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1、广东茂名市 2015 高考英语语法填空和阅读系列练习(6)有答案语法填空。阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空,并将答案填写在答题卡标号为 1625 的相应位置上。It happened at a weekend in the 1970s. Mum gave me two tickets for a film, telling me she was too busy to go together with me with the_16_(end)housework. She told me to keep the mone

2、y if I could sell the extra ticket. I was very happy. At that time, a ticket cost only 20fen.But to me, a little girl of twelve,20fen seemed quite a lot. I reached the cinema _.17_(hurry).Holding the ticket in my hand, I began to look for a buyer. Just then a handsome young man,_18_noticed me and th

3、e ticket, came towards me with a big smile, “Youve got_19_estra ticket “yes,“ I nodded“ Thats great .Say how much?“20fen“Oh,“he thought for a while and then took out a ten-yuan note_20_his wallet. “Im terribly sorry,_21_Ive only got this note.“ Seeing I was confused ,he added, “Then how about waitin

4、g for a while_22_I have changed it in the cinemas store? “Without much thinking, I agreed .Then we went to the cinema together. He walked very fast. I could hardly keep up with_23_.Soon he disappeared in the Mens .I stood there _24_(puzzle).Suddenly I realized the handsome young fellow_25_(cheat) me

5、. Before long I found that hed sold the ticket to a little boy. He earned 20 fen, but lost his honor!【参考答案参考答案】语法填空语法填空(共(共 10 小题小题; 每小题每小题 1.5 分,满分分,满分 15 分)分)16答案为 endless。考查学生根据上下文语境中名词转换为形容词的能力。17答案为 hurriedly。考查学生在语境中动词转换为副词的能力。18答案为 who。考查学生根据上下文语境和句型结构准确使用关系代词的能力。19答案为 an。考查学生正确使用冠词的能力。20答案为

6、from。考查学生在语境中准确使用介词的能力。21答案为 but。考查学生正确使用转折连词的能力。22答案为 before/until/till。考查学生在语境中正确使用从属连词的能力。23答案为 him。考查学生根据上下文语境准确使用人称代词的能力。24答案为 puzzled。考查学生根据上下文语境正确把握过去分词的能力。25答案为 had cheated。考查学生根据上下文语境正确使用动词时态的能力。【湖北省武汉市湖北省武汉市 2014 模拟模拟】完形填空。完形填空。阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。No

7、 one saw the superhero in Jim OConnor, a 70-year-old maths teacher.In his classes at St. Francis High School, he is 31 no excuses, no spoiling. “ If you glance at the clock, ” said senior Michael Tinglof ,“ youre on his awful 32 for punishment. ” Every student supposes hes being 33 mean.Michael and

8、Pat might never have found out how 34 they really knew about their teacher if they hadnt registered this year to 35 donors for a school blood donation 36 . One afternoon, the boys took a field trip to see what the donated blood would be used for. In the hallways of Childrens Hospital Los Angeles, th

9、ey were 37 like VIPs because they were associated with one. They discovered one 38 when they went to the hospitals Blood Donor Center, which has a plaque(牌匾) ranking the top donors. OConnors name is 39 in the top spot, 50 gallons though that total is 40 .Since he first gave blood at Childrens Hospit

10、al in 1989, at the 41 of a friends wife who was a nurse there, OConnor has donated more than 72 gallons of blood. Before OConnor ever set foot in Childrens, he had given blood regularly at Red Cross activities, never knowing where his donations would 42 . But when he took a 43 of the hospital wards

11、(病房), what had been an 44 idea turned personal.It didnt take long for him to ask what more he could do to 45 . Soon he was rocking babies in his 46 babies whose parents were working or at home taking care of other children and babies whose parents could not visit 47 abuse was suspected.Now, the nurs

12、es say, he is the one they 48 in the toughest moments. They have called him in to sit with the dying babies whose parents are too saddened to be 49 . No matter how sick they are, no matter how painful, hes just so 50 ; he brings such a warmth and peace.31.A.mildB.severeC.gentleD.casual32.A.bookB.boa

13、rdC.listD.mind33.A.probablyB.rarelyC.occasionallyD.really34.A.littleB.oftenC.muchD.long 35.A.interviewB.selectC.assistD.investigate36.A.projectB.campaignC.targetD.competition37.A.greetedB.entertainedC.rewardedD.praised38.A.mistakeB.solutionC.prejudiceD.reason39.A.paintedB.signedC.carvedD.quoted40.A.

14、out of dateB.out of sightC.out of questionD.out of order41.A.invitationB.approachC.urgingD.mercy42.A.goB.runC.dropD.flow43.A.priorityB.tourC.photoD.chance44.A.splendidB.originalC.ridiculousD.abstract45.A.changeB.feedC.protestD.help46.A.armsB.fingersC.wristsD.hands47.A.whenB.becauseC.ifD.though48.A.s

15、tick toB.attend toC.belong toD.turn to49.A.capableB.sympatheticC.presentD.tense50.A.considerateB.efficientC.caringD.sensitive【参考答案参考答案】完形填空完形填空3140 BCDAB BADCA 4150 CABDD ABDCC阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项。We now think of chocolate as sweet, but once it was bitter. We think of it as a candy,

16、but once it was a medicine. Today, chocolate can be a hot drink, a frozen dessert, or just a snack. Sometimes it is an ingredient in the main course of a meal. Mexicans make a hot chocolate sauce called mole and pour it over chicken. The Mexicans also eat chocolate with spices like chili peppers.Chocolate is a product of the tropical cacao tree. The beans taste so bitter th


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