are question tags?2.Look at the following examples and tell in what different situations the question tags are used. Looking good is important to women, isnt it?I was lucky, wasnt I?We shouldnt be ashamed of the way we look, should we? Step three:Discuss some laws of the use of question tags.1.陈述部分肯

3、定,疑问部分否定陈述部分肯定,疑问部分否定;陈述部分否定,疑问部分肯定陈述部分否定,疑问部分肯定You are from China,_.You like pizza,_.He has changed too much,_.2.当陈述句是祈使句时当陈述句是祈使句时, 无论肯定或否定的,疑问部分都用无论肯定或否定的,疑问部分都用 will youClose all the windows, will you?Ps: 以 lets 开头的祈使句,,附加句用 shall we? 3.陈述部分带有 seldom, hardly, never, neither, none, nobody, nothin

4、g, few, little 等否定词时,疑问部分 应用肯定。Ps:如果陈述部分的否定词仅带否定前缀或后缀,那么,陈述部分做肯定句处理,疑问部分仍用否定形式。填空:His sister seldom argues with people,_?He was unsuccessful, _?4.当陈述部分主语为当陈述部分主语为 this,that,everything,anything,something,nothing 等时,反意疑问句的主语用等时,反意疑问句的主语用 it。e. g. Everything is all right, _? Nothing can stop us now, _?

5、5.当陈述部分中主语为 anybody, anyone, everybody, everyone, somebody, someone, nobody, none,no one, those, these 反意疑问句中主语用反意疑问句中主语用 they。e.g. Everyone knows the answer,_?6如果陈述部分是如果陈述部分是 I am 的结构,疑问部分用的结构,疑问部分用 arent I. e.g. I am late, arent I?7如果陈述部分是一个带有如果陈述部分是一个带有 that 分句作宾语的主从结构时,疑问部分一般应与主句的主语和谓语动词保分句作宾语的主

6、从结构时,疑问部分一般应与主句的主语和谓语动词保 持对应关系。持对应关系。 e.g. She says that I did it,_?Ps:I suppose, I think, I believe,I m sure 等结构时,疑问部分则往往与等结构时,疑问部分则往往与 that 分句中的主语和谓语动词保持对分句中的主语和谓语动词保持对 应关系,但要注意否定的转移。应关系,但要注意否定的转移。I dont think that she works hard, _? 8.陈述部分有陈述部分有 used to 时,疑问部分可用时,疑问部分可用 used 形式,也可用形式,也可用 did 形式形式

7、。 e.g. He used to smoke five cigarettes a day, _?9.当陈述部分是当陈述部分是 there be 句型时,附加疑问句主语也用句型时,附加疑问句主语也用 there.There is no help for it,_? 10.I wish to visit the Great Wall next week, may I?Step four Practice1. I suppose youre going today, _?A are you B. do you C. dont you D. arent you 2. I wish to shake

8、hands with you, _?A.shall I B. may I C. do I D. will I 3. They have to study a lot, _?A.dont they B. havent they C. did they D. hadnt they 4. Im sure to be dirty, _?A. Am I B. isnt I C. arent I D. am not I 5. When the car crashed, your brother escaped being hurt, _?A didnt they B. did he C. did it D

9、. didnt it 6. He has his hair cut every month _?A. has he B. hasnt he C. Does he D. doesnt he 7. Your friend needs to come earlier, _?A does he B. doesnt he C. need he D. neednt he 8. Alice, you feed the bird today,_?But I fed it yesterday.A.do you B. will you C. didnt you D. dont you 9.When youve f

10、inished with that book, dont forget to put it back on the shelf, _? A. do you B. dont you C. will you D. wont you 10Im sure youd rather she went to school by bus, _? A. hadnt you B. wouldnt you C. arent you D. didnt sheStep five:Finish Part A on page 51 Homework: (1) review the question tags and preview the next period(2)do exercise paper


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