山东省高密市第三中学高中英语 unit 3 a taste of english humour words学案(无答案)(创新班)新人教版必修4

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山东省高密市第三中学高中英语 unit 3 a taste of english humour words学案(无答案)(创新班)新人教版必修4_第1页
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山东省高密市第三中学高中英语 unit 3 a taste of english humour words学案(无答案)(创新班)新人教版必修4_第2页
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山东省高密市第三中学高中英语 unit 3 a taste of english humour words学案(无答案)(创新班)新人教版必修4_第3页
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《山东省高密市第三中学高中英语 unit 3 a taste of english humour words学案(无答案)(创新班)新人教版必修4》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东省高密市第三中学高中英语 unit 3 a taste of english humour words学案(无答案)(创新班)新人教版必修4(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1UnitUnit 3 3 课前自主学习课前自主学习满足的;满意的_ 使欢乐;款待_战胜;客服 _ 使信服 _导演;指挥;指示_ (使)滑动;(使)滑行_耳语;低语_ 作出反应;回应_直到现在_ 对-满足_穷的;缺少的_ 挑出;辨别出_切断;断绝_ 担任主角;主演_ humour n.-adj._ comedy n. -反义词_astonish vt.-adj. _/_ fortunate adj.-反义词_; adv._direct v.-n. _ particular adj.-adv._ occasion n.-adj._; adv._ actress n.-反义词_ react v.-

2、n._课内探究课内探究 1content adj. 满足的;满意的 vt. 使满足的 n. 满足; 内容;目录;含量;容器所盛之物 be content to do sth. 做满意 be content with 对感到满意 content oneself with 满足于某事She stay at home looking after the children. 呆在家里照顾孩子,她感到很满意。 He a piece of cake. 他吃了一块蛋糕,非常满足. 她对他所做的感到很满意。_. 2badly off 穷的;缺少的 They are have a holiday. 他们贫困得根

3、本谈不上度假 badly off 的反义词是 well off ,意为“富裕的;有许多的” 。In fact most people are than they were fiveYears ago. 实际上现在大多数人都比五年前要富裕。 3overcome vt. 某人确信convince sb. that/ sb.be convinced that convince sb. of sth / sb. be convinced of convince sb. to do sth说服某人做某事 What he said I was mistaken.他的话使我意识到我错了。 His actio

4、n _.(使我们确信他是诚实的) 2They tired to a new car. 他们试图说服他买一辆新车。 5particular adj.特殊的,特别的 n.细节,细目 in particular (=particularly)特别的;尤其地 be particular about 对挑剔 She what she wears. 她对穿着特别挑剔。 6occasion n. 时刻;场合 I ve met him on several occasions. 我曾见过他几次。 on occasion (s)偶尔;偶然;有时 on this/that occasion 这/那次 7react

5、 vi.作出反应,回应 reaction n. 反应,反作用;反动,对抗 react to sb./sth. 对某人/做某物作出反应,回应 react against sb./sth. 反对;反抗;反动某人/某物The students the headmasters speech immediately. 学生对校长的讲话立即起了反应。 How did they _? 他们对你的建议有什么反应?The people there racial discrimination. 那里人的人民起来反抗种族歧视。课后巩固课后巩固 I、单词拼写 1All kinds of measures were t

6、aken to prevent the disease from spreading t_ the country. 2Floods in that country made thousands of people h_. 3I was no longer satisfied with the life that had once c_ me. 4Young as he is, he has o_ a lot of difficulties.5. The little boy a_ himself by drawing pictures on the ground. 6. To our sur

7、prise, he made no e_ of his absence. 7.His only way of dealing with his problems was to go out and get d_. II单选 1_of the truth of the report, he told his colleagues about it.A. Convinced B. ConvincingC. To convince D. Having convinced 2.When Jason failed to pay his bill, the network company _ his In

8、ternet connection. Acut down Bcut upCcut off Dcut out3.How do you _ to her unkind behavior? Only silence. Which of the following is wrong? Aanswer BreactCreply Drespond34.The old man sat in the corner, _ alone. Awell content to have a drinkBwell content from having a drink Cquite contented having a

9、drinkDto be quite contented with drink5.Thanks to the Partys opening and reform policy, people in China are _ than they were thirty years ago. A. well off B. much better off C. more better off D. quite better off 6. The _ people are running to see the _ accident. A. astonishing; astonished B. astoni

10、shed; astonished C. astonishing; astonishingD. astonished; astonishing 7. If we are not the progress we have made, we will have greater success. A. interested in B. strict in C. popular with D. content with 8. It is said that the famous film star Li Lianjie is to the new film. A. star B. be starred

11、C. star in D. starring in 9. He often listens to music in his spare time to himself. A. entertain B. encourage C. educate D. edit 10. Can you your sister from that group of girls? A. pick up B. pick out C. bring up D. bring out 11.I was late, but the meeting hadnt begun. A. normally B. usually C. fortunately D. finally 12.Can you lend me some money? I am than you. You know I live from hand to mouth. A. better off B. worse off C. more badly D. much poor 13. She to me that the manager was coming in the office yesterday. A. shouted B. signed C. whisperedD.



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