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1、英语中的冠词,英语中的冠词是一种虚词,本身不能 单独使用,它用在名词的前面,帮助指 明名词的含义。英语中的冠词有三种, 一种是定冠词(the),另一种是不定冠 词(a和an)还有一种是零冠词(名词前不用冠词)。,1冠词的基本用法歌诀 名词为好看,常常爱戴“冠”。 可数名词单,要戴 a 或 an。 辅音前戴 a,元音前戴 an。 若为特指时,必须戴定冠。 禁止戴帽子,另几场合看。,2不定冠词用法歌诀 不定冠词两变体,基本用法要牢记。 人或事物首次提,不强调数量表示“一”。 表示某人或某物,何人何物不具体。 计算单位表每一,习惯用法记心里。 一般情况上几种,特殊情况看语境。,3.不定冠词用法记忆技

2、巧 挑帽儿 冠词 a、an 两项帽,单数名词常需要。 单词开头发元音,an 帽儿任你挑。 辅音起首戴 a 帽,记住规律莫乱套。,1、a用在读音是辅音开头的词前,an用在读音是元音音开头的词前.一本有用的字典a useful dictionary一种非比寻常的味道an unusual taste 2、指人或事物的一种类A dog is a faithful(忠实)animal. 3、指某人或某物,但不具体说明何人或何物那边有一个小男孩。There is a little boy over there.,不定冠词a/an的用法,4、表示数量一,但其概念没有one强烈。罗马不是一天建成的/ 伟业非一

3、日之功.Rome was not built in a day. 5、表示每一(频率)。汤姆每周去一次图书馆。Tom goes to the library once a week. 6、用于序数词前,表示“再一,又一”那个人又试了一次(此前已经尝试过一次)。The man tried a second time.,a little, a few, a lot, a kind of go for a walk, go for a picnic, give sb. a hand leave a message, in a hurry, in a minute in a word, for a w

4、hile, play a trick on after a while, have a cold, have a try have a good time, have a rest, have a look at,不定冠词a/an 词组或短语,比较“a”和“an”的不同用法,a用于发音以辅音开头的词前 an用于发音以元音开头的词前,a university 一间大学 an umbrella 一把雨伞,a European 一个欧洲人 an Englishman 一个英国人,a one-eyed wolf 一只独眼狼 an old man 一个老人,a house 一栋房子 an hour 一个

5、小时 an honest child 一个诚实的孩子,a man 一位男士 an “m” 一个“m”,定冠用法有规律, 防止遗忘很容易。 特指双方都熟悉, 上文已经被提及。 世上无二仅独一, 序数词和最高级。 山河海岛建筑物, 姓氏复数奏乐器。 少数形表人一类, 方位名词须牢记。 普构专有惯用词, 试用此诀有效率。,定冠词the的用法口诀,l)特指某人或某物。The book on the desk is mine 2)指双方都知道的人或事物。Can you close the door,Jim? 3)指上文提到过的人或物。There is an old woman standing ther

6、e. The old woman looked worried. 4)用在世上独一无二的事物名词前。the sun, the sky, the earth, the world.,定冠词the的用法,桌子上的那本字典是我的。,吉姆,你能关上门吗?,有一个老妇人站在那里,这个老妇人看起来很焦急。,5)用在序数词和形容词最高级前。The third boy is the fattest of all the students. 6)用在山脉、江河、海洋、岛等名词前。the Himalaya Mountains, the Yellow River, the Red Sea, the Taiwan I

7、sland. 7) 用在某些建筑物名词前。the White House, the Great Hall of the People 8) 用在姓氏复数之前,表示“某某一家”或“某某夫妇”。The Greens are having a picnic in the park. 9)用在乐器琴类的名词前。Mike can play the piano, but he cant play tennis.,第三个男孩是所有学生中最胖的。,格林一家人正在公园里野餐。,迈克会弹钢琴,但是他不会打网球。,10)用在少数名词化的形容词前表示一类人或事物。the old, the poor, the blin

8、d. 11)用在表示方向位置的名词前。in the east, on the right, in the centre. 12)用在由普通名词构成的专有名词前。the Peoples Republic of China 13)用在某些习惯用语中。 in the morning (afternoon,evening)在上午(下午晚上) on the right 在左边 by the way 顺便说一下 go to the cinema (theatre ,concert)去看电影(看戏听音乐会) in the front of 在的前部 in front of 在前面 at (in) the b

9、eginning 开始 in the end 终于 in the daytime 白天 on the one hand, on the other hand 一方面;另一方面,零冠词助记口诀,零冠词有点繁,记住口诀就不难。 三餐、运动、乘车船,节日、月份加头衔, 泛指星期和四季,抽象物质学科前, 国家、城市、大学校,街道、广场与公园, 不用冠词要当心,用与不用莫等闲。,1、棋类、球类、一日三餐名词前部加任何观测。play chess, play basketball, have lunch. 2、月份、星期、节假日名词前不加任何冠词。September 10th is Teachers Day

10、. Its Sunday today. 3、人名、地名、国家名前不加任何冠词。John lives in Hong Kong.Bejing is the capital of China. 注意:如果国家的名称是由多个单词来表达的,则要加the. the Peoples Republic of China. 中华人民共和国。the United States of America. 美国,零冠词的情况,4、学科、语言、称呼的名词前不加任何冠词。We have Chinese, English and some other subjects. 5、复数名词比表示类别时不加冠词。I like ea

11、ting bananas. 6、抽象名词、物质名词泛指时,其前不加冠词。Water, coal and everything on the earth are different kinds of matter. 7、名词前用了this, that等指示代词,my, their 等物主代词和some, any 等词时,不再加任何冠词。Some children havent been to any foreign countries.I will go to the library this afternoon.,1. This is _old map. It is _useful map.

12、2. We have no classes in _ afternoon on _Saturday. 3. _spaceship flies at about eleven kilometers _second. 4. Beijing is _capital of _China. It is _beautiful city. 5. Rome was not built in _day. 6. Chinese is quite _ difficult language for Mike. 7. Many _ students will take _active part in sports me

13、et. 8. There is _interesting picture on _wall. 9. Jenny found _wallet lying on _ground. _wallet was Mr. Blacks. 10. Which is _biggest, _sun, _moon or _earth?,an,a,the,/,A,a,the,/,a,a,a,/,an,an,the,a,the,The,the,the,the,the,1. _ Great Wall is _ longest wall in the world.A. The,the B. A,a C. A,the D.

14、The,a 2. Whos _ woman over there?A. / B. the C. a D. an 3. Shanghai is in _ east of China.A. / B. an C. a D. the 4. I can see a little white sheep in the field. _ sheep is Nancys.A. A B. The C. An D. / 5. _old lady in brown is _ university professor.A. An,a B. An,/ C. The,an D. The,a,A,B,D,B,D,Choos

15、e the best answers,6. Did you enter for _ high jump or _400-meter race?A. a, a B. a, the C. the, a D. the, the 7. More college graduates would like to work in _ west part of our country _ next year.A. the, the B. /, / C. /, the D. the, / 8. The scientists from _United States live in _Ninth Street.A. the, the B. /, the C. /, / D. the, / 9. There is _ report in todays newspaper. Its about the international film Festival, Shanghai.A. an B. a C. the D. / 10. My grandpa used to have _ walk in the garden after _ supper.A. a, a B. /, a C. a, / D. /, /,



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