广东省惠州市惠阳市第一中学实验学校人教版英语学案《b6 u3-4 using language》

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1、Class_ Name:_Group:_Assessment:_ Unit 3 A Healthy Life Period 4 using language Learning aims: 1. To learn some information about HIV/AIDS. 2. To learn some important words and expressions. Important point: To grasp some important and useful words, expressions and sentence patterns. Difficult point:

2、To improve the skills of reading. 使用说明及学法指导:1. 通过阅读课本 P 及查阅 unit 3 单词表和字典,完成预习案。2. 完 成时间:20 分钟。 预习案预习案 Previewing Case Task 1 Read the text to find out the following phrases and words. 1.引起疾病_ 2. 流感病毒_ 3.减弱/破坏人的免疫系统 _ 4.也就是说;即_ 5.抵抗疾病_ 6.被称作 _ 7.生存的几率_ 8.通过血液传播_ 9.被感染 _ 10.治愈的疗法_ 11.保持安全_ 12.与分享 _ 1

3、3. 冒着的风险_ 14.由于相同的原因_ 15.没有的证据 _ Task 2 Choose the best answer. 1. Where was the article most likely to come from_. A.A letter B. An advertisement C. A textbook D. A TV show 2. How does HIV spread? AThrough blood and other body fluid. BThrough hugging, touching or kissing. CThrough mosquitoes. DThro

4、ugh visiting someone with AIDS. 3How many suggestions did the writer put forward to stay safe? AFive. BSix. CFour. D Three. 4. If you have a meal with someone with AIDS, you will_. A. get HIV or AIDS B. be infected C. not get HIV or AIDS D. either be infected or not 5According to the writer,how shou

5、ld we act towards people with AIDS? ATreat patients with AIDS in a scientific way. BLook down upon patients with AIDS. CStay away from patients with AIDS. DDo our best to avoid AIDS. Task 3 Read the text carefully and fill in the blanks.Part 1Information about HIVWeaken a persons (1) _ Spread throug

6、h (2) _ or the fluid made during sex.Part 2Ways to protect yourselfDont share your (3) _ with anyone else. Use a condom if you have sex with a male or a female.Part 3Some wrong statementsYou can tell by (4) _ someone whether or not they have HIV. If you hug, (5) _ someone with AIDS or visit them in

7、their home you will get HIV/AIDS.Task 4 True or false.(1)You can only get HIV from injecting drugs. ( ) (2)It is very likely that you will die if you get infected with HIV. ( ) (3)If you look healthy, you cannot have HIV. ( ) (4)It could be dangerous to have sex without using a condom. ( ) (5)Taking

8、 food from the same dishes as someone infected with HIV will give you HIV too. ( ) (6)If you have HIV, you will always get AIDS eventually. ( ) 1. 探究案探究案 Exploring Case 探究一探究一 重点单词重点单词 1. at risk 处境危险;遭受危险处境危险;遭受危险 at the risk of doing sth. 冒冒的危险的危险 risk doing sth 冒冒 险做险做 公司的整个前途受到威胁。 _ 为了寻找失踪的小孩,他冒

9、着被困风雪中的危险。 _ _ _ 2. judgment n. 判断,看法判断,看法 in one judgment 在某人看来在某人看来 judgefrom / by 依判断 judging by / from 从判断(在句中作状语) 从他的奇怪的举动看来,他在说谎。 _ 在我看来,他有罪,应该为这起事故负责。 _ _ _ 探究二探究二 句型分析句型分析 1. For a person to become infected,blood or sexual fluid that carries the virus,has to get inside the body through broke

10、n skin,or injection. 携带病毒的血液或体液必须通过皮肤上的创口或通过 注射才能进入人体,使人受感染。 句中有一个 that 引导的_从句, 修饰_;to become infected 是不定式短语 作_, 修饰_。 2. It is only when the disease has progressed to AIDS that a person begins to look sick. It is that是_句。 3. Anyone who has sex with a person infected with HIV/AIDS risks getting the

11、virus. Women are slightly more likely to become infected than men. 第一句中 who 引导了_修饰_, infected with HIV/AIDS 在句 中作_成分, 修饰_。be likely+ to do sth/ that clause, 表示“可能会”。8. We need to buy some _ (针) for different types of sewing machines. 二. 语法填空HIV is a virus that causes disease and it can 1_ (weak) a p

12、ersons immune system. HIV will stay in your blood for a long time but 2_ (eventual) it will 我的疑惑:damage your immune system so much 3_ your body can not fight disease. This stage of the illness is called AIDS. There is not a cure 4_ HIV/AIDS, so we must protect ourselves. 5_ you inject drugs, dont share anything with anyone 6_. If you have sex, please use a condom 7_ (protect) yourself. Remember! You can only get the disease from blood 8_ sexual fluid. Dont be far away 9_ AIDS patients because 10_ prejudice. 课后巩固课后巩固 完成同步



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