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1、第23卷null 第4期2008M 8 null null null null null null null null null null null null null o null S null null null CHINESEJOURNALOFRADIOSCIENCEnull null null null null null null nullVol.23,No.4null August, 2008null nullnull null null Enullmail: wkptom 616null null c I | null 1005null0388( 2008)04null0616

2、null04B K b W = o z l ? L ! 9 *王科平1null null 王志功1 null 冯null 军1 null 赵海涛2( 1. 2 v ; , 2 210096;2. 2 v 3 0 S E L i , 2 210096)K null 1 null 一种适用于全球数字广播DRM系统移动终端的中短波宽带接收天线,能够集成于接收机机壳表面,在机壳表面的三维方向上分别设计有Hilbert分形天线a弯折线天线a多环环形天线,将三种天线在馈电端相连,向射频前端电路馈电bHilnullbert 分形由于其自相似性和空间填充性,应用于天线设计能够实现多频带a低谐振频率等特性b通过

3、计算和大量实验,研究了这种天线的尺寸缩减特性和灵敏度特性b测试结果表明:与专业公司提供的两款DRM接收机天线相比较,该中短波宽带接收天线在1 20 MHz频率范围内,以缩小的尺寸获得了高的接收灵敏度b1 o M null 全球数字广播;中短波;宽带天线;接收天线 m s | null TN82null null null null null D S null ADesignofaspacenulllimitedreceivingantennainMWandSWbandsWANGKenullping1 null WANGZhinullgong1 null FENGJun1 null ZHAOHa

4、inulltao2(1. Instituteof RF & OEnullICs of Southeast University, N anjing Jiangsu 210096, China;2. State Key Laboratory of Biological Electronics, Southeast University, Nanjing Jiangsu 210096, China)Abstractnull A broadband receiving antenna working in middlenull and shortnullwave bandis proposed fo

5、r DRM ( Digital Radio Mondiale) system. Hilbert fractal antenna,meander line antenna, multinullloop antenna areproposed to fabricate on the surface ofthree dimensions of the receiver box and to connect together at the feeding point.Because of selfnullsimilarity and spacenullfilling properties, Hilbe

6、rt fractal antenna is apowerful tool to design multinullfrequency and low resonant frequency antenna. Exnullperimental results show that compared with two kinds of receiving antenna forDRM system provided by a professional company, this receiving antenna has a highenough receiving sensitivity but a

7、reduced size.Keywordsnull DRM; MW and SW; broadband antenna; receive antenna1null null o 3 , + .s o z G ? L J . o S , 2006,21(6): 955null958.Liu C, Liu Q Z, Liang Y J,et al. . Design of broadbandshipboard whipnulltype antenna at high frequency band J . Chinese Journal of Radio Science, 2006, 21( 6)

8、:955null958.2 null ,f null J , E .F 0 ? L H + J. o S ,2002,17( 3) :295null299.Wu C Y,Zhang L, Xu J D. The time domain radiationcharacteristics of loaded monopole J . Chinese Journullnal of Radio Science, 2002,17(3) :295null299.3 null A K Skrivervik, J F Zurcher, O Staub, J R Mosig.PCS antenna design

9、: the challenge of miniaturization J. IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine.2001, 43( 4) :12null27.4 null D H Werner, S Ganguly. An overview of fractal annulltenna engineering research J. IEEE Antennas andPropagation Magazine. 2003, 45( 1) :38null57.5 null C P Baliarda. The Koch monopole: a small f

10、ractal annulltenna J . IEEE Transactions on Antenna and Propanullgation. 2000, 48(11) :1773null1781.6 null C Borja. On the behavior of Koch island fractal boundnullary microstrip patch antenna J . IEEE Transactionson Antenna and Propagation. 2003, 51 ( 6) : 1281null1291. 7 null J Anguera, C Puente,

11、E Martinez, E Rozan. The fracnulltal Hilbert monopole: a twonulldimensional wire J . Minullcrowave and Optical Technology Letters, 2003, 36(2) :102null104. 8 null Best S R. A discussion on thesignificanceof Geometryin determining theresonant behavior of fractal and othnuller nonnulleuclidean wire an

12、tennas J . IEEE Antennasand Propagation Magazine. 2003, 45(3):9null28.9 null Vinoy K J, Jose KA, Varadan V K, et al. . Resonantfrequency of Hilbert curve fractal antennas C. IEEEAntennas Propagation International Symposium Digest3. 2001, 648null651. S null ( 1981- ) ,男, 江苏人,东南大学射频与光电集成电路研究所博士生,主要研究方向为射频天线设计和射频集成电路设计等bEnullmail: null ( 1954- ) ,男, 河南人,博士,东南大学教授,博士生导师,在国际和国家级重要会议和核心期刊上发表260余篇论文,主要研究方向为射频天线设计,射频a超高速a微波和毫米波集成电路a光电集成电路设计等bEnullmail:zgwang seu. edu. cn619第4期null null null null null null null 王科平等:一种有限空间内中短波宽带接收天线设计


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