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1、天津河东区 2015 高考英语语法填空和阅读类课外训练(5)及答案阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于 3 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。Jane:What do you want to do once you graduate?Henley:Uh.I think Id like to work for a hotel or travel service in this area.How about you?Jane:Well,_1_ I first started college,I wanted to study French,but I realized I _2_ have

2、a hard time finding a job _3_(use) what I learned.So I changed my _4_ to computer science.With the right skills,finding a job in the computer industry shouldnt be as difficult.Henley:So,do you have a parttime job _5_(support) yourself through school?Jane:Well,_6_(fortunate) for me,I received a foury

3、ear scholarship.Henley:Thats great.Jane:Yeah.How about you?Are you _7_(work) your way through school?Henley:Yeah.I work three times _8_ week as a cook at a restaurant.Jane:How do you like your job?Henley:Its OK.The _9_ workers are friendly,_10_ the pay isnt bad.答案 1.when 2.might 3.using 4.major 5.to

4、 support6fortunately 7.working 8.a 9.other 10.and完形填空。Evelyn Glennie was the first lady of solo percussion(打击乐器)in Scotland.In an interview,she recalled how she became a percussion soloist in spite of her disability.“Early on I decided not to allow the _1_of others to stop me from becoming a musicia

5、n.I grew up on a farm in northeast Scotland and began _2_piano lessons when I was eight.The older I got,the more my passion for music grew.But I also began to gradually lose my _3_.Doctors concluded that the nerve damage was the _4_and by age twelve,I was completely deaf.But my love for music never

6、_5_me.”“My _6_was to become a percussion soloist,even though there were none at that time.To perform,I _7_ tohearmusic differently from others.I play in my stocking feet and can _8_the pitch of a note(音调高低)by the vibrations(振动)I feel through my body and through my _9_.My entire sound world exists by

7、 making use of almost every _10_that I have.”“I was _11_to be assessed as a musician,not as a deaf musician,and I applied to the famous Royal Academy of Music in London.No other deaf student had _12_this before and some teachers _13_my admission.Based on my performance,I was _14_admitted and went on

8、 to _15_with the academys highest honours.”“After that,I established myself as the first fulltime solo percussionist.I _16_and arranged a lot of musical compositions since _17_had been written specially for solo percussionists.”“I have been a soloist for over ten years._18_the doctor though I was to

9、tally deaf,it didnt _19_that my passion couldnt be realized.I would encourage people not to allow themselves to be _20_by others.Follow your passion;follow your heart.They will lead you to the place you want to go.”1A.conditions BopinionsCactions Drecommendations答案:B Evelyn Glennie 不允许他人的“观点”妨碍自己成为一

10、名音乐家。2A.enjoying BchoosingCtaking Dgiving答案:C 当我 8 岁的时候就开始上钢琴课,take lessons 表示“上课”,为固定搭配,故选 C 项。3A.sight BhearingCtouch Dtaste答案:B 由下文的“I was completely deaf.”可以确定选 B 项。4A.evidence BresultCexcuse Dcause答案:D 根据上下文可知,医生断定神经的损伤是导致我听力下降的“原因”,故选 D项。5A.left BexcitedCaccompanied Ddisappointed答案:A 尽管我 12 岁时

11、就完全失聪了,但是我对音乐的挚爱却从没有放弃。leave“离开;遗弃”,符合题意。6A.purpose BdecisionCpromise Dgoal答案:D 我的“目标”就是要成为一个打击乐器独奏演员。7A.turned BlearnedCused Dought答案:B 要表演,就要“学习”。没有 turn to do 结构;used to do“过去常常做某事”;ought to do“应该做某事”,均不合语境。8A.tell BseeChear Dsmell答案:A 通过振动的感觉和我的想象就可以“说出”音调的高低。9A.carefulness BmovementCimagination

12、 Dexperience答案:C 通过作者的“想象”,故选 C 项。10A.sense BeffortCfeeling Didea答案:A 我整个的声音世界的存在几乎利用了我所有的“感觉”。11A.dissatisfied BastonishedCdetermined Ddiscouraged答案:C 我“决定”被评定为一个音乐家。be determined to do sth.“决心做某事”,符合题意。 12A.done BacceptedCadvised Dadmitted答案:A 在英国皇家音乐学院,我这样的人还是先例,没人“做过”。13A.supported BfollowedCreq

13、uired Dopposed答案:D 从下文基于我的表现和最终被录取,可知本来一些老师“反对”我进入皇家音乐学院。14A.usually BfinallyCpossibly Dhopefully答案:B 由于我的出色表现, “最终”被录取。15A.study BresearchCgraduate Dprogress答案:C 以该院的最高荣誉“毕业”。16A.wrote BtranslatedCcopied Dread答案:A 我“写”了许多音乐方面的乐曲。17A.enough BsomeCmany Dfew答案:D 几乎“没有”专门为打击乐器独奏演员所写的文章。18A.However BAlt

14、houghCWhen DSince答案:B “尽管”医生认定我完全失聪。however 需单独使用,用逗号隔开,故选 B 项。19A.mean BseemCconclude Dsay答案:A 但是并不“意味”着我的激情不能被激发。KEoou20A.directed BguidedCtaught Dlimited答案:D 我将鼓励人们不要为他人的观点所限制。be limited by“为所限制”。阅读下列短文, 从给的四个选项 (A、B、C 和 D) 中, 选出最佳选项。(2013山东,D)Sparrow is a fast food chain with 200 restaurants. So

15、me years ago, the group to which Sparrow belonged was taken over by another company. Although Sparrow showed no sigh of declining, the chain was generally in an unhealthy state. With more and more fastfood concepts reaching the market, the Sparrow menu had to struggle for attention. And to make matters worse, its new owner had no plans to give it the funds it required. Sparrow failed to grow for another two years, until a new CEO, Carl Pearson decided to build up its market share. He did a survey, which showed that consumers who already used Sparrow restaurants were extremely positive about


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