山东省泰安市肥城市第三中学英语高中人教版学案 必修三教师版:unit 3 the million pound bank note 单词

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山东省泰安市肥城市第三中学英语高中人教版学案 必修三教师版:unit 3 the million pound bank note 单词_第1页
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山东省泰安市肥城市第三中学英语高中人教版学案 必修三教师版:unit 3 the million pound bank note 单词_第2页
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山东省泰安市肥城市第三中学英语高中人教版学案 必修三教师版:unit 3 the million pound bank note 单词_第3页
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《山东省泰安市肥城市第三中学英语高中人教版学案 必修三教师版:unit 3 the million pound bank note 单词》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东省泰安市肥城市第三中学英语高中人教版学案 必修三教师版:unit 3 the million pound bank note 单词(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、教学内容教学内容 学习目标: 1.知识与能力:To read the new words fluently and pronounce them correctly. To master the usage of key words and phrases. 2 过程与方法:To master the key words and phrases by group cooperation and slf-directed study 3.情感态度价值观:To enjoy the pleasure of study. 学习重点: To master the usage of key words a

2、nd phrases . 学习难点: To read the new words fluently and pronounce them correctly. 【学案使用说明】请同学们熟读 unit3 课后单词,结合词典完成此学 案。学学 习习 指指 导导 即即 时时 感感 悟悟【课前预习课前预习】熟读单词,并写出下列单词的正确形式。permit -(n)允许,许可_ -(n.)通行证_patience-(adj.)_ rude-_(n.)unbelievable-(反)_ -_(v.) 【自主自主 合作合作 探究探究】1.bring up 抚养;培养;教育; 提出bring out 生产;阐

3、明Jack was born in a small village and _ in a poor family.(被抚养大)I shall _ at the next meeting.我将在下次会议上提出这个问题。2.scene n. n. 现场, 场面,景色,(戏 剧)一场 on the scene 在/到现 场 come on the scene 登 场(1) Firefighters were on the scene 在/到现场 immediately (2)日出是一个美丽的景象。 _ (3) The scene in the hospital is very moving. _ (

4、4)The last scene of the play was very impressive. 3.permit permit sb to do sth 允许某人做某事 permit doing sth允许某事发生e.g. 我们不允许在办公室吸烟。_ 不得带狗进入楼内。(被动语态) _ .dont open it without my permission with /without ones permission 4.go ahead “前进” , 用在祈使句中时,常 可意为“用吧,说吧, 请吧,开始干吧”等。go over _ go by _ (1)-Can I have the sp

5、ort section? -Yeah,_,Ive read it. (2)- Could I use your computer for a few moments, please? - . Im not using it myself. A. Come on. B. It depends. C. Go ahead. D. Thats great. 5.by accident 偶然 =_ -(反义 词组)_ 6.fault 这都是我的错。 你唯一的过失是粗心。 7.account for 是.的原 因;解释;导致 on no account 决不; 绝对不 take sth into acco

6、unttake account of sth 考虑到;顾及他不能解释他的失败。 _ 雾天是这场交通事故的原因。 _ 你绝不能放弃你的梦想。 _ 8. seek (过去式) (过 去分词) seek to do sthtry to do sth 设法做某事 seek for 寻找;寻求 seek after 追求警察正在寻找那个偷车的贼。9. patience- _ adj. 有耐心的;容忍的;n. 病人 have little/no patience with sb 对某人几乎 没有/没有耐心 be patient with. 对有耐心e.g.She _ _ _ _ _ who are alw

7、ays grumbling.她腻 烦那些总发牢骚的人。10. take a chance take chances 冒险 by chanceby accident 偶然;碰巧e.g. You should never when driving a car.开车时决不应冒险。11.as for 关于;至于 (1)Nick can stay,but _(至于as/so long as as far as as follows as usual 你),you can get out of my sight.(2)_ ,it was very uncomfortable and miles from

8、the sea.至于旅 馆呢,非常不舒服,而且离海边有好几里地。12.manner 礼貌(常用复数) ;举止;规矩;习俗;方式in a manner 以 方式Its good manners to do sth have good/bad/no manners 有/没有礼e.g. she answered in a businesslike manner._ Its bad manners to talk with your mouth full._【当堂达标当堂达标】(1)Would you permit me _here?Sorry,we dont permit _here in the

9、lab.Asmoking;smoking Bto smoke;to smokeCsmoking;to smoke Dto smoke;smoking(2)He was so angry that he _at her,saying nothing.Astared Bwatched Cfound Dsaw(3)Recent pressure at work may _his abnormal behavior.Apush for Bexchange for Caccount for Dhead for(4)Its reported that many Americans now go to Af

10、rica to _a child to be adopted.Aseek Bidentify Crescue Ddonate(5)Our holiday cost a lot of money.Did it?Well,that doesnt matter_you enjoyed yourselves.(2010江西卷,22)Aas long as Bunless Cas soon as Dthough (6)Passengers are permitted _only one piece of hand luggage onto the plane.(2011天津卷,7) Ato carry

11、Bcarrying Cto be carried Dbeing carried【总结提升总结提升】小组互查知识点记忆。【拓展延伸拓展延伸】Homework Find out the important and difficult words and expressions to you in the text. 答案:I、permission permit patient rudeness believable - believe(v) II .1.brought up bring up the question 2.Sunrise is a beautiful Scene 3.We dont permit smoking in the office.Dogs are not permitted to be taken into the building.4.(1)go ahead (2)C 5.by chance on purpose


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