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1、外研 八年级 下册,Module 6 Hobbies,Unit 2 Hobbies can make you grow as a person,Review,Read the words and expressions loudly.,Words and expressions,personinterestskillactivitysailing,n. 人(通常指成年人)n. 兴趣;爱好n. 技能;技艺n. 活动n. 航海;航行,Words and expressions,come outresultas a resultpleasuresuccess,出版;问世n. 结果;后果结果;因此n.

2、 愉悦;快乐n. 成功;成就,diving,playing basketball,Look at the pictures and guess their hobbies.,skiing,mowing grass (锄草),writing,relaxing,reading,dancing,swimming,counting,drawing a picture,Discuss with your partners about your hobby.,I like collecting because Im interested in My hobby is because,I like _ _

3、because they are useful.,I like collecting because,I like _ model planes because they are interesting.,collecting,collecting umbrellas,I like _ _ because they are beautiful.,collecting kites,My hobby is _ leaves.,collecting,I_ _ _ collecting _ _ because they look cool.,m interested in,toy cars,be in

4、terested in,I_ _ _ collecting _ _ because they are lovely.,m interested in,toy bears,My hobby is because,My hobby is _ stamps because they take up the least space.,My hobby is _ lovely _ because they are fun.,dolls,collecting,collecting,Objectives:,1. To understand the passage about hobbies 2. To be

5、 able to talk about different hobbies 3. To be able to write about hobbies using as well as, such as and as a result,Words: interest skill activity sailing pleasure success,Phrases: as a result come out encourage sb. to do sth.,Patterns: Many students have hobbies, such as As well as Many young peop

6、le love his book, and as a result,Focus on,climbing dancing growing vegetableslooking after animals painting playing volleyball singing writing,Work in pairs. Talk about your hobbies. Use the words and expressions in the box to help you.,Put the hobbies in order of your interest for them. And then w

7、rite five sentences about your hobbies.,How the hobbies can make a person grow: climbing braver, stronger, more careful dancing fitter, more graceful and organised growing vegetables more patient and careful looking after animals kinder, gentler, more patient,painting more artistic, more feeling for

8、 beauty playing volleyball more team spirit, fitter, faster singing more musical, more able to express feelings writing more able to communicate and explain ideas and feelings,Work in pairs. Choose the words from the box to describe your hobbies.,active dangerous healthy interesting relaxing,When sk

9、imming, we read the passage very quickly. We dont need to read every word, or stop to look up words we dont understand; we just need to get a general idea about the passage.,Skimming,Skimming to get general idea,What do you think Davids hobby is?,David Smiths hobby is writing.,Scanning,When scanning

10、, we move our eyes very quickly across the passage. We dont need to read every word, or stop to look up words we dont know; we just need to find the certain information we are looking for.,Scanning to get detailed information,Read the passage and answer the questions.,1. What advantages can hobbies

11、bring to young people?2. What hobbies does David have?,Hobbies can make you grow as a person, develop your interests and help you learn new skills.,David likes writing, playing volleyball and many other things.,3. When did David become a successful writer?4. Will Davids new books be successful?,Afte

12、r his story about the life of a sixteen-year-old boy came out as a book in 2012.,Maybe. The passage doesnt say.,Careful reading to solve difficult points,Language points,1. Hobbies can make you grow as a person, develop your interests and help you learn new skills.爱好可以促使你成长,培养你的兴趣,并帮助你学习新的技能。,“make

13、+ 宾语 + 宾语补足语”结构常有以下两种形式: (1)“make + sb / sth + 形容词(比较级)” 意为“使某人或某物处于某种状态”。,“make + sb + do sth”意为“使某人做某 事”。例如:,The news made us sad. 这个消息使我们感到悲伤。 The boss made him work for a long time. 老板让他工作很长时间。,Wearing a smile on your face not only helps you make friends but also makes you _ (feel) better. (2012

14、江苏南京),Practise,feel,2. and it came out as a book in 2012.并于2012年成书出版。,come out在本句中的意思是“出版,发行”。除此之外,它还有“暴露”“传出”等含义。例如:,When will your new book come out? 你的新书什么时候出版? At last the truth came out. 真相终于大白了。,3. I spend some of my free time playing volleyball for my school team. 我一部分业余时间就用来在校队打篮球。,spend tim

15、e (in) doing sth.表示“花时间做某事”;如果要表示“在事物上花费时间”,则用spend time on sth.。例如:,I spend one hour (in) reading every evening. 我每天晚上花一个小时来读书。 Julia hasnt spent enough time on her child. 茱莉亚在孩子身上花的时间不够。,4. because his hobby has brought him pleasure and success. 因为他的爱好带给他快乐和成功。,success作不可数名词,意为“成功”;也可作可数名词,意为“成功的事

16、(人)”。它加后缀-ful可构成形容词,意为“成功的”;successful加后缀-ly可构成副词,意为“成功地”。它的动词形式是succeed。,Hard work is the key to success. 勤奋是取得成功的关键。 They were successful at London Olympic Games. 他们在伦敦奥运会上做得很成功。,Practise,He manages over 100 big companies. He is considered to be one of the most _ (成功的) businessmen in China. (2012湖北黄冈),


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