外研版小学英语六年级下册《MODULE 8 Unit 1 Helen Keller》(一起点)(00002)

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1、NSE Book 12,Module 8 Unit 1 Helen Keller,台东六路小学 辛欣格,Three Days to See,Helen Keller,She was born in 1880.,When was she born?,But she was a very _ girl and she could_. She _very hard. She learned to_ and _.It was very, very_ for her.,clever,learn,tried,read,write,difficult,Try hard !,“Blind people are

2、 normal people.We can learn and work, too ,”she said.,_,_,_,_,They are deaf/blind. They are normal people. They can .,blinddeafsad,went around the world,wrote bookshelped blindpeoplefamous,2,3,tried hard,tried hard learned to difficult,I couldnt,I could,What could you do then?,What could you do then?,I ,I ,Try hard !Be helpful !,HomeworkListen and read the text 5 times.2. Retell the story about Helen Keller.3. Finish the activity book on page31.,


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