广东省佛山市顺德区(北师大版)高中英语学案 选修七 unit 21 lesson 3 super epidemic explained 阅读(教师版)

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广东省佛山市顺德区(北师大版)高中英语学案 选修七 unit 21 lesson 3 super epidemic explained 阅读(教师版)_第1页
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广东省佛山市顺德区(北师大版)高中英语学案 选修七 unit 21 lesson 3 super epidemic explained 阅读(教师版)_第2页
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《广东省佛山市顺德区(北师大版)高中英语学案 选修七 unit 21 lesson 3 super epidemic explained 阅读(教师版)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省佛山市顺德区(北师大版)高中英语学案 选修七 unit 21 lesson 3 super epidemic explained 阅读(教师版)(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、编制人:Jack 审核人:苏洁仪 下科行政 :邱建龙 自主学习案自主学习案 重点短语重点短语: 1. 彻底毁灭_wipe out_ 2. 终止,消灭 _stop sth in its track_ 3. 有记载的_ record 4. 尝试去做 _attempt to do sth_ 5. 席卷 sweep _through_ 6. 死于 (内因)_die of_死于 (外因)_die form_ 7. 对有害 _be harmful to sth_ 8. the fall of the Roman Empire _ 9. work together without pause _ 10. b

2、ecome a cause for concern _ 11. a lack of basic health routine _ 12. do trails on _ 13. spread in similar conditions _ 14. had no natural defences against _ 15 允许某人做某事_allow sb to do sth_ 16 为提供_provide sth for sb =provide sb with sth_【预习自测预习自测】 Task 1. Divide the whole text into three parts and wri

3、te down the main idea of each part. Part 1 (para ) _ Part 2 (para ) _ Part 3 (para ) _Task 2. Finish exercise 3 on Page 38. Match the five paragraphs (A-E) with gaps 3, 5, 8, 10 and 12 in the text. A- _ B- _ C- _ D- _ E- _Task 3. Translate the sentence into English and answer the question. 1 在历史上,什么

4、是被认为最严重的流行病在历史上,什么是被认为最严重的流行病? Q:_what is believed to be the most acute epidemic in history?_ A:_Spanish Flu_ 2 黑色病的症状是什么?黑色病的症状是什么? Q:_what is the symptom of The black death?_- A:_black spots on the body_ 3 哪里先流行哪里先流行“非典非典”?Q:where did_SARS spread?_ A:_in Guangdong province_ 4 为什么非典对于医生护士来说是有害的?为什么非典对于医生护士来说是有害的? Q:_why was the SARS harmful to doctors and nurses?_- A:_since most people had no natural defences against the disease_Task 4. Summarize the main idea within 30 words. _ _ _ _-


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