北师大版高一英语:unit2communication workshop 导学案8

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1、班级_小组_层次_姓名_ Communication workshop 导学案(8) 编者:田娟 审稿:高一英语组 Tips:A friend is easier lost than found . 朋友易失不易得 Learning aims: Learn to write a short composition and try to sing a song . Learning important and difficult points:The skills of writing Learning process : Step Finish the following words (A 级

2、) 1 超级英雄_ 2 超人_ 3 灾难 _ 4 促进,提升_ 5 伤害,损害_ 6 犯错误,干坏事_ 7 关系_ 8 反应_ 9_ divorce 10_ quality 11_ disabled 12_ confident 13 The conference aims at _(促进,提升) trade between China and USA. 14 The higher the price, the better the _(质量,品质) 。 15 The_ (关系) between the police and the local community has improved. 1

3、6 How did he _ (反应) to your plan? 17 Davids parents_(离婚) when he was only six. Step Listen to the song and complete part of the lyrics with these words : (A 级) Clean, cause, screen, mean, fast, was, young “James Dean” -by The Eagles James Dean_ I know just what you _ James Dean, you said it all so_

4、And I know my life would look all right If I could see it on the silver_ You were the lowdown rebel If there ever_ Even if you had no_ You were too_to live, Too_to die, Bye, bye Step Correct (B 级) My uncle will never forget what was happened to him 1. _ yesterday. Yesterday evening, he was invited f

5、or a dinner. 2. _ He enjoyed his dinner with his friends and drank lots of beers. 3. _ As a result, he got drunk. He thought he can drive home 4. _ after the meal, though his friends tried to tell him to do so. 5. _ A few minutes later, he was winding way on the street. 6. _ And then his car ran int

6、o a tree. Unluckily, he was still alive. 7. _ He was taken to hospital at once. Now he had to stay in 8. _ hospital for several days. My uncle is now feeling much sorry 9. _ for what he did. He has realized drivers should ever drink. 10. _ Step Writing : according to the layout , try to write a shor

7、t story y (C 级) Layout: Setting the scene(describe the time, place, weather. Say what the main character was doing) 例如:周五晚上,我和李明一起放学回家,_并且渐渐 黑了。 翻译 _ Li Ming and I were walking home from school, it was raining and_ developmeng of the story (describe the main action) 例如:突然,_,我看到一个女人在窗户边喊 “着火了”,我知道我应该

8、做些事情,于是我冲了进去,房间里充满 了烟,同时,_ 翻译 Suddenly, I heard a scream from somewhere ,I saw a woman at a window ,she scream “fire” and_, I _,which _smoke , meanwhile ,a neighbour phoned 119 conclusion(describe the scene at the end and mention the main characters feelings) 例如:当他们把我抬上救护车时,我看到有人在救火,最后, _,几天后,_。 翻译 As they were taking me away in an ambulance, _ ,In the end , a fireman came up to me and thanked me ._, I returned to the school . *请将以上内容整理成一篇完整的文章. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Step 小结 你对本课能够完全理解吗?还有哪里有问题? _ _ .精品资料。欢迎使用。 高考资源网高考资源网 w。w-w*k&s%5¥u 高考资源网高考资源网 w。w-w*k&s%5¥u


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