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1、2015 高考英语人教一轮复习高考英语人教一轮复习【话题阅读与写作话题阅读与写作】第二节第二节【话题写作话题写作】旅游和交通旅游和交通第二节第二节 话题写作话题写作旅游旅游交通交通【深圳市深圳市 2014 高考英语高考英语综合能力测试题(综合能力测试题(6) 】基础写作基础写作(共 1 小题,满分 15 分)以下是你班“自然灾害”讨论会的记录汇总。【写作内容】根据下面方框中的信息,为英语校报写篇报道。时间:时间:三月九日,班会课与会人员:与会人员:全班同学及班主任讨论内容讨论内容1现象:十年来,水灾、地震、台风、海啸和森林火灾日益频繁。2危害:造成数百万人死亡,破坏了大片的肥沃土地。3原因:让

2、人震惊的是,许多自然灾害是由人类行为引起的,人类过多地砍伐森林树木、 严重污染环境,导致气候发生了巨大变化。4建议:地球是我们的家园,我们应该尽力保护它,使它成为适合于我们生活的好地方。【写作要求】1只能使用 5 个句子表达全部内容;2作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。【评分标准】句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。【参考范文】基础写作 (One possible version) On 9th, March, we had a heated discussion on natural disasters in our class meeting, with the whole clas

3、s and our head teacher taking part in. From the discussion, we realize that in the last decade, floods, earthquakes, typhoons, tsunamis and forest fires have become common things, resulting in millions of deaths and severe destruction of rich lands. What shocks us is that it is human behaviors that

4、have brought along many of these natural disasters. Climates have greatly changed because people cut down too many trees in the forests and the environment has been badly polluted. Therefore, it is high time for us to protect the earth to make it a lovely place that is suitable to live in. 8 个高频写作词汇

5、情景专练1afford v买得起;承担得起相关链接waste of energy 能源浪费写作素材 19 月 22 日你所在的城市和另外 107 个城市开展了“无车日”活动,倡议人们选用公共汽车、自行车或步行等绿色交通方式来代替开私家车。该活动得到了全国人民的支持,提高了人们节约能源与保护环境的意识,活动很成功。下面请你用英语写一篇短文介绍该活动,并谈谈开展该活动的必要性,号召更多的城市和居民参与到该活动中来。参考词汇:无车日 Carfree Day;开展 launch写作训练 1Carfree Day was launched in our city and 107 other cities

6、 on September 22,to encourage people to take public transport,ride bicycles or walk instead of driving private cars.The campaign has gained much support all over the country and has raised awareness among all people of energy saving and environmental protection.Its a real success.With_the_developmen

7、t_of_the_economy,more_and_more_families_can_afford_private cars,thus_leading_to_much_heavier_traffic_problems_and_more_serious_air_pollution(随着经济的发展,越来越多的家庭可以买得起汽车,导致更加严重的交通问题和空气污染)Therefore,I think its necessary to launch such campaigns.And I hope more and more cities and their residents will take

8、part in this type of activity.写作素材 2我国是第一自行车大国。但随着经济的发展,越来越多的家庭购买了小汽车。请写一篇英语短文,阐述自行车和汽车各自的优缺点,并谈谈自己的看法。词数 100 左右。写作训练 2Compared with cars,bicycles have many advantages.(1)Firstly,they_are_not_so_expensive_as_cars_and_almost_every_family_can_afford_them(首先,它们不像汽车那么贵,每个家庭都可以买得起)Secondly,riding bicycle

9、s is a healthy form of exercise.They do good to our health.Thirdly,bicycles can save energy and do not cause any pollution.Although cars can bring us a lot of convenience,they also lead to many problems.As we all know,China is a country with a large population.(2)If_each_family_has_a_car,a_large_amo

10、unt_of_energy_would_be_wasted_and_air_pollution_would_become_more_and_more_serious (如果每个家庭都拥有一辆车的话,会浪费大量的能源而且空气污染也会越来越厉害)I hope more and more people can ride bicycles in order to make our planet better and cleaner.2avoid v避免,防止;回避,避开相关链接on the rise 在上升unavoidable adj.不可避免的strengthen the traffic safe

11、ty education 加强交通安全教育obey traffic rules 遵守交通法规写作素材Can Road Accidents Be Avoided?1人们对交通问题越来越关心;2有些人认为交通事故不可避免;3有些人认为交通事故可避免;4我的态度。写作训练At present,more and more cities are faced with the problem of heavy traffic.(1)The_number_of_road_accidents_is_on_the_rise,so_more_and_more_people_are_much_concerned_a

12、bout_traffic_security_problems (交通事故在增加,所以越来越多的在关心交通安全问题)(2)Some_people_say_that_traffic_accidents_are_unavoidable(有些人认为交通事故不可避免)They argue that nowadays traffic is much heavier than before,so traffic jams are difficult to eliminate.With the development of industry and population expansion,the condi

13、tion will be worse.(3)In_my_opinion,most_road_accidents_can_be_avoided(我认为许多交通事故可以避免)The right solution is to lay down more gallop bridges,overpasses and underpasses in big cities.It is well known that the main cause of road accidents is drunk driving and overspeed driving.(4)If_we_strengthen_the_tr

14、affic_safety_education,more_people_will_obey_traffic_rules,and_surely_traffic_accidents_can_be_avoided(如果我们加强交通安全教育,更多的人就会遵守交通规则,当然交通事故就可以避免)3behave v行为,表现相关链接behavior n行为behave oneself 表现得体写作素材 1假如你是高三学生王平,现给某英语报刊写信反映游客在旅游胜地乱刻“某某到此一游”现象。信中须包括:1危害;2原因和解决办法;3请报社向读者发出呼吁。参考词汇:旅游胜地 tourist attraction写作训

15、练 1(1)I_dont_think_it_is_good_behavior_to_write_or_carve_in_the_places_of_interest(我认为在名胜古迹乱写乱画不是好的行为)Not only does this affect the quality of our places of interest,but also it brings the society bad influence.(2)There_is_no_delay_for_you_to_appeal_to_tourists_to_change_their_behavior(呼吁游客改变他们的行为刻不

16、容缓)(3)I_hope_that_the_newspapers_can_help_tourists_to_stop_such_bad_behavior(我希望报社能帮助游客停止这样的恶劣行为)!(4)We_can_make_it_a_rule_to_behave_ourselves_when_travelling(当我们旅游时,我们应使表现得体成为一种规则)!Lets protect these tourist attractions.Travelers should respect the customs of local people and follow the local rules and regulations.Tourists should not smoke in nonsmoking areas or talk loudly.They should learn to keep off the grass.(5)Some_travelers_


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