五常市第三中学八年级英语上册《unit 3 topic 1 section c hobbies》导学案(无答案) 仁爱版

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《五常市第三中学八年级英语上册《unit 3 topic 1 section c hobbies》导学案(无答案) 仁爱版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《五常市第三中学八年级英语上册《unit 3 topic 1 section c hobbies》导学案(无答案) 仁爱版(4页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、1UnitUnit 3 3 TopicTopic 1 1 SectionSection C C HobbiesHobbiesI I. . LearningLearning AimsAims 学习目标学习目标 1. 同学们能熟练掌握 used to do sth.的用法。 2. 同学们会使用 used to do sth.来讨论过去的行为爱好。 IIII. . TheThe KeyKey PointsPoints 重点重点 1. 重点掌握下列词及短语的写法、读法及用法|: vacation 假期; pond 水池; nobody 没有人; secret 秘密; paint 绘画/油漆; chat

2、 聊天; such 这样的; happiness 幸福; friendship 友谊; knowledge 知识; daily 日 常的; such as 例如; and so on 等等 2. 请同学们掌握下列句型: (1) Did you use to go swimming during the summer vacation?你曾在暑假里去 游泳吗? Yes, I did.是的。 (2) Where did you use to go swimming?你以前在哪里游泳? I used to swim in the pond in front of my house.我以前在我家房前的

3、水 塘里游泳。 (3) What hobbies did you use to have?你以前有什么爱好? I used to listen to pop music.我以前听流行乐。 (4) People usually do what they like in their spare time.人们常在闲暇时做 喜欢做的事情。 (5) hobbies can bring them happiness, friendship and knowledge.爱好可 以带给他们快乐,友谊和知识。 (6) Hobbies can help people relax after their dail

4、y work.在一天的工作后,爱 好可助人放松。(7) hobbies can keep them healthy. hobbies can help them get well soon.爱好可助其保健 ,爱好可助其早日康复。 (8) How clever!太聪明了! 3. used to do sth.的用法。 4. teach 的用法。 IIIIII. . DifficultDifficult PointPoint 难点难点 keep 的用法。 IVIV. . PreviewPreview 自主预习自主预习 1. 请同学们认真读 57 至 58 页单词,直至读熟,若有不会读的单词,请标出

5、来。 2. 请同学们在 Section C 中找出含有下列单词的短语并理解 Section C:vacation; dance; chat; keep; such; daily 3. 请同学们仔细阅读 1a,并试着将其改写为一篇短文,写在作业本上。 4. 请同学们认真阅读 3a,归纳文章大意._ 5. 完成 2 和 3b. IVIV. . HotHot linkslinks 知识链接知识链接 1. teach 其过去式为 taught。其用法为:(1) teach sb to do sth 教某人做某事 (2) teach sb sth 教某人某事2(3) teach oneself sth.

6、 自学 =learn sth by oneself 如:Teachers teach us to learn knowledge every day.老师每天都教我们学习知 识。 Miss Liu teaches us Chinese. 刘老师教我们语文。 操练:谁教你学的游泳?Who _ _ _ _? 她教我们英语。She _ _ _. 他自学英语。He _ _ _ _. = He _ _ _. 2. keep (1) keep 常跟复合结构(keep宾语补语) 。用作宾语补足语常见的词有现在分词、过 去分词、形容词、副词以及介词短语。意为使处于某种状态(情况) 如:He kept me w

7、aiting for half an hour. 他让我等了半个小时。 The doctor kept me in for a week. 医生一周没让我出去。He always keeps his books in good order. 他总是把书放得整整齐齐。 (2) keep 做系动词,后接形容词做表语. 如:Please keep quiet. 请保持安静。 Were keeping in very good health. 我们身体非常好。 操练:多穿些衣服可以使我们感到暖和。Wearing much can keep _ _.父亲让他在门外呆了很长时间。Father kept _

8、 _ for a long time.手套可以保暖。Gloves can _ _.我们应多了解一些交通规则以便在过马路时确保自己安全。We should know the traffic rules to _ _ _ when crossing the road. 总结所学所有的系动词(不少于 4 个):_ V V. . HavingHaving a a QuitQuit 当堂检测当堂检测 (I)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1. He often goes swimming during summer v_. 2. Chatting on the Internet can bring us

9、happiness and f_. 3. Who t_ you to swim when you are young? 4. The children can learn a lot of k_ on TV. 5. Hobbies help people relax after their _ (日常的) work. (II)句型转换。 1. I often go fishing in my spare time.(对画线部分提问)_ do you often _ in your spare time? 2. I like playing computer games because it i

10、s very interesting.(同上)_ _ you like playing computer games? 3. I enjoy listening to music.(同义句转换)I am _ _ listening to music.34. The stamps are very beautiful.(改为感叹句)_ _ stamps! 5. The boys used to go fishing by the river.(改为一般疑问句)_ the boys _ to go fishing by the river? VIVI. . HomeworkHomework 课后作

11、业课后作业 1. 复习 Section C,背诵“重点”和“知识链接” 。 2. 背诵 1a,自己先默写一遍,自我检测背诵效果。 3. 按 Section D 中自主预习部分的要求,预习 Section D. 4. 阅读理解。 (A)Many children like stamp-collecting. Stamp-collecting didnt start until 1854. As time passes, there are more and more stamp-collectors. Not only children but also men and women are co

12、llectors. In some countries, there are even lessons on stamp-collecting in school. People are becoming more and more interested in stamps. Every picture on a stamp has its meaning in it. It may be the head of a famous person or an important place. Each stamp tells us a story. ( ) 1. Stamp-collecting

13、 started _. A. earlier than 1845 B. later than 1921 C. in 1854 D. hundreds of years ago ( ) 2. Stamp-collectors are _. A. men and women B. boys and girls C. neither young nor old D. both A and B ( ) 3. Lessons on stamp-collecting are given in _. A. a few countries B. few countries C. our country D.

14、America only ( ) 4. There are more and more stamp-collectors. This sentence means _. A. Differentt kinds of stamps are being collected B. the number of stamp-collectors is growing C. a group of people are collecting stamps D. more and more stamps are being printed ( ) 5. Every picture on a stamp _. A. is the head of a stamp-collector B. tells us something interesting C. has nothing to do with America D. tells us a story about some schools(B) A man lives in a very tall building. He has lots of money and he has a parrot at home. Its a clever pet bird. The man often trains(训练)the bird to sp



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