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1、天津河东区 2015 高考英语语法填空和阅读类课外训练(8)及答案阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于 3 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。George: Hi, Heather, I was wondering if youre available tomorrow evening.Heather: Well, George, I guess I am._1_ do you ask?George: I have just gotten a pair of Star Wars movie tickets from a friend and was thinking of _2_(inv

2、ite) you along for the opening show. Are you interested?Heather: Yeah, definitely! Thanks a lot!George: No problem.Heather: I really wanted to watch Star Wars on the opening day _3_ the tickets were sold out. How did you manage to get hold of _4_?George:_5_ friend of mine works at Pepsi headquarters

3、. He was able to get the tickets for free, and then he sold 2 to me for $50 a piece.Heather: You paid $50 for each ticket? Thats much _6_(expensive)than the regular price!George: Not really _7_(consider) the fact that other people _8_(pay) as high as $200 each on the “black market”Heather: Im really

4、 honored you went through all this trouble just for my _9_. I really appreciate that. So, what time are we going?George: The movie starts at 10 pm. We _10_ get there at least 1 hour earlier because therell be a big line. I could pick you up at your house at 8, if thats OK with you.答案 1.Why 2.invitin

5、g 3.but 4.them 5.A 6.more expensive 7.considering 8.are paying 9.sake 10.should完形填空。Andy was born with a developmental disorder. The two sidesof his brain were not _1_ normally together. The right side of his _2_ could not communicate with the left. At the age of three, it was _3_ for him to walk, s

6、peak, and play. He could only echo (重复) back a few words, and walked _4_ while someone held each of his hands.Then came the _5_. He attended an allday center where he _6_ every unimaginable treatment. He struggled, sometimes in _7_ , to get stronger. Andy hated it when his parents would _8_ him ther

7、e in the mornings. However, they _9_against all oddsthat he would grow up to live a _10_, healthy life. They believed it for themselves, and for Andy.It _11_. Today Andy is a successful 13yearold high school student and has won the gold medal for his math competition. His _12_ has been nothing short

8、 of a wonder. He receives special help with a few things, but _13_ his friends in all the activities he loves. Andy overcame a lot of _14_ to move from adversity (逆境) to victory.Ask yourself:“What are the seeds of _15_ hidden in my struggles today? If I get up when I _16_, what will that make possib

9、le tomorrow?”“Overnight success” is the _17_ of years of tenacity (坚韧)and continued _18_. Victory is possible for those who never give in to whatever bad _19_ to them. Theyll find the path to their dream. _20_, they will accept adversities as universities that will foster (促进) strength, growth, and

10、skills to attract the victory they seek.安迪从小患有疾病。他在三岁时,连走路、讲话和玩耍都很困难。后来通过与疾病进行难以想像的搏斗,终于取得了成功。1. A. touched B. usedC. mixed D. joined答案:D 安迪的左脑和右脑没有正常的衔接(joined)。 2. A. ear B. body C. foot D. shoulder答案:B 安迪的右半边身体(body)不能与左边的相通。 3. A. difficult B. easyC. interesting D. funny答案:A 安迪在三岁时,连走路、讲话和玩耍都很困难

11、(difficult)。4. A. fast B. strangelyC. strongly D. slowly答案:D 安迪只能重复别人说的几个词,只能在别人扶着他的双手时,他才能慢慢地(slowly)行走。5. A. power B. attentionC. struggles D. failures答案:C 下文是安迪与疾病作斗争(struggles)的描述。由本段第三句可知应选 C。6. A. watched B. followedC. received D. enjoyed答案:C 安迪在一个全天的康复中心接受(received)多种难以想像的治疗。7. A. tears B. sm

12、ilesC. excitement D. disappointment答案:A 由下一句中的 hated 推测,安迪与病魔作斗争的过程是艰难的,有时候是含着眼泪的(tears)。 8. A. make B. leave C. forget D. put答案:B 安迪讨厌他的父母每天上午把他留在(leave)康复中心。9. A. doubted B. believedC. guessed D. imagined答案:B 下一句中的 believed 对此空有提示。10. A. lovely B. richC. normal D. colorful答案:C 安迪的父母相信,不管怎样,安迪会长大并过

13、上正常(normal)而健康的生活。11. A. paid off B. set outC. ran out D. went off答案:A 由本句之后的内容可知,安迪与疾病作斗争的努力收到了效果。pay off 得到预料的结果;获得成功。 12. A. story B. problemC. experience D. progressloPGO答案:D 安迪的进步(progress)完全是个奇迹。nothing short of 简直是。13. A. sees B. visitsC. invites D. joins答案:D 安迪与朋友一起参加(joined)各种他喜欢的活动。join sb

14、. in sth.与某人在一起做。 14. A. objects B. enemiesC. habits D. difficulties答案:D 安迪克服了许多困难(difficulties)从逆境走向了成功。15. A. flower B. spiritC. strength D. pride答案: C 你可以问问自己,在今天的斗争中,你力量(strength)的源泉是什么?16. A. lose B. fail C. fall D. stop答案:C 如果你跌倒(fall)后马上站起来,你今后会怎么样?17. A. mark B. resultC. symbol D. sign答案:B 安迪的成功的例子告诉我们,这是他努力的结果(result)。18



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