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1、 M6U4 必背短语和句子必背短语和句子1. international aid 国际援助 2. keep the peace 维护和平 3. a shortage of 缺少 4. live in poverty 生活在贫困当中 5. running water 自来水 6. have a chance to do 有机会做某事 7. refer to 谈及,提到;指称;查阅,参考 8. be made up of 由组成 9. feel honored to do 做某事感到荣幸 10. take on this role 担当这一角色 11. set up 建立 12. belong t

2、o 属于 13. be based on 基于 14. co-operate in doing sth. 合作做某事 15. human right 人权 16. be involved in 被卷入;涉及 17. in addition 此外 18. child labor 童工 19. increase peoples awareness 增强人们的意识 20. draw ones attention to 吸引某人的注意 21.add to 添加;增加 22. a sum of money 一笔钱 23.with luck 幸运的话 24. under the umbrella of 在

3、的保护下,在的管理下 25. apart from 除了之外 26. lack of education 缺乏教育 27. drinking water 饮用水 28. complete primary education 完成初级教育 29. look up 查阅 30. set out 提出,制定出 31. on behalf of 代表 32. afford the expense 承担花费 33. recommend doing 推荐做某事 34. farm the land 耕种土地 35. suffer from 遭受 36. in chaos/in a mess 处于混乱当中 3

4、7. flee to the mountains 逃到山上38. set up feeding centers 建立馈食中心39. stopfrom doing 阻止做某事 40.die from 死于 41.look out for 当心,小心 42. be concerned about 担心,担忧 43. from place to placefrom one place to another 从一地到另一地 44. on the medical team 在医疗队里 45. a vacant health center 没被占用的健康中心 46. on ones way to doin

5、g 正要做某事 47. regular medication 按期服药 48. get hold of 得到;抓住49. access to 的通道have access to 有权使用;有机会接近 50. remindof 使记起remind sb. to do 提醒某人做某事 51.language barrier 语言障碍 52.be limited to doing 局限于做某事 53.imagine doing 想象做某事 54.burial ground 墓地 55.think back to 回顾 56.do something worthwhile 做有意义的事 57. fro

6、m another side 从另一个角度看 58. here and there 到处 59. make a difference to 有影响,有作用 60. on an individual level 从个人层面上讲1. I am very happy to have been chosen to be a Goodwill Ambassador for them.我很高兴入选联合国的一名亲善大使。 2. I feel very honored to have been able to take on this role.能够担当这一角色,我感到非常荣幸。 3. The organiz

7、ation is involved in peacekeeping operations to help end some of the worlds most horrible conflicts.该组织参与维和行动,协助终止世界上一些最恐怖的冲突。 4. The water makes it difficult for the cuts and wounds to heal and easy for bacteria to spread.洪水使得伤口难以愈合,细菌容易扩散。 5. When you cant speak the same language, it is sometimes very difficult to find out what is wrong with someone.当你和当地人不能说同一种语言时,你就很难弄清对方的问题。



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