山东省泰安市肥城市第三中学英语高中人教版学案 必修三教师版:unit 4 astronomy the science of the strars 检测题

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山东省泰安市肥城市第三中学英语高中人教版学案 必修三教师版:unit 4 astronomy the science of the strars 检测题_第1页
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山东省泰安市肥城市第三中学英语高中人教版学案 必修三教师版:unit 4 astronomy the science of the strars 检测题_第2页
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山东省泰安市肥城市第三中学英语高中人教版学案 必修三教师版:unit 4 astronomy the science of the strars 检测题_第3页
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山东省泰安市肥城市第三中学英语高中人教版学案 必修三教师版:unit 4 astronomy the science of the strars 检测题_第4页
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《山东省泰安市肥城市第三中学英语高中人教版学案 必修三教师版:unit 4 astronomy the science of the strars 检测题》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《山东省泰安市肥城市第三中学英语高中人教版学案 必修三教师版:unit 4 astronomy the science of the strars 检测题(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、一、用单词的正确形式填空。1. There is too much (暴力) on TV.2. There is a relaxing a_ in the classroom.3. The river is so polluted that every day we can see a lot of things f_ on the water. 4. The illness is s through the village.5. One cannot e without air.6. As is known to all, smoking is h_ to our health.7. By

2、the time they reached the top of the mountain, they were (精疲力尽).8. This maths problem p_ me.9. Zhang Heng was one of the most famous Chinese a in the world.10. The mammals (繁殖) when the animals, harmful to them, disappeared.二二. 翻译下面短语翻译下面短语 (15 分分)1密切注意,提防_ 2及时,总有一天_ 3阻止,制止_ 4依靠,信赖_ 5是.的基础_ 6既然,由于_

3、7下蛋_ 8熟悉,掌握_ 9突发,爆发_ 10与不同_ 11冷却_ 12高兴,振奋_ 13轮到某人_ 14. 距离.很远_ 15. 产生,分娩_ 16.及时_17生存,靠为生_ 18.接近,靠近_三. 用以上短语的正确形式填空用以上短语的正确形式填空 (10 分分)1. It was almost midnight that a fire in the neighborhood.2. you are here, why not have a drink? 3. -Did you catch your plane?-Yes, we got there just .4. The dish tast

4、es good after it .5. -Will you go fishing this afternoon?-Well, it all the weather.6. After a while I it and we began to enjoy ourselves.7. The fans when they saw the famous film stars arrive. 8. Country life is quite _ city life.9. We should find some ways to _ the harmful gas _ spreading. 10.A kno

5、wledge of science _ any understanding of the problem.四、四、 单项选择单项选择(共(共 15 小题小题;每小题每小题 1 分分,共共 15 分)分)1. - How often do you go to the cinema?- ,but usually twice a month.A. It all depends B. Have no idea C. As usual D. Not at all2. The boy that his cock an egg yesterday.A. lied, lay B. lied; laid C.

6、lay; lied D. laid; lain3. he can pass the entrance examination is quite uncertainA. If B. Whether C. That D. What4. makes this shop different is that it offers more personal services.A. What B. Who C. Whatever D. Whoever5. Tom told us a funny story and Mary sang us a folk song. _, I told them a joke

7、. A. In turn B. By turns C. In my turn D. Out of turn 6. As the busiest woman in Norton, she made her duty to look after all the other peoples affairs in that town.A. this B. that C. one D. it7. That kind of customs still _in many parts of China, which is not a surprise. A. appears B. exists C. live

8、s D. lies 8. Its accepted that men like playing football more than women.A. especially B. generally C. simply D. totally9. The young dancers looked so charming in their beautiful clothes that we took pictures of them.A. many of B. masses of C. the number of D. a large amount of10. How the big forest

9、 fire has remains to be a mystery.A. taken place B. turned up C. broken out D. broken up 11. - Im thinking of the test tomorrow. Im afraid I cant pass this time.- ! Im sure youll make it.A. Go ahead B. Good luck C. No problem D. Cheer up12. We must do whatever we can to the river being polluted any

10、more.A. separate B. keep C. prevent D. guard13. Going on a trip into space must be quite exciting experience.A. / ; the B. the; the C. the; an D./ ; an14. China is a country, but America is a country.A. developing; developing B. developed; developedC. developing; developed D. developed; developing15

11、. - What happened to you just now, Daisy?- My key was missing. I had to the door open.A. force B. keep C. break D. leave五、翻译下列句子。1.和我哥哥不同,我讨厌踢足球。 _ 2.努力工作是成功的基础。 _ 3. 注意一个戴黑帽子的高个子男人。 _ 4.我们靠这点钱是无法生存的。 _ 5.只要你不放弃,迟早有一天你会成功的。 _ 6.她昨晚生了个女孩。 _ 7.当轮到我时,我激动得说不出话来。 _ 8.大雨也不能阻止他去上学。 _ 9.那堵墙挡住了全部的光线。 _ 10.地震发生的时候我正在睡觉。 _ 答案:一、单词拼写1. violence 2.atmosphere 3. floating 4. spreading 5. exist6. harmful 7. exhausted 8. puzzled 9. astronomers 10. multiplied二翻译下面短语1,watch out for 2 in time3 prevent from 4 depend on5Be fundame


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