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1、Part 02 The Basic of Functional Safety,Heidi Fuglum Certified Functional safety engineer,1 day intro training in Functional safety,In this module Functional safety management Lifecycle concept Documentation Verification, validation, assessment and audits Modification Measures to avoid failures,The B

2、asic of Functional Safety,Who do we actually want to manage safety ? Safety would be the only outcome of a project Safety should not be a lucky shot Safety should be traceable and repeatable,Why do we want to manage Safety,Objectives Define all technical and management activities during the lifecycl

3、e of the safety system Specify the responsibility or activity for Persons Department Organizations,Functional safety Management,IEC 61508 Lifecycle concept,SIL Determination,Hazard Identification,SIL Implementation,Overall Operation & Maintenance,Overall Modification & Retrofit,IEC 61511Defines 6150

4、8 application in Process SectorDefines the Application of Safety Instrumented Systems for the Process Industry,IEC 61511 - Lifecycle concept,Lifecycle concept,A lifecycle helps us in a systematic way to Deal with activities Deal with responsibilities Identify required expertise per phase Identify do

5、cumentation needs Deal with FSM, V&V, assessment and audit activities Different lifecycles can be defined for End users Integrators Developers Hardware Software,Market- Req. spec.,The Product certification process,Product- req. spec.,Concept Safety Req. Spec. Func. spec. Prel. haz. anal.,Design HW/S

6、W design descr. test descr.,Implement./ testing,Func. validation system FMEA test protocol prod. test specs.,What does the market Want?,Lifecycle concept ABB product development,Implementation,Verification,G3,G4,G5,Planning,G2,G0,G1,Design Descr,System Design,Component Design,Requirements Analysis,I

7、mplementation,Function Spec,Design Descr,Code & Hardware,Prod/Proj Req Spec,Function Spec,Planning,Requirements Analysis,Market Req Spec,Documentation,Why should safety be documented ? We work in lifecycle phases, we need to pass on information to different engineering disciplines We need traceabili

8、ty We need up to date information / version control What is documentation ? Anything we can store and which can be properly identified,Verification vs Validation,What is verification Did I build the product/system right ? Did I carry out the procedures right ? Verification is carried out after each

9、lifecycle phase Example Requirement; Select correct safety instrumentation for SIL 2 loop Verification activities: Engineer cerifies safety failure fraction, hardware tolerance, software. etc,Verification vs Validation,What is validation? Did I build the right product/system ? Did I use the right pr

10、ocedures? Validation is a phase in the lifecycle Validation is carried out by the “customer” Validation need to be verified Example Customer requirement: Build a SIL 2 ESD function Validation activity Customer perform a Site Acceptance Test (SAT),Verification,The Objective of verification is To demo

11、nstrate, for each phase of the safety lifecycle (by review, analysis and/or test) that the outputs meet in all respect the objectives and requirement specified for the phase,Verification Report,What would we need to document when we verify something? What are we verifying? Who is verifying ? What to

12、ols/techniques/equipment is needed to verify? What pass/fail criteria do we have? How ho handle non-compliance? Typical example Factory acceptance test (FAT),Validation,The objective of validation is To validate that the safety system meets the specification for the overall safety requirement,Valida

13、tion,When we validate What is the basis for the validation? Who is validating? What tools / techniques / equipment / knowledge do we need to validate ? What are the pass / fail criteria? How to handle non-compliance?,Functional Safety Assessment,Functional Safety Assessment (FSA) Check whether every

14、thing is carried out as it was planned to be carried out Is carried out for each phase of the lifecycle Is carried out with sufficient independence What is it not It is not the same as V&V Does not verity the technical content in detail,Level of independence,Independence applies to assessment and au

15、dits, not V&V,Audits,Audits are similar to assessment Basically is it a periodically performed assessment Applies to “long” lifecycle phases like operation, maintenance and repair phase Additional audit procedures are required Frequency of audits Independence between people doing the work and people

16、 performing the audit Recording and follow up,Modifications vs change,What is a modification? Any change that take place after a lifecycle phase has been completed is a modification Any thing else is a change,Modifications need to be managed,A modification procedures need to be defined upfront Why do we need to manage them ? We need to manage understand the impact of the desire modification, do we need to Redesign the product? Redesign one feature of the product? Replace a component? Redo testing ? How much testing needs to be redone ? Redo documentation? Which documentation,



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