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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家 版权所有高考资源网- 1 -成都市成都市 20152015 方框英语完形填空练习(方框英语完形填空练习(7 7) (答案)(答案)【上海市徐汇区上海市徐汇区 20142014 诊断卷诊断卷】完形填空完形填空 Section ADirections: For each blank in the following passages there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the c

2、ontext. “What are you going to be when you grow up?” is a question that you may have been asked. You may not even know there are a variety of geography-related jobs. The Association of American Geographers lists nearly 150 different geography jobs. So, if you are interested in people, places, and en

3、vironments, consider a job in geography. Your work will not be limited to mapsit might range from 51 data to planning projects, or making decisions about the environment.Processing Geographic Data A geographers main activity is analyzing geographic information to answer geographic questions. Jobs pr

4、ocessing geographic data begin, of course, with collecting the information. One on-the-ground job in data collection is that of a surveyor. Surveyors 52 and measure the land directly. They may mark boundaries, study the shape of the land, or even help find sewer(下水道) and water systems beneath the Ea

5、rth. High-tech information-gathering jobs include working with Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data. Some examples of these jobs include remote sensing specialists and GIS analysts. Data analysis jobs require the ability to think 53 , high-level computer skills, and a college education.Once dat

6、a have been processed, a geographer may study the information to use in planning projects such as a new urban area, a(n) 54 evacuation(撤退) plan, or the placement of a new highway. Planners can also help determine how to make a neighborhood a better place to live. These jobs, too, require good critic

7、al thinking, writing, and computer skills, as well as a college education. Planners are 55 to the success of a community.Advising Businesses and Government About half of jobs using geography are in business and government. All kinds of businesses use geographic information to help build and 56 their

8、 operations. A location analyst studies an area to find the best location for a client. The client might be a large retail store chain that wants to know which location would be best for opening a new store. The location analyst can study GIS 高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家 版权所有高考资源网- 2 -reports on such elements a

9、s transportation networks or population in an area and give the business owners the positive and 57 points about a location being considered.In 1967, the Mexican government was looking for a location to create a new international tourist resort. They used location analysts to find an area that had g

10、ood beaches and was easy to reach from the United States. The 58 was Cancn, today one of the worlds most desirable vacation sites. Businesses connected with natural 59 such as forests also rely on geographers. Geographers help them understand the relationship between their business and the environme

11、nt where their business is located. In 1967, Cancn was a small island on Mexicos Caribbean coast. It had white sand beaches, many birds and mangrove(红树) trees, but few people. After it was selected as a resort site, it was quickly 60 . Today, Cancn has more than 100 hotels and 500,000 permanent resi

12、dents. Many work in the tourist industry that serves the millions of visitors who come each year from all over the world. Physical and Human GeographyPhysical geographers are sometimes called earth scientists. Some study such topics as geomorphology (地形学), that is, the study of how the shape of the

13、Earth 61 . Others study weather and climate. Still others study water, the oceans, soils, or ecology. Jobs in these fields require 62 scientific training.Some geographers study economic, political, and 63 issues as they relate to place or region. Human geographers are usually hired by government age

14、ncies to analyze a specific problem. These geographers work 64 with political scientists, economists, and sociologists. Together, they provide possible solutions to problems from many different aspects of life in an area. And, of course, geographers teach the subject at all levels of 65 , from elementary schools to universities. But no matter what geography jobs people might hold, they are always trying to answer the basic geographic questions: “Where are things located?” and “Why are they there?” 51. A. performing B. analyzingC. appreciatingD. downloading高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家www.


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