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1、10/20/2018,新标准英语第九册,Module6 Unit 1 You can play basketball well.,东矿小学 张凯,10/20/2018,学习目标 1.掌握核心词well,true,功能句Can you run fast? Yes, I can. No, I cant. You can play basketball well. 2.通过句型和课文的学习用You can/ cant 来评价自己或他人。 3.培养学生的小组合作能力和交际能力。,10/20/2018,自学指导1: (1)请同学们先自己轻声朗读P66第六模块的前六个单词,要读准、读熟并背诵单词,(若有不

2、会的地方可以问老师、小组讨论 ) (2)小组内尝试翻译下面词组跑得快 跳得高 打篮球 吹笛子自学3分钟,10/20/2018,run,fast,10/20/2018,jump,high,10/20/2018,play basketball,well,10/20/2018,play the flute,well,10/20/2018,真实的,true,T,不真实的 false F,10/20/2018,自学指导2:1.初读P32课文找出不懂不会的单词组内讨论并写到黑板上 2.再读课文,要求读准读熟,然后成员之间互相交流一下对话的汉语意思。 3.小组成员讨论课文中的情态动词can的用法。 4.根据

3、句型 I can。.小组内进行对话练习。,自学5分钟,10/20/2018,我是情态动词can,若表能力我来担。 不管主语怎么变,can 的模样都不变。 动词原形站后边,一般疑问can 在前。 否定句can后要把not 添。,can,10/20/2018,sing dance swim play football play basketballrun fast jump high,You can dance well, but you cant run fast.,10/20/2018,They are talking about _.,play basketball,Listen read

4、and think.,10/20/2018,Listen read and act,10/20/2018,Listen and write.,Amy:Lingling,do you want to ? Lingling:Yes,I do.But I cant play . Sam:Can you ? Lingling:No,I cant. Amy:But you can really high! Lingling:Thats true! Sam:Hooray!Were the winners! Amy:Youre great,Lingling.Our team eighty points an

5、d you got twenty ! Sam:You can play basketball well,Lingling.Im your first ! Lingling:Thank you.,play basketball,well,run fast,jump,got,points,fan,10/20/2018,1. Lingling wants to play basketball. 2. Lingling can run fast. 3. Lingling can play basketball well. 4. Lingling cant jump high.,Think and wr

6、ite“T” or “F”.,T,F,T,F,10/20/2018,Homework,1. M6 U1单词英五汉一,背下来 2.同座课间用英语谈论 “我会做的运动”,10/20/2018,Goodbye !,10/20/2018,jump,far,10/20/2018,Have a good time! Good boy! You can play the flute well. I can sing well.,1.She is a _singer. She can sing_.,2.He is a _player. He can play basketball_.,Fill in the blanks with good or well.,good,well,good,well,10/20/2018,My name is _. I am a _. I am _years old. I can_, but I cant_ now. I could_, but I couldnt _before.,10/20/2018,play football play basketballjump highrun fast,jump farsingdanceplay the flute,I can,



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