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1、,Unit 3 Holiday fun ( Song time, Culture time&Cartoon time),Enjoy a song,A: How was your National Day holiday? B: It was A: Where did you go? B: I went to A: What did you do? B: I A: Did you ? B: Yes, I did. / No, I didnt. I ,Talk in pairs,New Years Day 新年May Day 劳动节Childrens Day 儿童节National Day 国庆节

2、Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节Dragon Boat Festival 端午节 Spring Festival 春节,There are many holidays in our country. They are ,Do you know the schlool holidays of foreign countries ?,Culture Time,Easter holiday,复活节假期,复活节是每年春分月圆之后的第一个星期。学校通常在这个期间放假两周。,Summer holiday,暑假,在英国,每个学校放暑假时间不一样,通常是七月中下旬到九月初,长约六周。,Chris

3、tmas holiday,圣诞节,圣诞节过后是新年,学校将两个假期连在一起安排, 一般两周。,Watch and answer,1.What are they talking about?,2.Where was Bobby?,3.Why is Tina excited?(激动的,兴奋的),4.What did Bobby wear? 5.Did Sam wear paper clothes too?,6.Did the show go well?,Cartoon Time,What are they talking about?They are talking about a fashion

4、 show.,fashion show,f n,服装表演,Cartoon Time,Where was Bobby? He was in the park. They had a fashion show there.,Cartoon Time,Why is Tina excited? Tina loves beautiful clothes. She is excited about the show.,excited,ksatd,兴奋的,Tina is very excited.,The fashion show is very exciting.,激动的(形容人),令人激动的(形容事,物

5、,比赛等),Cartoon Time,What did Bobby wear?,wore,wear 过去式,He wore a paper T-shirt and paper shorts.,w:,Cartoon Time,Did Sam wear paper clothes too?,No, he didnt. He wore a lot of bottles.,Cartoon Time,Did the show go well? No, It was wonderful at first, but then there was heavy rain. thats too bad!,进行顺利

6、,起先,大雨,he vi,太糟糕了,fill in the blanks.,Bobby was in the _ this afternoon . It was _.They had a fashion show in the park .He _ a paper T-shirt and paper shorts. Sam wore a lot of _. The show was _at first. Then it _.They were all wet.,park,wonderful,bottles,wore,sunny,rained,Lets act!,小组合作,注意动作、表情和语调哦

7、!,任选其一,完成任务,Thinking map复述课文(NO.3/NO.4)2,表演课文(组内表演)3,分角色朗读课文(NO.1&NO.2)1,Enjoy your days, enjoy fun!,Homework,Read and act the dialogue of cartoon time. 2. Try to write a diary, introduce your holiday.,Read and act,Cartoon time,Cartoon time,Tina is very excited.,The fashion show is very exciting.,激动

8、的(形容人),令人激动的(形容事,物,比赛等),Cartoon time,Cartoon time,反义词:at last,Try to fill in the blanks.(在导学案上完成,组内讨论并在记录本上做好记录),I was in the _ this afternoon .It was _.We had a fashion show in the park .I _ a paper T-shirt and paper shorts. Sam wore a lot of _. The show was _ at first. Then it _.We were all wet.,p

9、ark,wonderful,bottles,wore,sunny,rained,Lets act!,小组合作,注意动作、表情和语调哦!,任选其一,完成任务,Thinking map复述课文(NO.3/NO.4)2,表演课文(组内表演)3,分角色朗读课文(NO.1&NO.2)1,Ive got _ stars.,Enjoy your days, enjoy fun!,Homework,Read and act the dialogue of cartoon time. 2. Try to write a diary, introduce your holiday.,What do you learn from this class? (这节课你学到了什么?),Summary:,Intonation(降调朗读),1,The one read,the others listen and help him or her.(一个同学读,其余听,并纠正)2,NO.1 read it. 3,NO.3 evaluate(NO.3评价),



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