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1、,There is a boy named Charlie, who lives in a small wooden house , life is very poor but happy.House of Charlie from a window to look, you can see the worlds largest chocolate factory - Wonka chocolate factory. The factory by a genius chocolate maker Willy Wanka.,有一个小男孩叫查理,他们一家居住在一栋摇摇欲坠的小木房里,生活很贫穷但却

2、很快乐。从查理家的一个窗子望去,可以看到全世界最大的巧克力工厂旺卡巧克力工厂。工厂由一位天才巧克力制作者威利旺卡所拥有.,It is a mysterious factory, locked the door,15years, never seen workers from the door into or out of, but can smell rich chocolate flavor. The factory production of Wonka chocolate are sold all over the world, by the childrens favorite. Li

3、ttle Charlie is no exception, every night in dreamland, he fancies himself to enter the factory.,那是座神秘的工厂,大门紧锁,15年来,从来没有看见有工人从大门进去或出来过,可是却能闻到浓郁的巧克力香味。,工厂出产的旺卡牌巧克力销往世界各地,深受孩子们的喜爱。小查理也不例外,在每个夜晚的梦乡中,他都幻想自己可以亲身进入那座工厂 。,One day, Mr. Willy Wanka announces a notice, he will invite five lucky children to hi

4、s chocolate factory which is full of mystery and magic. In addition to get around the factory, they can get enough to eat chocolate and other sweets. children purchase of Wonka chocolate find gold ticket in the packaging paper, can be a lucky dog.However, Mr. Wonka only get five gold tickets. Charli

5、e has very little chance to get the golden tickets, he is still going to try, in order to visit the mysterious chocolate factory.,有一天,威利旺卡先生宣布了一个告示,他将向五位幸运的孩子开放充满“奥秘和魔力”巧克力工厂。除了能到工厂参观,他们还能得到足够吃一辈子的巧克力糖和其他糖果。购买旺卡牌巧克力的孩子只要发现藏在包装纸里的金券,就能成为幸运儿。不过,旺卡先生一共只准备了五张金券,查理得到金券的机会微乎其微,他还是打算尝试一下,去参观那神秘的巧克力工厂。,The

6、world suddenly set off the purchase of Wonka chocolate craze, the lucky one after another appeared, the media are also in the children found the golden tickets news. The coupons are four former owner, whether the last chance come in on Charlie ?,全世界一下子掀起了购买旺卡牌巧克力的热潮,幸运儿一个又一个地出现了,媒体们也都在播报孩子们发现金券的新闻。前

7、四张金券都有主人了,最后的机会会降临在小查理身上吗?,A miracle takes place at last, little Charlie inadvertently in the snow finds a note, and he is delighted to run to the nearest store. He cant wait to buy a Wonka chocolate. He breaks open the packing paper, finding below show the golden. This is the last gold ticket. Char

8、lie will go to the chocolate factory, his mind is full of joy and delight.The family decide to let Grandpa with little Charlie, go through the upcoming brilliant adventure.,奇迹终于发生了,小查理不经意间在雪地上发现了一张纸币,于是他欣喜地奔向最近的商店,迫不及待地买下了一块旺卡牌巧克力。他拆开包装纸,发现下面露出了金色 。没错,这是最后一张金券。 查理就要去巧克力工厂了,他的心理充满着欢乐和喜悦,全家决定让爷爷陪伴小查理去

9、,一块去度过即将到来的精彩纷呈的冒险时光。,Visiting the chocolate factory is an unusual experience. The chocolate waterfall, leading sailing ship brown chocolate syrup in the river, a wild profusion of vegetation of grassland chewing gum, and all over the mountains and plains of the milk sugar, chocolate everywhere. Gre

10、at“ sugar coated bullet” to the other four children have lost control. For all this, Charlie does not loss of sense of excitement because of momentary.,参观巧克力工厂的过程是一次奇特的经历。飞流直下的巧克力瀑布,龙头船航行在棕色巧克力糖浆的河流,郁郁葱葱的口香糖草地,还有满山遍野的牛奶糖,到处都是巧克力。巨大的“糖衣炮弹”让其他四个孩子都失去了自制。对于这一切,小查理并没有因为一时的激动而失去理智。,The most unbelievable

11、thing happens, Charlie has become the final winner. Wiley Wonka intends to give Charlie the chocolate factory.However, there is a condition that he is not allowed to live with his family since then. In order to family members, Charlie gives up the chance.He thinks family is the best, which the world

12、s chocolate will not change. Finally, Charlie agrees to take over the factory, and Wonka promises the whole family can moved into the factory. They become one family.,最不可思议的事发生了,查理成了最后的赢家。威利旺卡打算把整个巧克力工厂送给查理。但是,有一个条件,那就是从此不许和家人们生活在一起。查理为了家人们,放弃了机会,他认为家是最好的,拿全世界的巧克力都不换。最后,查理同意接管工厂,旺卡允诺查理全家人都搬进工厂,并与他们成

13、为了一家人。,The chocolate factory owner, in his fathers strict version of the fatherlyunderstand. In found himself getting older, thought that people inherit thechocolate factory, then made the golden ticket to allow five children to visit the factory.,巧克力工厂主人,在父亲的严厉下扭曲了对父爱的理解。在发现自己渐渐老去时,想到让人继承巧克力厂,于是发了金

14、券让五个小孩参观工厂。,Charlie Bucket was born in a poor family. Lucky to have won the last golden ticket, and eventually became the heir to the chocolate factory.,查理巴克特,家境贫穷。幸运地获得了最后一张金奖券,并最终成为了巧克力厂的继承人。,迈克蒂维,来自科罗拉多州丹佛,第四个发现金奖券的小孩。性情暴躁,自以为是,个性反派。最终跳入时光机中变成了手掌般大小的小人。,Mike Teavee , from Colorado, Denver, the fo

15、urth find the ticket child. Irascible personality, be opinionated, villain. Finally jumped into the time machine into palm size villain.,薇尔莉特博雷加德,来自佐治亚州亚特兰大,第三个发现金奖券的小孩。功利心强,对于任何事情必须要赢。最后吃了威利旺卡发明的三餐口香糖,变成了一个大大的蓝莓胖娃娃。,Violet Beauregarde ,from Atlanta, third find the ticket child. Utilitarian heart is

16、 strong, for anything must win. Finally, she ate the chewing gum Willy Wanka invented, into a big blueberry fat baby.,薇露卡索尔特,来自英国白金汉郡,第二个发现金奖券的小孩。傲娇的小千金,自我心强,自己想要什么就发着脾气向父母索取。最后因为想抓一只威利旺卡的松鼠掉进了垃圾厂中。,Veruca Salt,from Buckinghamshire, find the ticket, second children. This little girl, a strong sense of self, what she want in a temper to their parents. Finally,because want to catch a Wiley Wonkas squirrel she fell into the garbage plant.,奥古斯特斯格卢普,来自德国杜塞尔多夫,第一个发现金奖券的小孩,爱暴饮暴食,对于食物毫无抵抗力,最后掉进巧克力河中。,


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