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1、跨文化交际学研究课题之二,Basic attitudes of Chinese college students towards American, European, Australian, Japanese, Korean and African.,American,中国大学生对美国人的基本看法是否存在刻板印象(stereotype)?是否存有偏见(prejudice)?,stereotype : Categorize people or things by the most obvious characteristics they posses.(liberty , democracy

2、, equality and justice ),2. Apply a set of characteristics to a whole group of people.(food, clothes),3. Give the same treatment to each member of the group.(rich, ignorant other countries),prejudice:,Verbal abuse,Physical avoidance,Discrimination,Physical attack / punishing,Massacre(大屠杀),European,T

3、ypical English character,reserved & modest,Unwilling to accept other thingsHuman behind their barrier of reserveSelf-praise is impolite,English sense of humour,Laugh at oneself Merely a life attitudeNever cruel or disrespectful or malicious,A man was injected with a deadly poison, but, it did not ki

4、ll him. Why? He was already dead,Pub culture,Pub culture is designed to promote sociability in a society known for its reserve. Standing at the bar for service allows you to chat with others waiting to be served. The bar counter is possibly the only site in the British Isles in which friendly conver

5、sation with strangers is considered entirely appropriate and really quite normal behaviour. “If you havent been to a pub, you havent been to Britain.”,The Decline of Religion,Church attendace is declining In 2007, Tearfund published the following results of their comprehensive review of British Chri

6、stian religion in 2006: 10% of the UK adult population go to church at least weekly. 15% attend church at least monthly. 26% attend church at least yearly. 59% never or practically never go to church.Confused belief in religion,first greet the lady, then the gentleman 先跟女士打招呼,再到男士 dont use goat or p

7、eacock as decorative items 忌用山羊,孔雀等做装饰,孔雀开屏是自我炫耀的不良习性dislike black cats, especially when they walk pass them, will feel disgusted, think its a sign of misfortune 很忌讳黑猫,尤其是黑猫若从面前穿过,会感到恶心very dislike number “13“,think its an unlucky number, usually try best to avoid “13“ in life 非常忌讳“13”这个数字,认为这是个不吉祥的

8、数字dislike the flower lilies, think its a symbol of death 忌讳百合花,并把百合花看作是死亡的象征dont like to be too close to each other when talking, usually keep about 50cm apart 同别人谈话不喜欢太靠近,British habits and taboo,ChinaAustralia relations,Sino-Australian relations refers to the relations between the Australian Commo

9、nwealth and the Peoples Republic of China. The relationship between China and Australia have grown considerably over the years. Both countries are actively engaged economically, cultural and politically which spans different organizations such as APEC, East Asia Summit and the G20.,Australian,Austra

10、lia began accepting Chinese students for tertiary education in 1986 in English Language Intensive Courses for Overseas Students (ELICOS). Several thousands Chinese were studying in Australia in 1987.In the aftermath of Tiananmen Square protests of 1989, the Australian government granted protection f

11、or many Chinese students in Australia.5 Since then, Australia has become one of the biggest market for Chinese students for tertiary education . In early 2011, there were over 126 000 Chinese students in Australia and they make up 26 percent of the total foreign students.,history,leisure,comfort,Slo

12、w pace of life,DANGER,Koala bears,The Gold coast,The buildings,robbery,In general, there is not existing stereotype effects on Australian. But we still have some impression On Australian!,Japanese,Statistics Survey Report on Chinese College students Attitudes towards Japanese(92 participants),Is the

13、re bias in our attitudes?,The Nanjing holocaust,Paying homage to Yasukuni Jinjia靖国神社,The Japan textbook problem,The boat collision is once again bringing attention to the Diaoyu Islands issue.,钓鱼岛列屿海域海底,油藏的上限为1574亿桶,有第二中东之称,超过伊拉克40%,比美国多五倍,足供中国使用80年,Inalienable part of China,The difference between “

14、the whole Japanese” and “the individual Japanese”?,Hardworking,Polite,Prudent(谨慎),Responsible,Seven virtues of Bushid,Rectitude (義) Courage (勇) Benevolence (仁) Respect (礼) Honesty (誠) Honor (名誉) Loyalty (忠義),Serious working Attitude,Contribution to society Fairness and Honesty Cooperation and Team S

15、pirit Untiring Effort for Improvement Courtesy and Humility Adaptability Gratitude,Konosuke Matsushita,Konosuke Matsushita 松下 幸之助 (November 27, 1894 April 27, 1989) a Japanese industrialist the founder of Panasonic For many Japanese, he is known as “the god of management“.,Korean,Chinese Impression

16、About,AD. of a Korean facelifting hospital,World-class Face-lifting technology,Korean TV Series,韩剧有三宝:车祸,癌症,治不好 Death rate of main character in car accidents: 99% Another 1%: Memory loss, go blind & etc.,Korean famous foodPickles,Netizens call Korea 泡菜国 & Korean 泡菜文 Discriminatively call 高丽棒子,Korean Style Clothes,Some reasons why Korean style clothes prevail in China 1. Affected by Korean TV series and stars 2.Their clothes look delicate & elegant,


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