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1、Unit 1,Did you come back yesterday ?,Module 1,What did you do in your holiday? I went to the park. I visited the museum. I went to the seaside. I learnt dancing.,Lets talk about your holiday.,Free Talk,Did you have a good holiday? Where did you go in summer holidays? What did you do in summer holida

2、ys?,Chant,Lingling went to London Town.,She met John, a little boy.,meet的过去式,They visited the London Eye,and saw the city from above the ground.,Lingling went to London Town.,She met John, a little boy.,They visited the London Eye,and saw the city from above the ground.,go,meet,visit,see,伦敦(London)是

3、英国的首都、第一大城及第一大港,也是欧洲最大的都会区之一。 别名:雾都。,Welcome to London!,Famous places of London,the Buckingham Palace白金汉宫,英国的王宫,the River Thames泰晤士河,泰晤士河是英国著名的“母亲”河。,the Tower Bridge伦敦塔桥,伦敦塔桥是泰晤士河上最著名, 也是最壮观的桥梁。,伦敦眼是世界上首座、也曾经是世界最大的观景摩天轮。,the London Eye伦敦眼,Big Ben 大本钟,大本钟是伦敦市的标志以及英国的象征,大本钟从1859年就为伦敦城报时,至今将近一个半世纪。,大英

4、博物馆是世界上历史最悠久、规模最宏伟的综合性博物馆之一。,the British Museum 大英博物馆,After dialogues, answer these questions.,listen and answer.,Did Amy and Sam come back yesterday?,2.When did Amy and Sam come back?,3.Who did they meet?,come back,back,last Sunday.,They came back,Did Amy and Sam come back yesterday?,No, they didnt

5、.,2.When did Amy and Sam come back?,John.,They met,3.Who did they meet?,listen and answer .,4.What did they buy?,5.How did they go home?,6.What happened then?,home,go home,some ice creams.,They bought,4.What did they buy?,ice cream,by bus.,They went home,5.How did they go home?,Lingling dropped her

6、ice cream.,6.What happened then?,drop,drop 过去式 dropped,Lets Review,选择相应的图片。,ground,( ),A,B,B,finish,( ),A,B,A,选择相应的图片。,wait for,( ),A,B,A,hurry up,( ),A,B,B,动词过去式变化规则,ed,ed 小尾巴,动词后面跟着它.如果动作是过去,千万不要忘了它.1 规则动词加ed; 2 有e直接把d加;3 辅音字母后跟y,先要把y变成i,再把ed后面加;4 重读音节辅元辅,双写再把ed加;5 特殊单词变化多,一定把它们记心中.,动词be的变化,动词be,变

7、化多.我是am,你是are,is连着他,她,它.单数is,复数are.如果动作成过去,千万记着变化它.is变成was用,am 也要变was,are就变were吧. 虽然换了件衣服,我们也能分清楚.is,am 还有are,表的情况是现在,如果情况变过去,was,were来替代.,动词过去式,回来come- 给give- 游泳swim- 喝drink-遇见meet- 买buy- 跑run- 去go-吃eat-,came,dropped,went,met,bought,ran,gave,saw,visited,ate,drank,swam,看见see- 参观,拜访visit- 使掉落drop-,Lo

8、ok and write.,Yesterday, he_ TV.,watched,Yesterday, he _ his homework.,did,Yesterday, she_ to the park.,walked,Yesterday, he _the piano.,played,went,We to school at seven last week.我昨天早上7点去学校的。,go,went,Yesterday, he _ a car.,washed,cleaned,We _ the room last night. 我们昨晚打扫了房间,clean,play,I ping-pong last Monday. 我上周一打乒乓球。,played,ed,ed,Good bye,



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