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1、高二英语期考复习,1. Playing tricks on others is _ we should never do.A. anything B. something C. everything D. nothing2. For a long time they walked without saying _ word. Jim was the first to break _ silence.A. the; a B. a; the C. a; 不填 D. the; 不填3. He accidentally _he had quarreled with his wife and that

2、he hadnt been home for a couple of weeks. A. let out B. took care C. made sure D. made out,We should never do前省略了充当宾语的关系代词that / which, 定语从句修饰表语something。 复合句的主语是“动名词短语Playing tricks on others”。,联想:have a word with sb, 短语中的word前有a ; have words with sb. 与下句的quarrel with sb 意思相同; Word came that he man

3、aged to pass the driving test. Word是“消息”; break the silence 与keep silence 属于习惯用法。,Let out :放大,放出,泄露等,句中作“泄露”解;make out: 理解,辨认出,填写(支票),4. Dont leave the container _ he can get it. in the place B. where C. when D. in which5. _ fire minutes earlier, you could have seen them off. A. should you arrive B.

4、 Had you arrived C. If you arrive D. If you should arrive6. -Did you have any trouble in getting here?-No. _, I would have telephoned you. A. Otherwise B. Therefore C. Anyway D. However,where 引出状语从句,修饰动词leave ,选项A in the place 后加where也行, 这样where从句就成了“定语从句”了。,考查虚拟语气的用法:从主句谓语形式可看出,句子表达的意思是与过去 事实相反的假设,

5、故从句谓语形式应为:had arrived , 答案 B 是省略if 的用法。,Otherwise意思相当于“ If I had had any trouble in getting here,” 表示与过去事实相反的假设。,7. The project failed because of _ enough money.A. it was lacking of B. it lackedC. the lacking D. the lack of8. Marys face suggested that she _ ill, and her parents suggested that she _

6、a medical examination.A. was; has B. should be; had C. was; have D. be; should have9. A fire _ in their workshop and now the workshop _ fire.A. was breaking out; was on B. broke out; is onC. took place; is on D. happened; is over,考查lack当作名词时的用法,它跟介词of 连用;若题干中的because of 改为because, 答案为B,而be lacking 要

7、与in 连用。,第一个suggested是表明,后接陈述语气; 第二个是“建议”,后接虚拟语气,谓语动词用“should + 动词原形“, 其中should可省略。,发生不好的事情,常用break out, 如战争爆发;火灾发生等; happen 常指偶然性发生,take place指按计划发生。,10. Just putting away the dishes, _ . A. the doorbell rang B. Nancy heard the doorbell ring C. the doorbell was heard to ring D. there went the doorbe

8、ll11. My daughter , _ a nice young doctor two years ago , will get married next month.A. got engaged to B. got engaged in C. engaged to D. engaged in 12. I hope this book will be _ to beginners of English.A. some help B. great helpful C. of very help D. of some help,根据putting away 的逻辑主语可以选B,因为只有Nanc

9、y才可能发出“把放好”这个动作。,of +抽象名词help 相当于helpful,got engaged to 与订婚 got engaged in 从事,13.You can give the books to _ need them most. A. those that B. whoever you think C. you think who D. anyone you think14. He was so angry at all _ he was doing _ he walked out. A. what; that B. that; that C. that; what D.

10、what ; what 15. The students _ busily when Miss Brown went to get a book she _ in the office. A. had written; left B. were writing; has left C. had written; had left D. were writing; had left,that从句限制those, 意思是“你可以把这些书交给最需要的那些人。”,第一个that引出定语从句,第二个that 与so 构成搭配。,当一个动作went发生的时候,另一个动作write正在发生; had lef

11、t“表示过去的过去”,16._ the wheelchair, the old man thought of his son who bought it for him. A. Sat B. Sitting C. Sitting in D. When sitting 17. I have good eyesight. I can see _ the distant island in the sea. A. as far as B. so long as C. as long as D. so far 18. It is _ but not _ that Auntie will come ov

12、er to see us. A. likely; possible B. probably; likely C. probably; possible D. possible; probable,Sitting的逻辑主语是the old man, sit 是不及物动词,后面要加介词后 才能接宾语。,As far as 意为“远至”, so far “到目前为止” So long as / as long as 1. “与一样长” 2. 只要,Probable likely / possible,19.This is our school, _ is _ the factory by a riv

13、er. A. it; made up B. which; separated from C. as; divided into D. that; consisted of 20. _, so we have taken Jim to hospital. Which of the following cant be used? A. Something has wrong with Jim B. There is something wrong with Jim C. Something is the matter with Jim D. Something is wrong with Jim

14、21. Good morning. Can I help you? _. How do you want to send them? _. A. I think I should send them by airmail; Id like to buy three ten-yuan stamps B. I want to send these letters to the United States; I guess I should send them by airmail C. Ill fly back to the United States; You may send email to

15、 me D. Stamps, please; Ill write home,Be separated from:与分隔开; be divided into: 把整体分成若干部份,注意: 这是选错题,22.The beef is too hard _.A. to be eaten B. for eating C. eating D. to eat23.I dont like the movie _ at the cinema now but I want to see the one _ next week.A. shown, being shown B. to be shown, to be shownC. to be shown, shown D. being shown, to be shown24. “Im very _ with my own cooking. It looks nice and smells delicious.”“Mm, it does have a_ smell.”A. pleasing, satisfied B. satisfying, pleasingC. satisfied, pleasing D. pleased, satisfied,


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