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1、2015 高考英语人教版一轮复习课时练习及答案:必修高考英语人教版一轮复习课时练习及答案:必修 4U1 Unit 1 Women of achievement.单项填空1_two exams to worry about,I have to work really hard this weekend.AWith BBesidesCAs for DBecause of解析 with宾语宾补,作原因状语。答案 A2Do you know about the accident?It was Tom rather than his two younger sisters who_injured in

2、the car accident.Awas BwereChas been Dhave been解析 考查时态及主谓一致。句意为:你了解这起事故吗?是汤姆而不是他的两个妹妹在车祸中受伤了。根据句意可知题干叙述的是发生在过去的事情,要用过去时态,又因强调句强调的是 Tom 而不是 his two younger sisters,所以谓语动词要用单数。答案 A3Washing machines made in China have won_worldwide attention and Haier has become_popular name.Aa;the B/;a C/;the Dthe;a解析

3、 第一空为不可数名词,并且表示泛指所以不用冠词;第二空是指海尔变成了一个很受欢迎的名字表示泛指用 a。答案 B4The international agreement,_encourage children not to smoke and help people kick the habit,was signed on February 27.Aintending to Bbeing intended toCintended to Dto intend to解析 intended to 相当于 which was intended to.。答案 C5Only when they hadnt

4、heard from her for a long time_to doubt whether something bad had happened to her.Athey began Bdid they beginCthey had begun Dhad they begun解析 句意为:仅仅当他们很长时间没有收到她的来信时,他们才开始怀疑她是否发生了什么不好的事情。 “only状语从句”放在句首时,句子的主谓部分要进行部分倒装;D项用了过去完成时,表示 begin 的动作发生在主句谓语的动作之前,显然不合逻辑,所以排除 D,故选 B。答案 B6We have to learn to li

5、ve with all kinds of pressure at times although we are leading a_life in modern society.Acompetitive BcomfortableCstressful Dmiserable解析 competitive 竞争(性)的;好竞争的;comfortable 舒适的;安逸的;stressful 有压力的;miserable 痛苦的;极小的。答案 B7Out_,still discussing the fashion show with great interest.Awalked a crowd of you

6、ng girlsBdid a crowd of young girls walkCwere walking a crowd of young girlsDa crowd of young girls were walking解析 考查倒装结构。当 out, in, away, there, here 等副词位于句首时,且主句为名词时,常构成全部倒装。该句的正常语序是:a crowd of young girls walked out, .。答案 A8We should not_and laugh at those who have no homes to shelter from the ra

7、in and wind.Instead,we should be sympathetic of them.Alook forward to Bthink highly ofCpay attention to Dlook down upon解析 考查短语辨析。A 项“盼望”;B 项“高度评价”;C 项“注意”;D 项“蔑视;瞧不起”。句意:我们不应当蔑视和嘲笑那些没有遮风挡雨的家的人们,而是应该同情他们。答案 D9The teacher suggested the dictionary_at once.Abe referred to be boughtBbe referred to being

8、bought Creferred to be boughtDreferred to being bought解析 referred to 为过去分词短语用作后置定语,相当于定语从句 which was referred to。suggest 后的宾语从句的谓语动词用“should动词原形”结构,should 可以省略;该句中 dictionary 与 buy 之间存在被动关系,应用被动语态,即用(should)be bought。答案 C10I left school two years ago.But when I_my school days,it seems as if they wer

9、e a century ago.Alook forward to Blook out ofClook down upon Dlook back upon解析 考查动词短语辨析。句意:两年前我离开学校,但是当我回想起学校生活时,感觉好像一个世纪之前似的。look back upon“回想”,符合句意。答案 D11Everybody knows smoking is harmful to health,but still so many people smoke.Exactly!So our country is planning to start a_against smoking.Awar B

10、campaignCmotion Dstruggle解析 考查名词辨析。A 项的意思是“战争”;B 项的意思是“运动”;C 项的意思是“提议”;D 项的意思是“斗争”。显然只有 B 项符合答语的句意,即“的确!所以我们国家正在计划开展一项戒烟运动”。答案 B12Twothirds of the money_on food and drinks for the homeless people in Japan.Awere spent Bwas spentChas spent Dhad spent解析 此题考查主谓一致。money 与 spend 之间为被动关系,故排除 C、D 选项;时间,金钱作主

11、语时谓语动词常用单数,故 B 项正确。答案 B13We had wanted to finish our task by noon,but it didnt quite_.Afind out Bgive outChand out Dwork out解析 本题考查短语动词辨析。句意:我们原本想中午前完成任务,但是结果并不如愿。find out 发现;give out 分发;用尽;hand out 分发;work out 发展,产生结果。根据句意,work out 为正确选项。答案 D14Lucy has_all of the goals she set for herself in high s

12、chool and is ready for new challenges at university.Aacquired Bfinished Cconcluded Dachieved解析 本题考查固定搭配。achieve ones goals 意为“实现目标”。答案 D15You cant predict everything.Often things dont_as you expect.Arun out Bbreak outCwork out Dput out解析 考查动词短语辨析。句意为:你不可能预知一切,往往事情并不如你所愿。run out 用完,耗尽;break out 爆发;wo

13、rk out 产生结果,发展;put out 熄灭。答案 C.完形填空Growing up,I always dreamed of being a professional skater.After years of hard work,I am living proof that dreams can come true.When I was born,my parents immediately noticed something_1_and the doctor said I couldnt skate.I,however,_2_trying skating in an ice rink

14、(溜冰场),where local skaters_3_perform ice shows.I started taking group skating lessons,and performing on ice came naturally,but I have always been_4_to speak in group settings.One thing Ive never been afraid of is_5_,though.I get nervous,but never_6_.For me,skating has been about being my personal bes

15、t_7_beating others on the ice.I progressed through various_8_rapidly and gave my first ice performance at seven.Soon I started winning local and regional competitions.Thats_9_being on the ice has always been the one place where I can_10_express my own emotions.The ice is like home.When I was nine years old I began training_11_.I would wake up at four oclock in the morning six days a week and skate for five hours.Then Id go to school.Since_12_has always been important in my family,I had no_13_but



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