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1、天津河东区 2015 高考英语语法填空和阅读类课外训练(10)及答案阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于 3 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。(When Sara came home from work, she found her mother in an anxious state.)SarA:Whats wrong, Mum? You seem upset.MuM:Its your _1_(young)sister Jill. She should have been here an hour ago.SarA:Dont worry, Mum! Its not all that

2、late and she has probably not _2_(realize) how late it is. I think shell be here soon.(Just then Saras brother Peter came into the kitchen.)Peter:Whats up? Mums on the phone and she seems as though shes going to cry.SarA:Its Jill. She should have returned home by now and Mums getting anxious.Peter:Y

3、ou _3_ feel so anxious, Mum! You know _4_ teenage girls are like. Im sure shes all right.MuM:I cant help but be concerned. Ive just rung Lucy and she said Jill left her outside the cinema ages ago to get _5_ bus home.Peter:Well, the bus service isnt very frequent in the evenings. Perhaps she missed

4、one and is waiting for another. Have you tried _6_(phone) her on her mobile?MuM:Yes, _7_ theres no reply. That made me even more worried. I think _8_ must have happened to Jill. Do you think we should call the _9_?SarA:Calm down, Mum! Youll make yourself ill. Perhaps she switched her mobile off in t

5、he cinema and forgot to switch it back on again. Or it may need to be _10_(charge)【参考答案】 1.younger/youngest 2.realized 3.neednt 4.what 5.the 6.phoning 7.but 8.something 9.police 10.charged完形填空。This happened years ago when I was a waitress,but I still clearly remember this specific incident so vividl

6、y. As the end of the night was _1_, ten minutes before our restaurant closed,a gentleman came in. I was the _2_ waitress who got to stay after closing to serve him his food. The customer was quite _3_ with how his food was prepared. He sent his _4_ back twice. When it eventually arrived to his likin

7、g, he _5_ some fresh coffee. Meanwhile,my manager and our cooks were _6_ me closely, as they wanted the last customer of the _7_ to finally leave so that we could _8_ the restaurant and go home.At that time I was frustrated and tired. I also knew he would probably not _9_ very well, seeing his inexp

8、ensive meal. _10_,I tried to give him good service.Then in the last ten minutes, as I was refilling his coffee, I somehow _11_ it on the table as well as his plate. I apologized, but I was _12_ to get him another plate of food as everything was shut down in the _13_. Knowing his previous temperament

9、 (性情), I had a certain _14_ of how he might react. He asked to speak to the manager.But he _15_ shocked me at this point. Instead of _16_ to my boss,he simply said, “This young ladys done a fine job. You need to keep her _17_ as long as you can!” After that he paid his bill and left,and I eagerly we

10、nt home.The next morning when I came to work and _18_ my tipsyou often dont get it till the next day _19_ a customer charges it on a credit cardI was _20_ that the customer had offered a $15 tip for his $8 dinner. People are often much nicer than they look!几年前,我在饭店当服务生。某天晚上,我们接待了一位男士,他对饭菜有诸多挑剔和要求,而我

11、又不小心将咖啡洒到了盘子和桌子上。正当我战战兢兢时,他温和的态度让我颇感意外,而且他还为 8 美元的饭付了我 15 美元的小费。1. A. darkening B. approaching C. leaving D. happening答案:B 深夜快要“来临(approaching)”时,在饭店关门前的十分钟,一位绅士来用餐。2. A. last B. firstC. unlucky D. young答案:C 根据前面描绘的时间和后面的 who got to.可知,在这么晚的时候还不得不留下来为客人服务,作者感到自己很“不幸(unlucky)” 。 3. A. pleased B. fami

12、liar C. interested D. dissatisfied答案:D 根据后面的 sent.back twice 和 When it eventually arrived to his liking 判断,这位绅士对饭菜的做法”不满意(dissatisfied)” 。4. A. order B. billC. note D. mail答案:A 这位先生把他“点的饭菜(order)”退回来两次。5. A. changed B. sold C. needed D. threw答案:C 当一切都合他的意,他又要了新鲜咖啡。6. A. following B. checkingC. watch

13、ing D. helping答案: C 这个时候经理和厨师都紧“盯(watching)”作者,因为他们希望这位顾客尽快吃完离开。从空格处后面的副词 closely 就可排除其他选项,watch sb.closely 密切注视,仔细观察。 7. A. day B. time C. place D. room答案:A 此处是指那一“天(day)”饭店的最后一名顾客。8. A. turn up B. close upC. set off D. turn offC答案:B 最后一名顾客离开后他们就可以“关门(close up)”回家了。9. A. speak B. behaveC. tip D. ea

14、t答案:C 根据顾客用餐的费用和最后一段提示可知,作者判断这位绅士不会付很多的小费。tip 此处用作动词,指“付小费” 。最后一段的第一句话有提示。10. A. Instead B. BesidesC. Otherwise D. However答案:D “然而(However)” ,作者还是尽最大努力给他提供好的服务。11. A. spread B. leftC. spilled D. broke答案:C 在给这位绅士添咖啡的时候,不知怎么的,作者把咖啡“洒到(spilled)”了桌子和盘子上。 12. A. eager B. willing C. shameful D. unable答案:D 此时已经太晚了,作者虽然道歉了,但“无法(unable)”给这位绅士换一盘食物。从 as 引导的原因状语从句中可以得出答案。13. A. kitchen B. rainC. line D. operation答案:A 因为“厨房(kitchen)”里一切设施都已关了。根据常识,饭菜都是从厨房做出来的。14. A. communication


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