2015高考英语一轮课下限时训练及答案(人教新课标选修6 unit 1)

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1、2015 高考英语一轮课下限时训练及答案(人教新课标选修高考英语一轮课下限时训练及答案(人教新课标选修 6 Unit 1)Unit 1 Art .单项填空1(2014安徽黄山高三年级七校联考)Go out for what?Why not stay at home and watch the exciting basketball match broadcast?_You promised to take me out for dinner.AGreat! BWhy me?CCome on! DNot at all!2(2013成都第三次诊断)Would you please_the surv

2、ey report for us and see if there are any obvious mistakes?Alook around Blook throughClook into Dlook up3(2014皖南八校第二次联考)Most people have_for certain colors,patterns or categories of clothing.Atalents BpreferencesCexcuses Dresponsibilities4(2013安徽淮北二模)“I believe any_young man can go far in our firm.C

3、ongratulations!” the manager ended.Aaggressive BeffectiveCattractive Dsensitive5(2014新乡市一中模考)_tomorrow,we should put off the match till next Friday.AShould it rained BWere it to rainCIf it would rain DHad it rained6(2014湖南长郡中学、衡阳八中等十二校二次联考)In moments when youre feeling down,read what you wrote previ

4、ously,_will help uplift your spirits.Athat BitCwhich Dwhat7(2014济南市名校第四次诊断性测试)Your statement is too general.Could you be more_about what youre going to do in the future?Aspecial Bspecific Cvivid Dcomplex8(2014江西抚州五校第六次联考)Nowadays it is_of a young generation to take it for granted that parents should

5、 meet whatever they desire.Atypical BcriticalCspecial Duniversal9(2014青岛高三质检)I heard that he grew worse after taking the medicine.Yes.He was_to it.Apermanent BfragileCallergic Ddelicate10As a matter of fact,space flight is_highrisk job for Liu Yang and her partners.A/ BtheCa Dan11Are you going to sp

6、end the summer in Australia?No,I_to go to Canada,but my children begged me to take them to Japan.I agreed.Aplanned Bhave plannedChave been planning Dwill plan12(2014江苏三校 4 月阶段性考试)Out of the train_,whose determined daughter died of cancer after being accepted by Guizhou University.Aa woman stepped Bs

7、tepped a womanCdid a woman step Da woman did step13_made us relieved was_all of those trapped on the island had been rescued after the storm.AWhat;because BWhat;thatCIt;that DIt;because14(2013湖北孝感一模)Shelly had prepared carefully for her biology examination so that she could be sure of passing it at

8、her first_.Aintention BeffortCattempt Dsight15Short and shy,Ben Saunders was the_kid in his class picked for any sports team.Avery BonlyClast Dright.完形填空建议用时 15(2013黄冈 3 月检测)One day I was doing a big cleanup when I_1_a knotted handkerchief with an old dark brown coin inside.I took one look and immed

9、iately_2_an unforgettable time.In 1991,I spent five months in Niger,with sandstorms and great heat.Its_3_and beggars were my biggest and most constant complaint.Street beggars would continually reach out their hands,shouting “Gift!Gift!”One day,I_4_for neighboring Burkina to work in a health clinic.

10、Arriving by taxi at our destination in Burkina,we began to_5_.In darkness,a motorbike with two men approached slowly.Without any_6_,one of them grabbed my pack as the motorbike swept close by.Within seconds,the two were out of sight,_7_up by the night.The bag had my passport,money,travelers cheques,

11、a camera,an airline ticket and other things_8_to me.I was in deep trouble.In the weeks that followed,I_9_guarded the rest of my valuables and regarded all_10_with suspicion.All I wanted was to leave this place.Then,walking through Burkinas streets,I met with an old woman.“Gift!Gift!” she cried.Id ha

12、d enough.I was_11_of the country:its poverty,its thieves,the heat,and the dust.I told her angrily, “A thief stole all my money and now I cant_12_out of your country.I cannot gave you anything.”The woman beggar listened attentively and_13_my words.Then she reached_14_the folds of her dress.“Then I wi

13、ll give you a gift, ” she announced.Kindly,she placed an old,dark brown coin in my hand.I looked at it in_15_.It was a very small amount of money,but for this woman,the coin_16_a meal.At that moment,I felt a shame.In spite of her_17_,she was able to give me something priceless.I saw then the_18_beau

14、ty of the people of Burkina,and appreciated deeply the quiet_19_of the poor.With the old womans gift,I hope never to part with the coin she gave me.With one small coin,she_20_my concept completely.1.Acared about Bcame acrossClooked for Dfocused upon2A.presented Bgave Crecalled Dreminded3A.traffic Bd

15、ustCnoise Dclimate4A.headed BstruggledCstood Dcame5A.move BunloadChide Dpass6A.warning BplanningCthinking Darranging7A.hung BputCswallowed Dcleared8A.obvious BexpensiveCfamiliar Dprecious9A.elegantly BcautiouslyCdependently Dfrequently10A.locals BthievesCbeggars Dmen11A.proud BconsciousCsick Daware12A.get BrunCcome Drush13A.attended to Blooked upCthought about Dwrote down14A.for BintoCout Dat15A.order BvainCserve Dshock16A.meant BmadeC


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