北师大版高一英语:unit12-6 导学案

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1、Unit 12 Culture Shock (6)Lesson 3 Living abroad编写人:李芬 审核:高一英语组 A tip: Love me, love my dog.爱屋及乌。 学习目标:学习目标:掌握重要单词和短语的用法:(A 级) 学习重点:学习重点:灵活运用重要句型 (B 级) 学习难点:学习难点:文中重要难句的理解(C 级) 学习过程:学习过程: Step 1.听写单词:(A 级) Step 2.词组:(B 级) 1.邀请某人做某事 2.胃口好 3.不停/持续做某事 4.要求 5.坚持做某事 6. .给送行 Step 3.读 Martin,Tom,Tina 的信,了解他

2、们对中国文化的理解。 (B 级) Step 4.疑难解析(B 级) 1. I had a good appetite and the food was yummy. 翻译: 【导学】 appetite n. 胃口,食欲 eg. I hope you had a good appetite.拓展:appetite for 对对的强烈欲望的强烈欲望 互动练习:She has a good money and power. 她渴求金钱和权力。 2.I had a similar experience the last time I visited China . 翻译: 【导学】the last t

3、ime I visited China 是 the last time 引导的时间状 语从句,类似的还有:every time ,each time ,the day , the year , next time , 等都可用作连词,引导从句。Be sure to call on us you visit our town .(我每次见到她),she is always smiling . 3. He insisted on walking me to the station to see me off. 本句译文: 【导学】insist on sth./doing sth. 坚持某事坚持某事

4、/做某事做某事eg.He insisted on seeing me home.他坚持送我回家。 拓展:insist 的用法 意思是意思是“坚持要坚持要” ,其后之宾语从句要用虚拟语气,其后之宾语从句要用虚拟语气, “(should)动词原形动词原形” 。这种虚拟语气的用法除了“insist”还有:demand, suggest, order, propose. eg. They insisted that she (should)be invited. I insist that you (should)see a doctor. 意思是意思是“坚持说,硬说坚持说,硬说” ,其后宾语从句用普

5、通形式,不用虚拟语,其后宾语从句用普通形式,不用虚拟语 气气。 eg.She insisted that she was right.她坚持说她是正确的。 互动练习:He insisted he not old and that he a job to do. A.was ;be given B.were ; was given C.were; be given D. was ;was given see sb. off 为某人送行为某人送行eg. A dance party was held to see Jane off. 4. I told her the coat suited her

6、, but she looked very embarrassed, saying that it was a cheap one she had bought a long time ago. 本句译文: suit vt. 与.相配,与.相称(不用于被动语态) This dress suits you beautifully. 这件衣服你穿非常合适。 拓展:【辨析】fit, suit, match fit 指大小、形状的合适,引申为吻合、协调。 suit 指合乎需要、口味、条件、地位,以及花色、款式等与某人的皮 肤、气质、身材或身份相称。 match 多指大小、色调、形状、性质等的搭配。 e

7、g.This new jacket fits her well. 这件夹克很合她的身。 That colour suits you best. Try the new key and see if it fits the keyhole. Does this time suit you ? No dish suits all tastes. 互动练习:It doesnt _ you to have your hair cut short. .Carpets should _ the curtains. Does the coat _ you? A.fit B. suit C. matchemb

8、arrassed adj. 窘困的,不安的联想:embarrass vt. 使窘迫,是局促不安使窘迫,是局促不安embarrassing adj. 令人为难的,令人困惑的令人为难的,令人困惑的 互动练习:He felt by his lack of money when his friend asked him for help.embarrass B.worried C.embarrassed D.embarrssing划线部分的 saying 在句中做 (A.宾语补足语 B. 目的状语 C. 伴随状语) UnitUnit 1212 CultureCulture ShockShock (6)

9、(6) LessonLesson 3 3 LivingLiving abroadabroad 当堂检测卡当堂检测卡日期: 层次: 姓名: 【练一练】改错(C 级) 1.To my surprised,everyone agreed to my proposals at the meeting. 2.When I realised my mistake, I felt much embarrassing. 3.He has twice as much books as I do. 4.She avoided to answer my questions. 5.The teaching metho

10、d of our English teacher is not similar with their teachers. 6. The day he was looking forward to coming at last. 7. She didnt come to school yesterday.The reason was because she was ill. 8.The reason he failed in the exam was that he was too careless. 9.He succeeded in the competition ,made each of

11、 us happy. 10.You must practise to speak English in and out of class. UnitUnit 1212 CultureCulture ShockShock (6)(6) LessonLesson 3 3 LivingLiving abroadabroad 当堂检测卡当堂检测卡日期: 层次: 姓名: 【练一练】改错(C 级) 1.To my surprised,everyone agreed to my proposals at the meeting. 2.When I realised my mistake, I felt mu

12、ch embarrassing. 3.He has twice as much books as I do. 4.She avoided to answer my questions. 5.The teaching method of our English teacher is not similar with their teachers. 6. The day he was looking forward to coming at last. 7. She didnt come to school yesterday.The reason was because she was ill. 8.The reason he failed in the exam was that he was too careless. 9.He succeeded in the competition ,made each of us happy. 10.You must practise to speak English in and out of class. .精品资料。欢迎使用。高考资源网高考资源网w。w-w*


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