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1、Consonants,by Vera,辅音,辅音,清浊成对有10双,声带振动, p b Multiply,Pat has a Polish pen pal called Peter,Did you pay for the book Pride and Prejudice?,Peel the pineapple and I will prepare the pineapple pie.,Lets try to make the impossible possible.,鼻辅音: m n ,m双唇紧闭,舌头平放,气流从鼻腔送出,声带振动。 n双唇微开,舌尖抵上齿龈,气流从鼻孔里出来,声带振动。 双

2、唇张开,舌尖抵上齿龈,气流从鼻腔送出,声带振动。 dim 朦胧的 din 喧闹 ding 唠叨 seem seen seeing sum sun sung whim 怪想 win wing,摩擦辅音 /f/ /v/,fast few leaf proof safe surf,vast view leave prove save serve,He works hard as if he never knew fatigue. It is very difficult for us to finish it before five.,容易混淆的 v 和 w,区分这两个发音最简单的方法 就是看上齿是

3、否接触到了下唇 v w vast warm voice well vowel twelve serve quick,容易混淆的 r 和 l,r舌尖向上卷起, 舌头不要接触任何部位, 双唇稍微突出,声带振动。 l舌尖抵住上齿龈, 舌尖轻微用力弯曲, 气流从舌的旁边送出。 r l red led right light rock lock correct collect,容易混淆的两个音,容易混淆的 n 和 l 南方人大多都分不清的音 n l need lead night light no low nice lice,容易混淆的 和 ,舌尖微微伸出, 上下齿轻轻咬住舌尖, 送气,但声带不振动。

4、上下齿轻轻咬住舌尖, 送气,但声带需振动。 它们的共同特点是把舌尖含在上下齿之间。而汉语中几乎没有这样的发音方式,因此在发音习惯上给中国学生带来了难度。 通过熟练练习绕口令来改变发音习惯,培养对字母组合th的发音敏感。不要小看这一句话,真正把它练熟,读起来快速流利不出错误,是有相当难度的。, Multiply,They think that these things are better than those as the thicker things are better than thin things.,They will stick together through thick and

5、 thin.,Thanks a lot and there is something over there.,There are 3,333 features on that thrushs throat., tF 与 dV,北方同学注意不要同汉语拼音shi和ri相混,南方同学 注意不要同xi和yi相混。 发音时,舌尖和舌面抬向齿龈后部,舌身弓起,上下齿合拢或相当靠近,口不要张太大,发音时舌面与齿龈之间的空隙狭窄,双唇前伸并外翻,软颚抬起,声带不振动。多数人发音时舌尖抬向齿龈,但有些人却只将舌面抬起,而把舌尖放低. 这两种发音在实际音效上听不出任何差异。还有些人发音时将双唇展平,这种方式下发出

6、的音在效果上显得比正常的更“清晰”。 发音时,主音同音类似,只是送气弱一些,声带要振动。,摩擦辅音/ / / /,cash fish ship shoe,leisure 闲暇 measure 测量 pleasure vision 视觉,Measure for measure.以牙还牙 She sells sea shells on the seashore.她在海边捡贝壳。, 双唇收圆并稍微突出,舌尖接近上齿龈,送气,声带不振动。 双唇收圆并稍微突出,舌头稍微上卷,舌尖接近上齿龈,送气,但声带振动,carts rates Seats / t/ cheep choke 闷塞 larch 落叶松

7、rich,cards raids Seeds /d / jeep joke large ridge 脊,ts 舌尖先抵住上齿,堵住气流,使气流从舌尖和齿龈间送出,声带不振动 dz 舌尖先抵住上齿,堵住气流,使气流从舌尖和齿龈间送出。,t 双唇略微张开突出,舌尖抵住上齿龈,用力吐气,声带不振动。 d 双唇略微张开突出,舌尖抵住上齿龈,用力吐气,但声带需振动。,ts dz t d,破擦辅音/tr/ /dr/,track tree truck try,drag dream drug dry,Never trouble trouble till trouble troubles you. 麻烦不找你,

8、就别自找麻烦。,tr 双唇收圆向前突出,舌尖上翘抵住上齿龈,采取伐r的姿势,声带不振动。 dr双唇收圆向前突出,舌尖上翘抵住上齿龈,采取伐r的姿势,但声带振动。,The Smile of a Snake She speaks slowly and smokes special, expensive cigarettes. As she steps upstairs, her long skirt sweeps over her silver slippers. She is small and smart and sweet-looking. Her skin is like snow. “Y

9、ou have stolen my heart!” I once said stupidly, and she smiled. But when she smiled, she smiled the smile of a snake.,S Z,词首三个辅音连缀在口语中的读音技巧,sp+r在发音时,第一个摩擦音s读得短而轻,第二个爆破音p在发音时必须少送气并与第三个辅音r同时进行完成发音。三个辅音之间不能加元音e。 Spring has sprung today. Spread the toast with fresh butter. Dont sprint across my yard. Wh

10、at a spry(矫健) old man! Spray off after your sprint. Spruce up (dress up) for a night on the town. How did you sprain(扭伤) your ankle. Were ready for that shopping spree(大血拼).,THR,Thrill throat throw threat thrifty thrash through throb thrive throttle thread thrice He threw three strikeouts in the gam

11、e. My heart was throbbing after that thrilling ride at the fair. This throttle seems to be stuck. The sword thrust clean through. What permits bacteria to thrive in the throat? The people are enthralled with the throne.,s+m s+n 辅音连缀,s发音时轻而短促;m发音时长而响亮。 Hes a smart businessman. They were all hungry an

12、d the food smelled good. Its a small world. :发音时:第一个辅音s发音必须轻而短促,第二个辅音m发音长而响亮,声音由弱到强;由轻到响;由短到长。中国学生很容易把辅音s拉得过长,这是因为没有掌握好这类辅音连缀的特点。 s发音时轻而短促;n发音时长而响亮。 His shirt is a white as snow. Her eyes snapped with anger.,浊化,str+元音 sdr+元音 He struck me with a stick.,sk+元音 sg+元音 You scared me.,sp+元音 sb+元音 Actions speak louder than words.,st+元音 sd+元音 Were dealing with it step by step.,


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