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1、电大英语II(2),水钢电大 伍友惠,课程介绍,语法: (一)七种时态* 现在完成时;* 现在完成进行时;*将来进行时;,*过去进行时;*过去将来时;*过去完成时;*将来完成时,(二)七种被动语态形式 *一般现在时的被动语态;*一般过去时的被动语态;* 现在进行时的被动语态* 现在完成时的被动语态;* 一般将来时的被动语态;*带情态动词的被动语态;*动词不定式的被动式,(三)状语从句(方式、让步、结果、目的、比较)(四)名词性从句(包括主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句)(五)动词不定式用法(六)间接引语(七)冠词的用法(八)可数名词与不可数名词结,Unit 1 语法:现代完成时一、 概

2、念;1、表示从过去延续到现在的动作或状况。2、表示过去的动作对现在产生的结果或影响。3、表示经验或经历。二、构成:have / has + 过去分词英语中的动词(verb)有以下五种形式;即动词原形、单数第三人称形式、过去式、现在分词与过去分词。,三、用法举例:1、Xiao Wangs parents have lived in Beijing for 30 years.2、He has been in the army for three years.3、I have lost my key. (I cant open the door;I cant enter my room.)4、Hav

3、e you had your lunch ? (Are you hungry now ?)Yes, I have (had my lunch).(Im not hungry now.),Note: (一)现在完成时是现在时的范畴,不是属于过去时的范畴。因此不能与表示一般过去时的时间状语(yesterday, three days ago, in 1998)连用。,(二)有些动词属于“瞬间动词”(或称“点动词”),不能用现在完成时(die, enjoy)1、Xiao Wangs fatherhas died for ten years .X 2、Xiao Li has joined the ar

4、myXfor ten years.,现在完成时与一般过去时的区别(一)现在完成时:强调过去发生的动作对 现在产生的结果或影响,或者表示过去发生的动作一直延续到现在,而一般过去时则仅表示动作发生在过去,不强调与现在的关系。,Unit 2,例如:1、I have lost my pen. I lost my pen yesterday.2、We have planted 200trees around our university.We planted these tree last year.,(二)一般过去时常与 yesterday, last year, three weeks ago, i

5、n 1990等表示过去时间的状语连用,而现在完成时属于现在时态的范畴,不能与过去时间状语连用,但可与since(自.以来),for(长达)以及表示不确定的时间副词 already, never, ever, yet, notyet等连用,也可以与包括说话时间在内的时间状语连用,如:now, today, this week, these days等连用。,例如 1、We have been very busy these days. 2、We were very busy yesterday evening. 3、He has not finished his homework yet.,Un

6、it 3一、概念:表示动作从过去某一时间开始,一直持续到现在,并还在继续进行。二、构成: have/has + been +现在分词,现在完成进行时,三.举例:1、It has been raining for three hours. 2、I have been reading Lu Xuns works this week.3、We have been looking for you anywhere.Where have you been?否定式:I have not been reading .疑问式:Have you been reading?,否定式:I have not been

7、 reading .疑问式:Have you been reading?,.与现在完成时的区别:二者均可以表示刚结束的动作,但现在完成进行时强调动作在不久前持续进行的情景;而现在完成时则强调动作的结果。Now we have cleaned the room, and we can move the things in .(强调扫完了的结果) You look tired.What have you been doing?你干什么来着?I have been playing football.,John has painted the door .(已漆完,强调动作的结果) John has

8、been painting the door. (还在漆)Ive written a letter .(已写完)Ive been writing a letter .(还在写),Note:在与表示一段时间的状语连用时,两种时态可以互换使用,但在口语中倾向于用现在完成进行时:Ive been singing all afternoon.(Ive sung.),Unit 4 、5 一、概念:当句子的主语是动作的执行者时,用主动语态;当句子的主语是动作的承受者(动作的对象)时,用被动语态。,被 动 语 态,主动语态The workers in this factory make different

9、kinds of machines.被动语态Different kinds of machines are made by the workers in this factory.,be + 过去分词,二、构成:,was/were,is/are being,will be (begoing to be),have/has been,are,is,am,三、用法举例: (一)当强调动作的承受者(动作的对象)时;(二)当动作的执行者不易说出、不宜说出或不必说出时; 1、These books are written for children.2、This machine was made in19

10、90.(这台机器是1990年制造的),3、The question is being discussed. 4、A hospital will be built here next year. (is going to be built) 5、Lu Xuns works have been translated into many languages. (鲁迅的著作已译成多种语言)6、Football is played all over the world .(全世界到处都踢足球),8 、否定式: The cars are not made in Japan.9、疑问式: Are the c

11、ars made in Japan?,10、带情态动词的被动语态:(can , may , must , should/ought to)+ be +,过 去 分 词,情 态 动 词,(1)These exercises can (may , must) be done by him .这些练习能(可以,必须)由他来做。,(2)This should/ought to/be done at once.,这事应当立刻就办,Unit 7一、将来进行时: (一)概念:表示将来某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作。,(二)构成: will/shall + be + 现在分词 (三)用法举例: 1.Thi

12、s time tomorrow Ill be flying to Xian.,2、Ill be waiting for youin my office tomorrow. 3、 I wont be waiting for you in my office tomorrow.,二、将来完成时: (一)概念:表示将来某一时刻或某一段时间即将完成的动作。,(二)构成: will + have + 过去分词 (三)用法举例: 1、Ill have retired by theyear 2019.,2、Well have finished the work before next Friday.,3、W

13、hen you come back from Japan, your daughter will have graduated from a middle school.,Unit 8 过去进行时 一、概念:表示过去某一时刻或某一段时间正在进行的动作。,二、构成: was / were + 现在分词 三、用法举例: 1、I was watching TV at seven yesterday evening.,2、What were you doingat 7 yesterday evening?,Unit 9I、过去将来时表示对于过去某一时间而言将要发生的动作或存在的状态。Would / S

14、hould + 动词原形,1、Yesterday he told me he would leave for Shanghai. 2、They wanted to know when you would finish the article.,II、过去完成时:表示在过去某一时间或动作以前已经完成了的动作。简言之,过去完成时所表示的时间就是“过去的过去” had + 过去分词,Unit 10、11 间接引语与间接疑问句直接引语变成间接引语时要注意下列各种变化:,一、直接引语是陈述句: (一)时态的变化:主句中的谓语动词是过去时态,变成间接引语须作下列变化:,一般现在时变为一般过去时(但直接引语

15、如果是一般真理,一般现在时则不变);,(二)人称的变化:要根据句子意思改变人称 ,如:I 、He、She;We、They 等等。,(三)指示代词、时间状语、地点状语的变化:this that; these those;now then; today that day,(四) 某些动词也要变化: 如:said to told 用法举例:1、 He said:“I am busy.”,He said that he was busy. 2、Mary said:“I have read up to page 25.” Mary said that she had read up to page 25

16、.,3、 She said :“Well help in the kitchen tomorrow. She said that they would help in the kitchen the next day.,4、The teacher said to the pupils: “The earth goes around the sun.”The teacher told the pupils that the earth goes around the sun .,二、直接引语是疑问句: (一)一般疑问句变为间接引 语时须由whether或if引导,动 词多用ask等。,1、Tom asked me,“Do you study English?” Tom asked me whether(if)I studied English.(用陈述句的语序),



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