山东省泰安市肥城市第三中学高一英语学案:《unit 4 earthquakes》单词 (新人教版必修1)

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《山东省泰安市肥城市第三中学高一英语学案:《unit 4 earthquakes》单词 (新人教版必修1)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东省泰安市肥城市第三中学高一英语学案:《unit 4 earthquakes》单词 (新人教版必修1)(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、学案内容学案内容学案设计学案设计 【回顾复习】 检查学生单词读音,纠错。 【自主 合作 探究】 (一)重点单词 1.burst vi.爆裂;爆发; burst out doing sthburst inton.突然起来 Burst out _ = burst into _ 突然哭 起来/ 笑起来 burst with anger/joy 勃然大怒/乐不可支 (1)They all _ at the expression on her face.看到她脸上的表情,他们都大笑起来。朗 文 (2)The little boy burst_. Aout cry Bout crying Cinto be

2、ing cry Dinto crying 2.injure vt.损害;伤害; injured adj.受伤的;受损害的the injured 受伤的人(复数) 辨析:injure/wound/hurt injure 一般指由于意外或事故而造成的伤害; wound 一般指外伤,如枪伤、刀伤等,尤其指在战斗中受的伤; hurt 既可以指肉体上的伤害,也可指精神上的伤害,特指伴有疼 痛的肉体上的伤害;用作不及物动词时,是“(身体某部位)痛”的 意思。 (1)He _ his knee in the game. (2)Many soldiers were _ in the war. (3)What

3、he said _ me. 3.destroy vt.破坏;毁坏;消灭 辨析:destroy/damage destroy 表示彻底的、不能或很难修复的“破坏”、 “毁坏”,也可用 熟读单词和 短语,注意 发音。 于损坏名誉、计划、努力等抽象的东西; damage 表示程度较小的“破坏、损坏”,一般指被破坏的事物是 可以修复的; (1)The school _by the fire.学校被大火彻 底烧毁了。 (2)What he said did great _to his reputation.(名誉)。 4.bury vt.埋葬;掩埋;隐藏 bury oneself in sth=be b

4、uried in sth 埋头于或专注于某事物(主动) bury sth in 把埋藏于;埋葬 The climbers_ _ under a pile of rocks. (2)He walked slowly with his hands _ _ in his pockets 他走得很慢,两手插在衣袋里。 5.judge n裁判员;法官; vt.断定;判断;判决 judge sb/sth from/by.从来判断 judge between right and wrong 判断是非 judging from/by 根据判断;从来判断 (1) Judging from the look on

5、 his face,the news must have been terrible. 从他的表情来看,消息一定是可怕的。 6.as if=as though 仿佛;好像 可用来引导让步状语从句,也可用在 look,seem 等动词后引导 表语从句。 (1)It sounds as if it is going to rain.翻译:_ (2) She looked as if she had been crying.翻译: _ (3)看起来她好像在这个世界上没有一个朋友。 _ 7.at an end 结束;终结 end up doing/with sth (以)结束 in the end 最

6、后;最终;终于 by the end of 到结束时;到时为止(常与完成时态连用) come to an end 结束 bring sth to an endput an end to sth(使)结束;终止 (1)The long hot summer was at last_ .漫长的酷暑终于过 My answes after my researches: _ _ _ _ _ 去了。 (2)_ ,I decided that I wouldnt go after all. 最终我决定还是不去。 (3)If you go on like this ,you will _ in prison.

7、 8.a (great) number of 许多;大量的 a number of 意为“许多、大量的”,其后接复数名词作主语,应用 复数谓语动词;the number of 意为“的数目”,后接复数名词 作主语,谓语动词用单数。要表示“数量多少”,要用 large, small 或 high,low,而不用 many,few。 (1) _ have been stolen from the library.图书 馆遗失了很多书。 【当堂达标】 1 - Why, she is absent again! - She was _ badly in an accident. A.injured B

8、.harmed C.shocked D.beaten 2、 He was so _ thought that he knocked into a pole. A.careful with B.serious about C.buried in D. wrapped in 3. After years of thousands of peoples efforts, the project is finally _. A.at an end B.to a stop C.end to end D.on end 4、Consumers should do _ than simply complain about the poor quality of goods. A.much less B.some more C.far more D.far less 5. The helicopter arrived on the scene quickly to _ the survivors. A.keep B.protect C.shake D.rescue 【总结提升】同桌互查知识点背诵 【拓展延伸】 整理知识点 ,优化 P49 习题 答案:


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