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1、Unit 10 Its a nice day, isnt it? 单元复习课,. 词汇拓展 1. sand(n. ) _ (adj. )含沙的;多沙的 2. across(adv. ) _ (v. )穿过;横过;越过 3. baby(n. ) _ (pl. )婴儿 4. high(adj. ) _ (反义词)低的 答案:1. sandy 2. cross 3. babies 4. low,5. quick(adj. ) _ (反义词)慢的 6. little(adj. ) _ (最高级) 答案:5. slow 6. least,. 短语互译 1. 浏览 look _ 2. 相处 _ along

2、 3. 至少 _ least 4. come along _ 答案:1. through 2. get 3. at 4. (意外地)出现;发生;来到,5. by noon _ 6. think of _ 7. feel like _ 8. have a hard time doing sth. _ 答案:5. 到中午的时候 6. 认为;想起 7. 感觉像 8. 做某事有困难,. 句型攻关 1. 天气很好,不是吗? Its a nice day, _ _? 2. 他步行去上学,不是吗? He goes to school on foot, _ _? 答案:1. isnt it 2. doesnt

3、 he,3. 那个老人正在等待过马路。 The old man is waiting _ _ the road. 4. 你们可以尽快地浏览一下这个故事。 You can _ _ the story as quickly as you can. 答案:3. to cross 4. look through,5. 我去年英语学得很吃力。 I had a hard time _ English last year. 6. 有像你们这样的老师再去适应新学校就容易得多了。 Teachers like you make _ a lot easier _ _ _ in a new school. 答案:5.

4、 learning 6. it; to get along,核心考点一二二 一个短语:would rather do than do 二个单词:besides, 由“数词-名词-形容词”构成的复合形容词 二个句型:Why not. . . ? How/What about. . . ?,1. (2013淮安中考)How about climbing the hill? I would rather _ along the river than _ the hill. Im a bit tired. A. walk; climb B. walking; climbing C. walking;

5、to climb D. walk; to climb 【解析】选A。would rather do than do“宁愿而不愿”是固定用法。,2. (2013齐齐哈尔中考)A _ girl named Dong Xinyi looked after her disabled father. A. three-year-old B. three-years-old C. three years old 【解析】选A。考查形容词连缀的用法。数词-名词单数-形容词组成形容词连缀作形容词用。根据句意可知答案选A。,3. (2013呼和浩特中考)A nice day today, isnt it? Ye

6、s._ go for a picnic and relax ourselves? A. Would you like B. Why not C. What about D. Why dont 【解析】选B。考查固定用法。Would you like to do. . . ,Why not do. . . , What about doing. . . , Why dont you do. . . ,go是动词原形,故选B。,4. (2013南通中考)Since you have finished your homework, how about_? A. go to run B. go run

7、ning C. going to run D. going running 【解析】选D。考查非谓语动词的用法。How about doing sth. 为固定句型,所以选D。,路漫漫其修道远,吾将上下而求索。屈原 读不在三更五鼓,功只怕一曝十寒。郭沫若 学习必须与实干相结合。泰戈尔 学而时习之,不亦说乎?孔子 鸟欲高飞先振翅,人求上进先读书。李苦禅 求学的三个条件是:多观察、多吃苦、多研究。加菲劳 学习从来无捷径,循序渐进登高峰。高永祚 活着就要学习,学习不是为了活着。培根 立志宜思真品格,读书须尽苦功夫。阮元 读书是易事,思索是难事,但两者缺一,便全无用处。富兰克林,精品课件!,5. (2013杭州中考)Its too late to invite any more people. _, you know how Tim hates parties. A. Besides B. However C. Still D. Instead 【解析】选A。考查词义辨析。besides意为“除了之外(还有)”,指在原来的基础上又加上;however意思是“然而”,still意思是“仍旧”,instead意思是“代替”。由句意“再邀请那么多人太晚了,除此之外,你知道蒂姆有多么讨厌聚会”可知,用besides,故选A。,



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