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1、二年级第一学期周周练 ( 第一周)Name_ Class _一、听录音, 圈出你听到的单词和句子1. ( ) A. hello B. how C. hi2. ( ) A. am B. are C. apple3. ( ) A. evening B. morning C. goodbye4. ( ) A. Hello, Mrs. Li. B. How are you?C. Good afternoon.5. ( ) A. Im fine. B. Im Eddie.C. Im very well.二、填写字母,组成单词1a_ _le 2. _ftern_ _n3. th_nk 4. m_ _n_n

2、g5. g _ _db_ _ 6. v_ry7. n_ght 8. _ven_ _ _9. w _ ll 10. f _n_三、读对话,填空Very well, thank you. Mrs. Li Just so-so. Goodbye.-Hello, _. How are you?-_, and you?.-_.-Goodbye. -_.2A 英语周周练(一)提高篇英语周周练(一)提高篇一一. Copy the following letters (在四线三格中正确抄写字母在四线三格中正确抄写字母) Aa Cc Bb Dd二、二、Write the letters (写出字母的左右邻居写出

3、字母的左右邻居)1. m _ _ 2. _ o _ 3. _ b _ 4. _ y _ 5. _ t_三、三、Match (配对,将(配对,将 A,B,C,D 正确填入括号内)正确填入括号内) 1Good morning.( ) 3Good evening. ( ) 2Good afternoon.( ) 4Good night. ( )( A )( B )( C )( D ) 四、四、圈出下列单词圈出下列单词 morning afternoon evening nightacdnmorninghtncdefnightrxcmoinafternoonwceveningafte 五、五、Read

4、 and choose (选出不同类的单词选出不同类的单词)( )1. A windy B rainy C sun D cloudy ( )2. A boy B doll C ball D kite( ) 3. A. bag B. pencil C. ruler D. dog( ) 4. A. Mrs B. Mr C. Miss D. Mum( ) 5. A. Alice B. Sam C. Mrs D. Eddie 六、六、Read and choose (选择最合适的答案,将字母代号写在括号内选择最合适的答案,将字母代号写在括号内) (1) ( ) This is _ apple. A.

5、a B. an C. / (2) ( ) _ morning, Danny. A. Good B. Well C. Is (3) ( ) A big apple _ in a big bag. A. am B. is C. are(4) ( ) _ are you? Im very well. A. Who B. How old C. How (5) ( ) _ is the weather in the morning? Its sunny. A. What B. Who C. How (6) ( ) This is _ Wang. She is Alices mother. A. Mr B

6、. Mrs C. Miss (7) ( ) I _ fine. Thank you. A. am B. is C. are七、七、Match (问答配对问答配对) ( ) 1. What do you see ? A. Very well.( ) 2. How are you ? B. I need a new bag .( ) 3. What do you hear ? C. I see a nice dress . ( ) 4. How old are you ? D. Its a big card . ( ) 5. What is this ? E. I am seven . ( ) 6

7、. What do you need ? F. I hear a bird .八、八、Read, choose and complete the dialogue(联系上下文,选用方框中联系上下文,选用方框中 所给的句子,完成对话,将字母代号写在横线上所给的句子,完成对话,将字母代号写在横线上)A. GoodbyeB. Good morningC. How are youD. This is my dog, SamTom: Good morning, Eddie.Eddie:(1) _, Tom.Tom: (2) _?Eddie: Im very well. Thank you.Tom:Loo

8、k! (3)_. Eddie: Its lovely(可爱的). I like your dog. Tom: Its late(晚). I want to go home(回家). (4) _, Eddie.Eddie: Goodbye, Tom. Goodbye, Sam.Sam: Woof!二年级第一学期周周练 ( 第二周)Name_ Class _一、阅读下列句子,选择填空Goodbye, are, thanks, books, Youre, Im, Good, Whats1. How _ you?2. _ morning, Grandma.3. _ Miss Fang.4. _your

9、 name? Peter.5. One, two, three. Three _.6. Hi, _ Alice.7. How are you? Fine, _.8. Goodbye, Kitty._, Alice.二、阅读短文判断,正确的用“T”,错误的用 “F” Im a boy. Im nine. Im fat. I have got a lovely hen. Its yellow. Its small. It can sing. I can sing, too. Miss White is my English teacher. Shes beautiful. I like her v

10、ery much. Im a good pupil.( ) 1. Im a thin boy.( ) 2. My hen is big. It can fly.( ) 3. My English teacher is beautiful.( ) 4. My English teacher is Mr. White.( ) 5. I like my English teacher.2A 英语周周练英语周周练(二二)提高篇提高篇一、一、Read and circle (读一读,圈出字母读一读,圈出字母“Cc” “Dd”)body carrot handbag ball beautiful Alic

11、e 二、看图片,填入所缺字母,完成单词:看图片,填入所缺字母,完成单词: 1. 2. 3. 4. _og _ag _pple _at三、三、Read and match(找出对应的反义词,用线连接起来)(找出对应的反义词,用线连接起来)big tall hot fat thisshortsmallcold that thin四、四、Read and circle(找出不同类的词,将字母代号写在括号内)(找出不同类的词,将字母代号写在括号内)(1) ( ) A. big B. small C. dog D. tall(2) ( ) A. I B. myC. you D. she(3) ( ) A

12、. Mary B. Danny C. Miss D. Alice(4) ( ) A. cat B. dog C. sheep D. apple(5) ( ) A. boy B. ball C. doll D. kite五、五、 Choose (选择题选择题)( )1. Who _ you ? I am Eddie .A. is B am C. are ( ) 2. An elephant has a _ nose .A. tall B long C. short( ) 3. Is it a big cat ? _ , its a small cat .A. / B No C. Yes( ) 4. “Quack, quack.” I hear a _ .A. cat B dog C. duck( ) 5.How id the weather ? Its _ .A. windy B evening C. morning六、六、 Read and choose(根据所给情景,选择正确答案,将字母代号写在括(根据所给情景,选择正确答案,将字母代号写在括号内)号内)(1) 当你与别人初次见面的时候,可以说( )A. How do you do?B. H



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