山东省泰安市肥城市第三中学英语高中人教版学案 必修2《unit 3 computers》word

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1、 1、.personalpersonal adj. 私人的;个人的;亲自的 根据我个人的意见,你不应该投他的票。 _ The president made a personal apperance at the event. _ 拓展词汇:personally adv._ person n._ personality n._ 2. anyhowanyhow adv. 也作 anyway 无论如何;即使如此 Anyhow, lets hurry. _ 无论如何,你也不应该放弃。 _ 3、as a result 作为结果;因此 as a result of 作为的结果;由于 He didnt wo

2、rk hard,as a result he failed his exam. _ 这经常不下雨,因此我们不得不给菜园浇水。 It doesnt often rain here._ 拓展:result in _ result from_ The accident resulted in three deaths. _ This kind of disease resulted from the pollution._ 4.inin a a wayway 在某种程度上 The change is an improvement in a way. _ 从某种方面来说,你是对的。 _ 拓展;in t

3、he/ones way _ on the/ones way (to)_ _ by the way _ in no way _ Her social life got in the way of her studies. _ 车在去森林的途中出了故障。 _ 5.calculatecalculate v.计算,核算;推测,估计 _ n. 计算者;计算机, 计算器 _ n.计算,推算; 计算的结果 1) It is impossible to calculate what influence he had on her life. _ _ 2) 我们还没有计算出假期的花费。 _ 6 6、arisea

4、rise 发生,产生,出现;起床,起身 (arose, arisen, arising) arise from 由引起;有产生 根据语境猜词义 (1) A new difficulty has arisen. _ (2) I arose early in the morning. _ (3) Accidents arise from carelessness. _ arise/arouse/rise/raise 原形语义过去式过去分词v. ing arise vi. arouse vt. rise vi. raise vt. 7. dealdeal withwith 处理;安排;对付;关于 根

5、据语境猜词义: He is good at dealing with pressure._ Her poems often deal with the subject of death._ 注意:deal with 一般与_连用;而 do with 一般与_连用 _have you done with the old box? _have you dealt with the old box? 8.watchwatch overover 看守;监视;照顾 They use speacially trained dogs to watch over their sheep at night. _

6、 她在照顾自己生病的孩子。 _ watch out= _ 当心;提防 过马路的时候小心车。 _ 9 9、inin commoncommon _ have nothing in common _ have a lot in common _ have in common (with sb.) (与某人)有共同之处 1) You know, Mary, you and I have one thing in common. _ 2) 我感觉我们有很多共同之处。 _ 10、advantage n. result B. off; a result C. onto; a result of D. to;

7、 a result of 6、He wants to be a great footballer. I believe he can _his goal as long as he works hard. A. set B. hold C. have D. achieve 7、-Tom and Mary got married last month. -Are you kidding? They have _ in common. A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything 1. In my personal opinion, you s

8、houldnt vote for him . 总体亲临现场 亲自地; 个人地 人; 性格 个性 人格 2. 无论如何,我们快点吧 Anyhow ,you shouldnt give up . 导致 ; result from 由-引起 这场事故导致了 3 人死亡 这种疾病由污染引起的。 4. 在某种程度上,这种变化是一种提高。 In a way , youre right . 挡道;在-的路上;顺便问一下;绝不 他的社会生活妨碍了她的学习 The car broke down on the way to the forest . 5. calculator calculation 很难估算对她的生活产生的影响 We havent calculated the cost of our vocation . 6. 一个新的困难已经产生了 我早晨起床很早 事故是由粗心产生的。 7.他擅长处理压力 她的诗歌经常和死亡有关。 how; what What ;How 8.夜晚,他们用经过专门训练的狗去看管羊群


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